Roll 300 Heads And Save Pakistan!
Posted on 07. Jun, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba in Opinion
“The nations are born in the hearts of the poets; they prosper and die in the hands of the politicians.” Dr Allama Iqbal
By Raja G Mujtaba
Today looking at Pakistan, one is hurt to the bones. The spine begins to shiver and squeak but the pain and the hurt does not subside. Observing more of these Aristotle’s that we have been lumped dropping their wisdom makes one sink to the bottom of the heart. Today there is not a single institution that is viable; name anyone that would appear to be the worst of all. People are dying of hunger, insecurity; jobs are dying out like an epidemic as if plagued for want of electricity, gas, finances etc.
Nasir Sherazi in his two TV Talks as anchor discussed the issue at length that have been placed at the end of the article.
Neither the government nor the opposition is showing any concern. The whole lot looks like a mafia in alliance to plunder and slander. Railways, steel mill, National Airline, power generation, gas etc. all have been made to crumble. Today if a war breaks out, Pakistan Railways is not in a position to move the strategic and reserve forces and ammunition etc. to the destinations. It has been killed very effectively that nothing moves. While there is installed capacity of 22,000 MWs, only 8000 MWs are being produced against a demand of 15,000 MWs. PIA, once a hallmark of Pakistan that conceived and delivered a dozen or so other lines is today rotting and surviving on life support. All being done with an objective, to weaken and make Pakistan vulnerable to outside forces.
On the political horizon, all parties have formed an alliance to run the government; at the same time are also working in alliance to sow deeper wedges amongst the various provinces and ethnic communities to create all sorts of rifts. The strange part is that all these parties have joined hands as partners to run the government. This double standards and hypocrisy is beyond comprehension.
Judiciary is being tossed around, its being scandalized and vandalized none of their judgments are being honored, in fact the government makes sure that when a verdict comes against someone in power, that convict is given a higher or a better post to show a complete defiance of the judiciary. If judiciary that is the last hope of the aggrieved is ridiculed and made fun of then the people lose complete faith not only in the system but in the state as well.
All this is being done as part of a given agenda by the foreign masters. Our politicians like stooges and puppets are busy carrying it out with utmost devotion like a divine commandment. In fact they go and bid higher stakes so that the foreign masters accept them in the seats of power in Pakistan. How very terrifying is this, entire target killings, sectarian and ethnic killings are on the rise with complete impunity to the people in power.
When all other means fail people talk of revolutions; revolutions do not take place to get rid of the corrupt, incompetent and treacherous rulers only but also to quench the venom that gets accumulated over a period of time. It becomes a necessary surgery to rid the main body of the diseased part before it eats the entire body for the recovery and rehabilitation of the society. A major factor for people to revolt is the apathy and disconnect of the ruling class that claims to be the representatives of the people are in fact serving their own interests.

Nasir Sherazi - Anchor
The present ruling elite that comprises of feudal and the business mafia (inclusive of all those who remain in the corridors of power), is both corrupt and treacherous; are in fact the pawns in the game, dancing to the tune of the Zionists and only enhancing their agenda to secure their grip on power. One such agenda is that they invariably target the Army. Targeting Army is a priority of the Zionists who know that Pakistan Army is not only very professional but a patriotic force that stands in the top armies of the world. Qudrat Ullah Shahab, a former bureaucrat who was spiritually enlightened wrote in his book that enemies of Pakistan have concluded that to defeat Pakistan, it’s imperative to demonize Pakistan army in the eyes of its people; without doing so, Pakistan can never be defeated. Here it must be understood by all those who are out to criticize the army that they are harping and dancing on the tunes of the enemy.
In Pakistan, it’s the feudalistic political mafia that is in the forefront. Why this class does not like the Army in particular and the Defence Services in general is very simple to understand. The Defence Forces of Pakistan come from a middle and lower middle class segment, are well trained and educated who can standup to any occasion to defend the country. The very first C-in-C of Pakistan Army Field Marsha Ayub Khan was a son of a JCO and so is the present Chief. In between the two, many names can be counted. They also have the courage to question any political figure of the country that none other have. The feudal feel that army is a threat to their domain hence they spare no occasion to attack the Defence services of Pakistan. It would be wrong to say that Army has not done any wrongs but then those were few individuals and not the institution. In such a case, those individuals must be taken to task but not at the cost of the institution of the Army.
