Archive for '9/11'
9-11 Cover Story and Common Sense
Posted on12. Oct, 2012 by Tariq Majeed.

By Tariq Majeed Eleven years after 9-11, some people, including columnists who should be looking at important issues critically, still believe the official US story on the 9-11 attacks, although it was demolished by irrefutable evidence produced by top analysts. One columnist, writing in an influential newspaper, even asserted that common sense demanded that [...]
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Message to the BeLIEvers
Posted on15. Sep, 2012 by Julia Mitchell.

By Julia Mitchell On September 11, 2001, a mass psychological operation was carried out against the American people by our own government and various other entities that shall here remain nameless, because that horse has already been beaten to death to no avail, as it is clear that the vast majority of Americans are more [...]
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911 and its Losses
Posted on22. Jun, 2012 by Hamid Waheed.

By Hamid Waheed The society moved from slavery to freedom, from caves and into civilization through struggle of centuries and generations to recognize human rights and values. The democratic system traditionally rely on the separation of powers and judicial review to protect liberty and impose legal restrictions on government officials including intelligence agencies. But [...]
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Fatal Holes that Sink Bush’s 911 Lie
Posted on01. Mar, 2012 by Len Hart.

Our only consolation is that the FATAL holes in the theory are so large that not even BIG BRO can plug them up. The people themselves could help the cause of TRUTH by honing some elementary skills to include the refusal to SWALLOW utter junk that By Len Hart History is being re-written as we [...]
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AA Exposes Bush’s ‘Big Lie’: Flight 11 DID NOT FLY on 911!
Posted on31. Jan, 2012 by Len Hart.

Conan Doyle, the brilliant creator of the character Sherlock Holmes, said: "When you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains however implausible must be the truth!" You can, therefore, eliminate Bush's official conspiracy theory of 911! It is not only impossible, it's absurd and insulting to intelligent people! By Len Hart American Airlines itself is the [...]
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Posted on19. Sep, 2011 by Khalid Iqbal.

Air Commodore ® Khalid Iqbal Ten years ago, world’s most powerful country [...]
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9/11: Ten Years On
Posted on18. Sep, 2011 by Jonathan Azaziah.

There are no excuses for buying the myth By Martin Iqbal. New York City, New York. On September 8, 2011 – three days before the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the Department of Homeland Security issued a statement warning of a ‘credible, specific, but unconfirmed‘ terror threat in New York City and Washington DC. [...]
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The 9/11 Delusion
Posted on18. Sep, 2011 by Jonathan Azaziah.

Israel’s False Flag, Jingoism And Inhumanity by Jonathan Azaziah Welcome to hell madames and sirs, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, friends and enemies. Welcome to dystopia, a nightmarish incarnation where Orwellianism flourishes like fungus in the darkness of the forest and American jingoism and Western exceptionalism act as its foundational pillars. Welcome to a [...]
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Ignorance and 9/11
Posted on16. Sep, 2011 by Lawrence Davidson.

An Analysis By Lawrence Davidson Part I On Monday 12 September 2011 I had sixty five students in a "Twentieth Century World" history class ask me what I thought were the origins of the 9/11 attacks. I said I was quite willing to tell them what I thought, but first they had to give me [...]
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CIA Knew About 9/11
Posted on16. Sep, 2011 by Susan Lindauer.

The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq What if the government decided to invent a great lie to sell a disastrous war and a questionable anti-terrorism policy? What would happen to the Assets who know the truth? Former CIA Asset, Susan Lindauer, provides an extraordinary first-hand account [...]