Archive by Author
Clinton the ratler
Posted on15. Oct, 2012 by Wayne Madsen.
Clinton's saber rattling protects her personal investments in India By Wayne Madsen Informed intelligence sources in Asia report that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's saber rattling against China is primarily meant to protect her sizable investments in India, especially in that nation's nuclear power industry. Clinton was a major investor in the Dabhol power plant [...]
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Wikileaks Exposed!
Posted on11. Jul, 2012 by Wayne Madsen.
WikiLeaks Syria file dump benefits CIA/NATO By Wayne Madsen WMR's Syrian sources are convinced that the massive release by WikiLeaks of files from Syrian computer networks is further proof that WikiLeaks is a CIA- and Mossad-linked operation designed to target other nations while maintaining plausible "independence" from U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies. The leak of [...]
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Obama and Hillary
Posted on12. Apr, 2012 by Wayne Madsen.

Defamation suit dropped against Larry Sinclair, other defendants By Wayne Madsen In a law suit largely ignored by the corporate media that had political ramifications far beyond charges of defamation, Daniel Parisi, a website operator who claimed that Larry Sinclair, author of a book that alleges that President Obama had engaged twice in homosexual trysts, [...]
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Stratfor leak: Assassination of Obama!
Posted on30. Mar, 2012 by Wayne Madsen.

Are Netanyahu and Mossad planning an aerial assassination of President Obama? By Wayne Madsen In the latest leak from WikiLeaks of hacked e-mails from the private intelligence firm Stratfor, Fred Burton, Stratfor's vice president for intelligence, reveals that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is an intelligence source for Stratfor. However, the e-mails sent by Burton [...]
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Mossad practicing its motto in bomb plots
Posted on16. Feb, 2012 by Wayne Madsen.

"By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War" By Wayne Madsen The motto of Mossad has long been based on practicing the art of deception to engage in covert and overt warfare. Mossad's motto "By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War" (Hebrew: be-tahb?l?t ta`aseh lekh? milkham?h) is being carried out in supposed Iranian-engineered bomb [...]
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Indian RAW cracks down on Mossad operations in India
Posted on15. Feb, 2012 by Wayne Madsen.

By Wayne Madsen An Israeli Chabad sect couple, Rabbi Sheneor Zalman and his wife Yaffa Shenoi, have been told by Kerala police to leave India in fifteen days. The two are suspected by the Indian intelligence, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) of being involved in a covert operation in India linked to the 2008 [...]
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Giffords: The Final Act
Posted on30. Jan, 2012 by Wayne Madsen.

Giffords final act is to go after the drug conspirators who targeted her and judge By Wayne Madsen Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords, severely wounded in a shooting by Jared Lee Loughner on January 8, 2011, had one final item of business before resigning her seat to continue her recovery therapy. Giffords introduced to the House [...]
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More high-level fraud at NSA uncovered
Posted on24. Jan, 2012 by Wayne Madsen.

By Wayne Madsen WMR's sources at the National Security Agency (NSA) have reported more high-level fraud at the agency that now combines signals intelligence and cyber-warfare functions under one officer, Army General Keith Alexander, the NSA director and commander of the U.S. Cyber Command. When Alexander's predecessor at NSA, Air Force General Michael Hayden, was [...]
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Next stop in the Soros: Themed revolution express-Indonesia
Posted on12. Jan, 2012 by Wayne Madsen.
By Wayne Madsen George Soros and his CIA, National Endowment for Democracy (NED), International Republican Institute (IRI), and National Democratic Institute (NDI) minions — the latter two dedicated to spreading the myth of competitive American politics to the rest of the world — are using a simple story of police and judicial corruption in a [...]
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CIA and Russian Protesters
Posted on22. Dec, 2011 by Wayne Madsen.

CIA/Soros funneling money through Georgia to Russian protesters By Wayne Madsen WMR has learned from an eastern European intelligence source that the CIA. Britain's MI-6, and George Soros, who actually fronts for the Rothschild family, has been funneling money to Russian protest movements through the Republic of Georgia. The Soros-style "themed" revolution for Russia is [...]