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Obama and Hillary
Posted on 12. Apr, 2012 by Wayne Madsen in US
Defamation suit dropped against Larry Sinclair, other defendants
By Wayne Madsen
In a law suit largely ignored by the corporate media that had political ramifications far beyond charges of defamation, Daniel Parisi, a website operator who claimed that Larry Sinclair, author of a book that alleges that President Obama had engaged twice in homosexual trysts, had libeled Parisi, has voluntarily dismissed all charges against Sinclair; his publisher, Sinclair publishing; Jeff Rense, a radio show host who wrote the foreword to Sinclair's book; and Sinclair's book distributors, Ingram Content Group and Lightning Sources, Inc. The request for dismissal of the complaint against Sinclair and his publishing arm was made to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia and the request for dismissal of the complaints against Rense and the distributors was made to both the U.S. Court and the U.S. Court of Appeals for D.C.
The decision effectively ends an appeal process by Parisi; his websites Whitehouse.com, Whitehouse Networks Inc, and Whitehouse Networks; and his Patton Boggs attorneys of the February 28, 2012, decision of U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Richard Leon dismissing the case against Sinclair, Rense, Sinclair's book sellers, and his book distributors. Had the appeals process continued, oral arguments would have been scheduled for September and October of this year, a few weeks before the presidential election.
In 2008, when Sinclair first made his allegations about Obama's past homosexual activity known to the public, the Hillary Clinton campaign made contact with Sinclair during the primary seeking further details. WMR was told that a scenario of mutually-assured destruction was laid down by the Obama campaign to Clinton campaign senior staffers: if the Clinton people brought up the gay issue with Obama, they would respond with past lesbian accusations against Mrs. Clinton.
This year, the fact that Sinclair has managed to defeat one of Washington's most powerful and politically-connected law firms, Patton Boggs, by arguing his case pro se, means that the Romney campaign may have seen the festering allegations against Obama as a weak point to be exploited. The dismissal of the original complaint and appeals against Sinclair et al obviously has the White House hoping the "gay issue" with Obama will simply "go away."
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Tags: gay, Hillary, Jeff Rense, Larry Sinclair, lesbian, Obama, Opinion Maker, Wayne Madsen
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Wayne Madsen

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12. Apr, 2012
Being gay or lesbian is no crime in the US, Canada, Britain or EU. In fact, the criticism of gays and lesbians (28 million in the US) is as hateful as criticism of Jews and Israel.
Brain Paddick, former deputy assistant police commissioner and currently London's mayrol candidate - says that being a gay he always felt comfortable among Jews……..
13. Apr, 2012
You miss the point. Can you spell COMPROMISED?
I'm not gay
14. Apr, 2012
Yes, gay people have the right to be gay. Jews have the right to practice their religion. Just wait until an openly gay Jew runs for President, then we will see how America reacts politically. Rohm Emmanuel for President?
Tony Bonagura
16. Apr, 2012
Gay, Bi-Sexual, Crack Head none of that matters, LYING is the issue. It always comes down to the coverup. If we were suppose to believe that Herman Cain is a sexual pervert based upon allegations without an affidavit than we should be able to assume we elected a Bi-Sexual Crack Head as President of the United States based on allegations with an affidavit. These days there is nothing wrong with any of this, more than half of America believe homosexual should be able to get married and Obama admitted to smoking crack in his book Dreams From My Father.
14. Apr, 2012
"… is as hateful as criticism of Jews and Israel."
Sorry, no. Jews and Israel are as open to criticism as any group and/or country. There is absolutely nothing "hateful" about it.
14. Apr, 2012
So criticism of Israel is 'hateful'? We aren't allowed to say anything that might be seen as against the actions of poor little Israel? We can criticize any country but Israel? I don't understand how being critical of gays can conflate with criticism of 'Jews or Israel'. Why bring the Jews into this at all "Rehmat"?
Defamation suit dropped against Larry Sinclair, other defendants
13. Apr, 2012
[...] Opinion Maker Blog this! Recommend on Facebook Share on google plus Share on Linkedin share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Tell a friend Comments comments [...]
Steve (Abbass)
13. Apr, 2012
Gays and Jews are both disgusting and should be stoned. So there.
