Tag Archives: Raja Mujtaba
Blasphemy: We don’t Need an Enemy
Posted on25. Sep, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba The blasphemous film ‘Innocence of Muslims’ that was produced in California has rocked the entire world. It has become a global issue that would need a global solution. Most protests though have been self-hurting but Pakistan and Libya made big news. From what I heard from those who saw the film, [...]
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Muslims to Unite to Counter Western Propaganda
Posted on21. Sep, 2012 by Kourosh Ziabari.

Interview: Pakistani Journalist Urges Muslims to Unite to Counter Western Propaganda TEHRAN (FNA)- Pakistani journalist and former advisor to Kuwait Air Force Raja G. Mujtaba believes that the recent blasphemous movie against Islam has been produced to provoke the anger of Muslims around the world so that the Western propaganda machinery may have the excuse [...]
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Pakistan: Attack On PAF Kamra
Posted on16. Aug, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba Pakistan Air Force Base at Kamra was attacked in the very early morning hours today. Kamra, besides an Air Base, is Aeronautical complex also where PAF not only produces her latest JF 17 Aircraft but also has the rebuild facility for its entire weapon system. Attack on Kamra is continuation of [...]
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Roll 300 Heads Save Pakistan-Part 2
Posted on15. Jun, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.
The Black Robin Hood “The nations are born in the hearts of the poets; they prosper and die in the hands of the politicians.” Dr. Allama Iqbal By Raja G Mujtaba The way things are unfolding and developing, none would be left to decide, judge, punish or be punished. The whole pond has become very [...]
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Roll 300 Heads And Save Pakistan!
Posted on07. Jun, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

“The nations are born in the hearts of the poets; they prosper and die in the hands of the politicians.” Dr Allama Iqbal By Raja G Mujtaba Today looking at Pakistan, one is hurt to the bones. The spine begins to shiver and squeak but the pain and the hurt does not subside. Observing more [...]
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Reopening of NATO supplies
Posted on19. May, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

A nation being sold in the name of 'National Interest' By Raja G Mujtaba S M Hali conducted his TV Talk on the subject, whatever views the participants may have but they are not seeing the reality, they cannot read the walls. Messages coming from distance are quite different than the official versions. The video [...]
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Pakistan Navy and Balochistan
Posted on06. Apr, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba Balochistan is the angry brother of the family; never contented and never satisfied. To some extent their grievances are genuine and some have been their own creation. Had they not created their own problems through mismanagement and corruption, the pace of development would have been far greater than what it is [...]
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US overtures and Pakistan’s Stand
Posted on22. Mar, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

Defence & Diplomacy By Raja G Mujtaba Mr. S M Hali held his weekly talk on PTV on the subject where on the panel; author was also present along with Dr. Simbal Khan. Pakistan has paid a very heavy price for American friendship and at the end of the day Pakistan stands isolated and humiliated [...]
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Why should America burn?
Posted on08. Mar, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

A question that every American must ask that why America should burn for israel. By Raja G Mujtaba On Wednesday, last week, Jeff Rense hosted the author to very interesting but very sensitive issues that were discussed in his program that only covered Iran but also other countries like Pakistan, Syria etc. in the region. [...]
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Pakistan Being Subjected to Economic Terrorism
Posted on07. Mar, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

Defence and Diplomacy By Raja G Mujtaba (This paper is based on S M Hali’s weekly TV program Defence and Diplomacy where on the panel he had two eminent personalities who are considered to be authority in their fields of expertise. The video clipping is at the end of the article.) “The challenge of securing [...]