Almost all the feudal belonged to the Unionist Party notoriously known as the Toadies; Toadie is a relocating virus-worm that keeps relocating itself on new preys. True to their genetic traits, the toadies have been moving from one party to another, they have no ideology or commitment to the nation; all they are concerned about is their hold on the power. These Toadies were against the creation of Pakistan, by their very nature, they feel very comfortable in serving their foreign masters. Each one of them who aspire to hold an office of authority in Pakistan goes for a series of Washington yatras (or sometimes go to London) where besides meeting the US administration from a doorman to the president of the US, also hob nob with AIPAC, the power brokers in the US. They get their blessings only once they have committed to work as an extension to the AIPAC global agenda.
The Zionists never keep their eggs in one basket but they place a number of baskets in every country more so in Muslim world. Pakistan being an ideological nuclear power has drawn special focus from the Zionists. Here every party, be it a pure political party or a religious one, has Zionist influence to some degree. Presently all the parties in alliance and PML-N are all on board. This Zionist influence has become more pronounced since 911. They dictate with arrogance and extract whatever they wish to. With the coming in of General Kayani and General Pasha as head of ISI they did stem the rot but still lot more needs to be done.

Dr Moghis
Feudal would never let Pakistan settle to a smooth sail. Pakistan's real problem is the feudal class that deprives the poor of their basic rights. They have large land holdings in Southern Punjab and upper Sind, where their tillers are like slave prisoners. These not so human beings are made to sit on their haunches when the feudal lord talks to them or else keep standing in their rags and no shoes to wear.
Revolutions are no fun; these are never a cup of tea with a piece of cake. Revolutions more than often turn into violence, where blood fills the streets chaos prevails unless it’s well directed and managed from a much higher platform than meager personal agendas. Personal agendas unlike in present so called democratic rule never gain popularity with the masses.
The present unrest in Pakistan is part of a game plan that is being fully endorsed and activated by the Ziono-Hindutwa agents in Pakistan. The leadership of all the above mentioned parties has their deep roots with this menace out to destroy the world peace.
Revolutions and democracy have only one factor in common and that’s support of the masses. Democracy has the beauty to translate personal objectives of the leaders into a mass demand and then enslave them. Revolutions destroy the hurdles and impediments that deprive the people of fair play and collective welfare.
A revolutionary leader would invariably live the life of the masses, Imam Khomeini
In Pakistan, revolution was never such a buzz word as it is today. People on the streets or in their private conversations all are talking revolution in Pakistan. The recent Arab Spring that has toppled the longest ruling dictator Hosni Mobarak has inspired people in the other countries to get rid of the corrupt and the treacherous rulers or the ruling class.
In Pakistan, the politics is controlled and dominated by the feudal or the filthy rich belonging to mafias who rule the country. The so called democratic politics is the sport of the Feudal who want to enslave the poor through this trap. They do not want any challenge to their authority from the educated middle class. These feudal are the agents of the Foreign Masters; hence they have no sympathy for the poor or the country.
Feudal would never let Pakistan settle to a smooth sail. Pakistan's real problem is the feudal class that deprives the poor of their basic rights.
The present regime headed by Zardari and Gillani have shown a strong arrogance and shamelessness towards the people and the country. They have plundered in broad daylight and flouted all institutional norms and values of good governance. They have openly defied the orders of the epic court not one but on several occasions.

Scott Rickard
While talking to Scott Rickard, an American who looks for the truth to its maximum said, “Incredible organizational success. Iceland actually unified against the government, removed all current political officials, held new elections and subsequently created and adopted a new constitution that was ratified by the people. After that, bankers and politicians were arrested, prosecuted and incarcerated. And finally, the national debt and even a great amount of personal debt were repudiated.”
He further stated, “(Syriza) in Greece is another emerging political organization that may be one to watch. It has a lot of similar goals that worked for Iceland. Problem is that NATO and its British, French, Swedish and American masters will likely interfere with the sovereignty of Greece due to both historical and geopolitical influences in the region. Pakistan will face similar challenges.
Financial globalists would be ruined by further nations following Iceland's initiatives.”
According to Scott, breaking the deceptive media that has been carefully constructed for centuries will result in a revolution (peaceful) that humans have not experienced. We are the minutemen of that revolution.
