Archive for 'Afghanistan'
Afghan Pitfalls
Posted on24. Apr, 2012 by Asif H Raja.
USA’s stay in Afghanistan beyond 2014 has pitfalls By Brig Asif Haroon Raja The US military supported by the armies of 48 countries including 27 of NATO swooped upon heavily sanctioned impoverished Afghanistan, devoid of regular armed forces, technical and technological means. Afghan Northern Alliance that was in disarray re-conquered Afghanistan with the help of [...]
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Afghanistan: The need to be politically incorrect
Posted on22. Apr, 2012 by Editor.

By Tariq Saeedi Here is the dilemma: To be politically correct, or to be factually correct? When we look at Afghanistan, we try to ignore a big part of the picture: The elephant in the room – The Afghan people. No definite steps can be taken towards lasting peace without taking into consideration the [...]
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Posted on04. Mar, 2012 by Khalid Iqbal.

Armed forces of Pakistan have been under pressure to ‘Do More’. Pakistani military was asked to overstretch itself and engage the targets which Americans could not dare to do themselves. Regional approach of involving adjoining neighbours for a durable solution was looked down upon in the favour of accommodating expansionist designs of distant neighbours with [...]
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Afghan endgame-US version
Posted on11. Jan, 2012 by S M Hali.

Unfortunately for the US and its allies, the Taliban were defeated but not destroyed. After surviving the heavy bombing of Tora Bora, the use of Daisy Cutter bombs and wearing out the initial euphoria of “victorious” George W. Bush, the Taliban reorganized and waged a series of guerrilla campaigns and have virtually defeated NATO, ISAF [...]
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Peace in Afghanistan and the Good American
Posted on07. Jan, 2012 by Nadir Mir.

By Brig Nadir Mir Geopolitics of Peace is an Endeavour by Nadir Mir The world needs peace in Afghanistan (which of course starts with a US troop withdrawal). America’s Vice President Joe Biden recently stated – “The Taliban per se is not the enemy” .This is a step towards peace, which should be welcomed by [...]
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Transition to Transformation
Posted on19. Dec, 2011 by Dr Raja M Khan.

Afghan people must have a realization that NATO and U.S have no love with them. In fact, their own strategic objectives compel them to remain stuck to Afghanistan and Pakistan for promoting a regional instability by promoting terrorism and internally destabilizing both countries as an excuse to continue their mission. By Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan [...]
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Quantum Note: The Bonn Farce
Posted on09. Dec, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

The Bonn Conference of 2001 was a clever reenactment of the Third Reich era. It bulldozed all existing structures, just as Hitler had done, and, instead, it set the ball rolling for a brand new Afghanistan, with a made-in-America Constitution, inaugurating an era in which billions of dollars would flow into a country that had [...]
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Afghanistan: BBC’s Impartiality Questioned
Posted on08. Nov, 2011 by Hanan Habibzai.

BBC commitment to impartiality questioned in its coverage of Afghanistan By Hanan Habibzai This article analysis the work of three media organizations relating to their coverage of the same event in Afghanistan. On 10th February 2011 Lutfullah Mashal, a spokesman from the Afghan National Security Directorate, gave a press conference to the world’s media claiming [...]
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Karzai Follows The Dictates!
Posted on19. Oct, 2011 by Asif H Raja.

Karzai’s preference of India over Pakistan would prove to be a costly affair in the long run By Brig Asif Haroon Raja In second week of September, the US had proposed strategic partnership to Hamid Karzai government. The underlying motive behind the offer was to make Karzai agree to the US plan to leave behind [...]
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Afghanistan: Demographic denial is a democratic denial
Posted on15. Oct, 2011 by Asif H Raja.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja Pakistan had agreed to become a US ally and fight its war to save itself from getting bombed to Stone Age and to become stronger economically, politically, socially and diplomatically. Looking back, none will disagree that Pakistan has been a loser on all counts and it finds itself weaker than [...]