Obama and Hillary: Defamation suit dropped against Larry Sinclair, other defendants | CounterPsyOps
13. Apr, 2012
[...] By Wayne Madsen [...]
13. Apr, 2012
This means Sinclair must be on the hitlist. He should leave the country while he can.
liberal leaves
13. Apr, 2012
Homosexuality is not the deal breaker. We're numb to that these days. Oblivious. Obama is no ladies man.
The potential explosive is the execution-style murder of Donald Young, choirmaster of Rev. Wright's church, in December 2007, very soon after he (Young) had contact Larry Sinclair to find out how much Sinclair was going to "spill." The two got to talking in a friendly way, and Young told the truth, warning Larry. Young's murder followed posthaste, and was announced in the church before the details were even made public. The Chicago police have been ordered to leave the case alone (naturally, this is Chicago after all.) Mr. B.O. himself need not have done anything "wrong." That's what handlers are for. Young, who appears to have been quite a nice person in many ways, claimed to have had relationships with both Wright and Obama. This is the most icky and sordid presidency yet. At least JFKs escapades were with beautiful young women. It just gets worse and worse.
Anyway, the candidates don't need to do anything, it's done by their handlers, who are thugs. They have to be.
Wayne Pacific
13. Apr, 2012
Don't assume the JFK affairs actrually happened just because someone wrote that stuff. Years ago I read an article which detailed how those who killed him would nex tdestroy his reputaion because they needed to kill his ideas and credibiity as well. I will let yo figure out who "they" are.
Defamation suit dropped against Larry Sinclair, other defendants « Cry and Howl
13. Apr, 2012
[...] here for complete story [...]
Mike Peters
13. Apr, 2012
I don't personnaly care if you're gay/lisbian, that's between you and God. Just stop telling me it's your right while all my constitutional rights are being stripped away!
Jon Carlson
13. Apr, 2012
Obama and Clinton may be German spies destroying America. They both certainly are broken English speakers typical of foreigners and both have destroyed America. Neither has come clean on their genealogy. Ditto for Willy and the Bushes.wwwhoaxofthecenturycom
13. Apr, 2012
Obama gay? Blow jobs in the steam room? Hand jobs in the oval office?
Come on. Just say it. He is a fucking fudge packer and a queer, gay malatoe who is in the white house giving blow jobs to his staff. YES I SAID IT. AND YOU KNOW WHAT? HE WON'T DO A DAMN THING ABOUT IT. WHY? BECAUSE IF HE DID, IT WOULD COME OUT IN THE TRIAL.
Poster's Paradise » Here’s a Wild one
13. Apr, 2012
[...] https://opinion-maker.org/2012/04/obama-and-hillary/# Posted by Fullgoldcrown @ 12:48 pm :: Uncategorized Comment RSS :: Trackback URI [...]
13. Apr, 2012
Obama's former 'Green Jobs Czar,' Mr. Van Jones, who resigned from his post after his early radical left-wing activities came to light in 2009, was in the news with a telling quote April 3rd when he was on MSNBC "Now With Alex Wagner," saying: “I think if President Obama came out as gay… President Obama is not going to lose the black vote no matter what he does.” The Democrats know the 'gay issue' with Obama will never go away, but they hope Americans will no longer care. Look for future attempts to diffuse the problem. It just might work. The public has been programmed to accept perverts for years.
Wayne Pacific
13. Apr, 2012
I would not characterize Obama as gay. He is a trysexual – he will try anything. He even did a little grop on Medvedevs' leg in their last meeting. It was right on camera for all to see. Yep folks, we got an amoral brib taking dop dealing degerate with his finger on the nuclear launch button. Isn't that just dandy.
14. Apr, 2012
Obama is as confused as a blind queer at a weenie roast. Lies are all this weirdo is built from. I retch every time I see his face or hear his voice. Malcolm X woulda been proud of this girly boy son of his. Pffft. What a joke he is.
Quick Hits « bobsbox
14. Apr, 2012
[...] Defamation suit dropped against Larry Sinclair, other defendants (About time) [...]
OAS Summit spoiled by hookers | Rehmat's World
16. Apr, 2012
[...] ally in Latin America. It was attended by more than thirty heads of state in addition to the American birds of a feather, US president Barack Obama and US secretary of state Hillary Clinton – and Canada’s [...]