Giffords: The Final Act
Posted on 30. Jan, 2012 by Wayne Madsen in Opinion

Gabrielle Giffords
Giffords final act is to go after the drug conspirators who targeted her and judge
By Wayne Madsen
Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords, severely wounded in a shooting by Jared Lee Loughner on January 8, 2011, had one final item of business before resigning her seat to continue her recovery therapy. Giffords introduced to the House of Representatives H.R. 3801, titled the Ultralight Aircraft Smuggling Prevention Act. The bill would increase criminal penalties for those smuggling drugs from Mexico into the United States.
However, in addition to adding ultralight aircraft to the aviation smuggling criminal provisions of Section 1590 of the Tariff Act of 1930, Giffords's bill adds "conspiracy" to commit drug smuggling by aircraft to the penalty of "intentionally committing" such an act using aircraft.
Giffords's bill appears to address the conspiracy by certain elements within the federal government, including the CIA and Homeland Security Department, to smuggle drugs and weapons into the United States through special zones created in Arizona under the governorship of now-Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. Giffords's bill also calls for the Defense Department to "leverage" its expertise on Homeland Security, particularly the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, to "detect, track, and engage illicit trafficking" across the U.S.-Mexican border.
On December 9, 2011, WMR reported: "A knowledgeable federal government counter-narcotics source in Arizona has revealed to WMR that the shooting on January 8 this year of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords and U.S. Judge John Roll in Tucson was planned as a twin assassination of two individuals who threatened to expose a weapons-for-drugs smuggling operation carried out by a covert group working under the aegis of the Central Intelligence Agency and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. In fact, the covert operation dates back to when Napolitano was governor of Arizona. Roll had been Chief Judge of the District of Arizona since 2006.
WMR has also been told that while the U.S.-Mexican border operation oversees the smuggling to Mexican drug cartels of weapons, including fully automatic AK-47s, in return for drugs smuggled across the border, mostly delivered by airplanes that make clandestine drops on pre-approved drop zones or landing strips in Arizona, New Mexico, and west Texas, at night, it is only peripherally connected to the "Fast and Furious" operation. Our source said that there were so many weapons being smuggled across the border that some were dropped, including a new AK-47 that was found in a wash on the Arizona side of the border. When the discoverer of the weapon contacted federal authorities about his find, he was told to keep the weapon since there were so many in the area. The "area" in question is said to be a special zone created by Napolitano when she was governor and that the special operations carried out there involve a number of "former" CIA, Navy SEALS, and other Special Operations personnel."
Although Giffords was severaly impaired by the attempted assassination that killed her friend and colleague Judge Roll, she appears determined to expose the shadowy network of CIA and Homeland Security operatives who have opened up the U.S.-Mexican border to wanton arms and drug smuggling.
While President Obama embraced Giffords in a much-publicized bear hug on the floor of the House prior to the State of the Union address, the target of her and Roll's ire, Napolitano, was not present in the House chamber. Napolitano was in Davos, Switzerland for the elitist World Economic Forum. What would have been more interesting than Obama's hugging Giffords would have been any encounter between the outgoing congresswoman and Napolitano.
a WordPress rating system
31. Jan, 2012
Hardest thing to believe is the Judge was a target. I was in Tucson the day of the "supposed shooting" and the news said his trip to Safewary was not planned, just an impulse to go shooping "was in the wrong place at the wrong time."
So who do we believe…mainstream media who lie about most things and ignore the rest…no investigation into the "events" of the day with multiple parts by law enforcement "actors?" Mysterious and shady characters in roles of friends, etc. of the "slain" girl, found on social networking sites with different names, and on an on.
Look at photos of the day of the shooting…look at how Gifford's was being moved, uncovered, no blood on a badage just laying on her head??
You know they are lying, their lips are moving :-/
31. Jan, 2012
I agree the giffords event was staged. They claim she had 1/3 of her head blown off from a point blank 9 mm hollow point bullet yet she has no stitches or scars on her head just a short haircut. She is now being played by a different person acting like she has a head wound it's really pathetic and sickening to watch. Go to Google images and put in "head surgery" and tell me she looks like what you see.
Tom C
31. Jan, 2012
I agree with both of the above comments Homeland Security Drill gone live
Staged event with ACTORS Do your homework look at
BS Detector
31. Jan, 2012
A peculiar aspect of this is that both Loughner and Giffords had Youtube accounts and Giffords had subscribed to two other Youtube users. One was Represetative Skelton's Youtube account and one was to Jared Loughner's Youtube account.
Gifford's subscrition to Jared Loughner's account was removed four days after the shooting.
What was the connection between Loughner and Giffords and why would ANYONE subscribe to his Youtube account?
Why cover it up?
01. Feb, 2012
Type your comment here…Jared Loughner and Gifford went to the same synagogue. You would think that would be included in the countless hours of coverage we had rammed down our throats. The bs detectors aluding to the linked youtube accounts just opens more questions as to how these two knew each other. I smell a patsy.
02. Feb, 2012
I believe that one of the most compelling things to ponder is this: Just how big and far reaching is this "game" that is being run on us?? OK City, Waco, 9/11, Ruby Ridge, back to the Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor, etc….all staged events by our rogue government.
They pull off an event and bam, the media starts it's spin, records (TV/Radio/Internet) start to disappear within hours or days, pre-written legislation begins to show up at the Federal and State levels (Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act and others.) Whistle blowers get suicided. We have the UN Agenda 21 attempting to take us out of the country and forced into cities. Phony "Green" "sustainable living" legislation to take the land and water. They introduce Mexican wolves into North Western states and then punish residents for environmental "sins" against trapping the filthy, dangerous animals.
The brillance of their psychosis is incredible. They keep gnawing and scratching and cutting away at all the freedoms of the people like some weasle from hell.
05. Feb, 2012
What do we do with a government who's providing the drug cartels with the weapons doing the killing. Fast and Furious?
I truly believe they orchestrated the shooting of the judge and Gabrielle Giffords. It all seemed so choreographed, with Sheriff Dupnik, the media, Zero going to give a speech on "civility," and Wasserman Schultz and her continued assaults on the Tea Party. Sheriff Dupnik knew of this young man's mental history. The same state attorney who was there for Fast and Furious was there for the shooting. Who is going to believe a mentally disturbed man, if he says he was recruited by Zero or his henchmen?
They always project what they do on those they consider their enemies. Look at who Zero's friends are, Ayers, Khalidi, various Muslim Brotherhood operatives, who now grace our State Dept. and DHS. I believe they also fingered the Navy Seals, and set them up for death.
All these years I thought I lived in a unique country where this type of thing didn't go on. It's like being married to someone for years, and finding out they have another spouse with children somewhere else. I don't know what's true and what isn't anymore. I just know that I won't trust this government again. I view them as an enemy. The ones that directly do things you can't trust, and the ones who go along, you can't trust.
05. Feb, 2012
Caroline it's much deeper than that. It was a drill
06. Feb, 2012
Wayne, what is your take on our comments?