Tag Archives: Ellen Brown
The Myth That Japan Is Broke
Posted on06. Sep, 2012 by Ellen Brown.

The World’s Largest “Debtor” Is Now the World’s Largest Creditor By Ellen Brown Japan’s massive government debt conceals massive benefits for the Japanese people, with lessons for the U.S. debt “crisis.” In an April 2012 article in Forbes titled “If Japan Is Broke, How Is It Bailing Out Europe?”, Eamonn Fingleton pointed out the Japanese [...]
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War-The Fiscal Stimulus of Last Resort
Posted on11. Sep, 2011 by Ellen Brown.

By Ellen Brown “War! Good God, ya’ll. What is it good for? Absolutely nothin’!” So went the Bruce Springsteen pop hit of the 1980s, first produced as an anti-Vietnam War song in 1969. The song echoed popular sentiment. The Vietnam War ended. Then the Cold War ended. Yet military spending remains the government’s number one [...]
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The US: The Market Has Spoken
Posted on07. Aug, 2011 by Ellen Brown.

By Ellen H Brown:
It used to be that when the Fed Chairman spoke, the market listened; but the Chairman has lost his mystique. Now when the market speaks, politicians listen. Hopefully they heard what the market just said: government cutbacks are bad for business. The government needs to spend more, not less. Fortunately, there are viable ways to do this while still balancing the budget.
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Libya: All About Oil
Posted on13. Apr, 2011 by Ellen Brown.

By Ellen Brown:
If the Gaddafi government goes down, it will be interesting to watch whether the new central bank joins the BIS, whether the nationalized oil industry gets sold off to investors, and whether education and health care continue to be free.
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Posted on04. Oct, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Ellen Brown:
There will be a head-slapping moment when title carriers, attorneys, judges and administrative agencies and clerks suddenly realize that the monster created on Wall Street has its equivalent in the public records of counties across the nation. I doubt if more than 6-7% of all the foreclosures in the past 10 years have resulted in clear title delivered to anyone. And the only corrective instrument can come from the original owner. That homeowner is sitting in the catbird seat and doesn’t know it. Millions of people who THINK they have lost their homes still own them and if anyone wants a signature from those people to clear title, they are going to be required to pay dearly, which is at it should be. Eventually the purse gets returned to the victim from whom it was snatched.
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Eagles & Leaders:
Posted on22. May, 2010 by Jeff.

By Tanvir Ahmad Siddiqui Eagles who dared were the symbolic birds in the ideology of Allama Iqbal. Those eagles, falcons and hawks used to nest in commanding positions only in rocks of high rugged peaks, cliffs and on towering oaks. Those eagles who dared to fly in open highs of blue skies are now so [...]
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The Revenge of the Oppressed
Posted on04. May, 2010 by Jeff.

By General Mirza Aslam Beg During the Second World War, Hitler carried out mass murder of Jews, known as Holocaust but the massacre of more than six million innocent Muslims during the last thirty years, by the Russians, Americans, Jews and the Indians, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Palestine and Kashmir has not been given a [...]
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‘Final Solution’ Frenzy –From Afghanistan with Love – Part I
Posted on03. May, 2010 by Jeff.

Editor’s Note: This series by Tariq Saeedi who is based in Central Asia, would be carried by Opinion Maker in full. By Tariq Saeedi With Qasim Jan in Kandahar, Khalil Azad in Kabul, SM Kasi in Quetta, and GN Brohi in Nushki and Dalbandin (nCa) — Had Van Gogh been given a canvas the size [...]
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Donkeys and Demons
Posted on12. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

But today, almost ten years on, this apartheid-style law and order is repeating itself as Judge Denniss at Isleworth Crown Court hands down sentences to young Muslim men who took part in the protests against the war in Gaza.
So far he has sent down 22 young people who have been convicted of public order offences, as a result of taking part in demonstrations in London in December 2008 and January 2009 following the Israeli invasion of Gaza…..Yvonne Ridley
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Obama’s Forgotten Promise to the Muslim World
Posted on10. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

Hopefully, unlike his predecessor’s, President Obama’s legacy will not carry the word ‘shoe.’ Mehreen Saeed