Archive for 'Afghanistan'
US In “Bermuda Triangle”
Posted on12. Oct, 2011 by Jawad Raza.

A Way Out for You Uncle Sam By Jawad Raza Khan We have recently finished 10 years of US intervention in Afghanistan, in connection to a man hunt, and for chaining a socio-political ideology against the western world. Without wasting time on conspiracy theories and going into the details of gains and losses of Afghan [...]
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America’s Wondrous Afghanistan!
Posted on09. Oct, 2011 by Khalid Iqbal.

By Air Commodore Khalid Iqbal:
Historic perspective indicates that Afghanistan has never allowed a foreign power to consolidate its occupation. American trajectory indicates that a stable Afghanistan does not suit American interests, thus it has been persistently working for a perpetually capricious Afghanistan; and a simmering Pakistan.
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Afghanistan Returning To Brink
Posted on29. Aug, 2011 by Khalid Iqbal.

Air Commodore (R) Khalid Iqbal Six months ago, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had put forth three corner stones for American policy in Afghanistan; a strong military effort to defeat al-Qaida and support Afghans as they secure their sovereignty, a civilian push to promote economic development and good governance, and a diplomatic surge to support [...]
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Afghanistan: Explosive Disclosures
Posted on07. Jul, 2011 by Editor.

By Tariq M Saeedi:
The officials said that at the time of signing of Bonn agreement, the Afghan side was not in a position to negotiate a fair deal for customs duties and also the Afghan delegation did not have any experience in such negotiations. The western side took advantage of these weaknesses, they said.
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Will Afghan War Shift to India?
Posted on04. Jul, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.
By Sajjad Shaukat:
While observing the ongoing anti-Pakistan developments, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad disclosed on June 7 that there was “accurate information…Americans are to sabotage Pakistan’s nuclear facilities to find dominance over the country.” While also indicating Zionist regime behind the conspiracy, he elaborated that for this purpose, the US can also use “the United Nations Security Council as tool to exercise pressure on Pakistan and weaken its national integrity.”
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Drawdown of American troops
Posted on04. Jul, 2011 by Asif H Raja.

Has it finally arrived? Pakistan is suffering the most in ongoing war on terror which is raging for over a decade and may go on for many more years. It is up against local militants of various hues funded, equipped trained and guided by foreign agencies based in Afghanistan. Bomb attacks and suicide attacks have [...]
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Posted on27. Jun, 2011 by Khalid Iqbal.

By Air Commodore (R) Khalid Iqbal President Obama has announced the draw down schedule of American troops from Afghanistan. Eighteen months ago, he was mis-led by his generals into a massive troop surge that he personally didn't fully support. He has now re-shuffled his war and diplomatic teams to lead the path of de-escalation. [...]
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Afghan Peace Process Picking Steam
Posted on22. May, 2011 by Editor.

By Tariq M Saeedi:
Rabbani has visited Pakistan and Pakistan leadership has made several trips to Kabul to boost the peace talks. On the whole, Pakistan has promised to encourage the talks between AHPC and Taliban although some observers have expressed their doubts about the viability of this idea. During his visit to Pakistan, Rabbani agreed to the idea of creating a mini council – a kind of sub-jirga – to use the resources and space of Pakistan to start talks with Taliban.
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Peace in Afghanistan: Breakthrough in sight!
Posted on18. May, 2011 by Editor.

By Tariq Saeedi:
Just before the hasty start of bombing of Afghanistan after 9/11, the negotiations had reached the stage where the Taliban were ready to expel Bin Laden provided he was sent to a Muslim country except Saudi Arabia or Pakistan and where he could be tried by a Muslim judge under Islamic law. However, Bush administration was not interested in any amicable solution;
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US occupation in Afghanistan
Posted on19. Apr, 2011 by Editor.

By Bill Van Auken:
The bloodiest attack was at a desert base near Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan. A man wearing the uniform of the Afghan army walked into a room where about 40 US and Afghan troops were meeting and detonated an explosive vest he was wearing. Five US soldiers were killed together with four Afghan troops and an interpreter. A number of others were wounded.