Afghan endgame-US version
Posted on 11. Jan, 2012 by S M Hali in Afghanistan

Carpet bombing of Afghanistan
Unfortunately for the US and its allies, the Taliban were defeated but not destroyed. After surviving the heavy bombing of Tora Bora, the use of Daisy Cutter bombs and wearing out the initial euphoria of “victorious” George W. Bush, the Taliban reorganized and waged a series of guerrilla campaigns and have virtually defeated NATO, ISAF and the US, forcing the alliance to seek dialogue with the Taliban.
By S. M. Hali
Most analysts opine that the endgame in Afghanistan is well underway but various versions of it are prevalent. Let us briefly examine the US version, since it is the major perpetrator of “Operation Enduring Freedom”, the code name used by the US government for the War in Afghanistan, together with a number of smaller military actions, under the umbrella of the global "War on Terror" (GWOT). The operation was originally called "Operation Infinite Justice" (often misquoted as "Operation Ultimate Justice"), but as similar phrases have been used by adherents of several religions as an exclusive description of God, it is believed to have been changed and the reference to “crusades” was also dropped to avoid offense to Muslims, who are the majority religion in Afghanistan and the region.
In its initial assault, the US unseated the Taliban, the ruling group in Afghanistan and assumed control of the war ravaged country, torn by strife and turmoil following the Soviet occupation in 1979 and later internecine wars among the various tribal lords. Unfortunately for the US and its allies, the Taliban were defeated but not destroyed. After surviving the heavy bombing of Tora Bora, the use of Daisy Cutter bombs and wearing out the initial euphoria of “victorious” George W. Bush, the Taliban reorganized and waged a series of guerrilla campaigns and have virtually defeated NATO, ISAF and the US, forcing the alliance to seek dialogue with the Taliban. Following fits and starts, which saw Taliban imposters hoodwinking the US and absconding with cash bribes as well as assassins in the guise of Taliban interlocutors eliminating former Afghan President and Head of High Peace Council, Burhanuddin Rabbani, the US has adopted fresh measures. These include the US Vice President Joe Biden making a u-turn and declaring that the Taliban were never the enemy of the US and facilitating the Taliban for establishing a political office in Qatar to be engaged in negotiations “with the international community”, according to Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid.
The choice of Doha as Taliban political office is curious since the Afghan President Hamid Karzai was keen on Turkey or Saudi Arabia as perspective sites but the US will prevailed. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) wants an Afghan solution for resolving the country’s ills, with input from all neighbours. SCO top members Russia and China, as well as perspective members Pakistan and Iran, are opposed to US bases as well as a US sponsored solution in Afghanistan.
The US of course is driven by domestic politics for enforcing an endgame in which it can control the outcome. It is a crucial election year, where a beleaguered President Obama is seeking reelection; economic meltdown and the prolonged presence of US troops in Afghanistan have raised public ire. The Democrats seek to turn adversity into opportunity but the US version of the endgame in Afghanistan is bound for failure, since it is sidestepping Russia, China, Iran and Pakistan, all influential players in the region. Pakistan has blocked the NATO supply routes following the 26/11 unwarranted NATO attack on a Pakistani military check-post killing 24 soldiers; while Russia, which controls the Northern Distribution Network (NDN), is flustered by irresponsible statements from US politicians including Hillary Clinton regarding Putin, is likely to put impediments in the supply route rather than bestow more concessions. If the US is under illusions that the Taliban will permit it to retain its bases in Afghanistan beyond 2014, it is mistaken. The only concession they are likely to afford is severing links with Al-Qaeda and nothing further than that. It should be understood that the US ousted the Taliban’s sitting government. By conducting a dialogue with them they should not be surprised if the Taliban demand the restoration of their government in Afghanistan and declaring the current government of Karzai as illegal.
Pakistan, which can play an important role in the Afghan endgame, is being ignored at the peril of US interests. By not apologizing to Pakistan for the ghoulish attack on its military check-post and instead demanding “do more” and interfering in its domestic affairs has really piqued Pakistan. The US is twisting Pakistan’s arm to abandon the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline, its two Republican Senators John McCain and Mark Kirk as well as independent Senator Joe Lieberman voicing concern regarding the treatment meted out to former Pakistani Ambassador to USA Haqqani are a case in point. The US needs to think through its endgame in Afghanistan and also take cognizance of the sensitivities of Afghanistan’s neighbours.
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Qader Khan
10. Jan, 2012
No power on Earth can touch our invincible Pakistan Army: Imran should avoid making any reference to our brave Pakistan Armed Forces, which has time and again proved its might. Pakistan is gaining ground against the Dajjals in our midst: We have got rid of the most dangerous agents of the RAW-CIA-MOSSAD axis: Mukhtaran Mai, Dr Shazia Khalid of Balochistan, Aasia Bibi, Salman Taseer (and his son), Saleem Shahazad, and now Dr. Baqir Shah. Hussein Haqani & Imran Khan are only a few days away from being despatched to to Jahannam unless they shun the infidels. We shall pursue and cut down Jew-Hindu-Christian agents wherever they hide in our invincible Land of the Pure.
Ahmed Ali
11. Jan, 2012
Problem with covert wars is that your opinion keeps shaking with developments.
Ahmed Ali,
Jobs in Pakistan, Gulf, Middle East
Absent From The Spotlight Does Not Mean End Of Story | Living History
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