We'll know that humans have adopted informational efficiency when truthful independent information sources become more prevalent and trustworthy than established financial, state, corporate, and military run information sources.
Informational efficiency is the degree to which perception correctly and quickly reflects information and thus the true value of underlying resources. The extent to which the value of resources reflect all information available. People disagree on information and resources all the time. Followers of an efficient information theory agree that perception efficiently deals with all information on a given subject matter must be considered to achieve objectivity, and that biased analysis or speculative assumptions are useless. On the other hand, the primary observation of behavioral analysis holds true that people often make decisions on imprecise impressions and beliefs, rather than rational analysis, rendering information incredibly somewhat inefficient to the extent that it is asymmetrically affected by people.
Nasir Sherazi, the anchor expressed that if 30,000 heads are rolled, Pakistan would have peace for 300 years. Killing or hanging someone is not the objective, what is desired is that quick improvements must be brought in else people are demanding that heads must roll. Once they take to the streets, then nothing would contain them; it would be a wildfire. But one thing is for sure that these toadies have to be sidelined from body-politic.
a WordPress rating system
07. Jun, 2012
I fully support Iceland's REFUSAL to pay brit state mafia
07. Jun, 2012
Paknationals Ahmed Quraishi has a good article on this subject and dicusses these points.
On Pakistani Politicians And The Frontier Corp In Balochistan
Two ex-jail inmates, President Zardari and Prime Minister Gilani, are ruling one of the world’s largest nations
Would any business elect these politicians to run a company, let alone a country?
British, American citizens in power in Pakistan in the name of democracy
Dual-citizens are not welcome in senior positions in any country
A big thank-you to Frontier Corp for holding the peace amid total collapse of elected government
The anti-Pakistanism of American officials is breathtaking. Not even the slightest of respect or appreciation for Pakistan. Leon Panetta will be the third senior US official to visit India and the region since Obama’s visit last year. The Americans continue to pay a hefty price for transporting their weapons through the northern channel but are loath to pay Pakistan a fraction of that or apologize as you do to friends. Utter arrogance. These are the same Americans who gave Pakistan soybeans in exchange for money we paid for F-16s. American officials realize that Pakistani political elite is full of doormats who will relent under the right amount of pressure. Now CIA is ratcheting up its provocations on our border and restarting covert activities inside our country using American diplomatic passports.
This op-ed was first published by The News International.
07. Jun, 2012
Free Pakistan Lunch Is Over, Mr. Panetta – paknationals version
Free Pakistan Lunch Is Over, Panetta – why bother showing equitte to those who will never have any
Roll 300 Heads And Save Pakistan « The Ugly Truth
08. Jun, 2012
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Alami Musafir
08. Jun, 2012
Can you think with your blood cells or with your skin cells ? If all cells in the body have right equal to brain cells to decide an issue, would the
result be better than using only brain cells ? This is why democracy is incompatable with intelligent governance. And this is the main attraction of
democracy to the hidden masters of mankind.
My understanding of Mr Mujtaba's observations on informational efficiency is that this efficiency depends on both the quality of information and the quality of the information processing. Democracy concerns the latter of these qualities.
Think back to the days of the Soviet Union. While many mistakes were made, mainly by Stalin, the USSR was transformed from a backward landlord/serf society to a modern industrial and agricultural superpower. It was achieved under the collective leadership of the Politburo, backed by able technocrats (Gosplan, USSR Academy of Science etc). At every step they had to fight the US and other western powers, but still acheived miracles. Could such a model be used in Pakistan ? And what preparatory steps would it need ?
08. Jun, 2012
Hindustani land, Arabic religion and American dollar is Pakistan. All Bullshit no subsrance. Pakistanis dance before stick what else USA needs to know.
08. Jun, 2012
Listen you dung eating Indian prick. Islam is a religion for all, and it's Arabic roots don't change that. The US dollar BUYS the corrupt treasonous criminal politicians in Pakistan, it does not support Pakistan at all, it only ccontributes to its downfall.
Instead of spewing your impotent anti-Pakistan drivel, how about you go and get yourself a big fat glass of cow piss and swallow it down, since I know you Hindu kafirs do that sort of thing. I myself have need to munch on my nice big BEEF burger lunch. Yum, yum, cow meat.
DrMeatwad Phd
08. Jun, 2012
Your "religion" is nothing more than the third draft of the hebrews goals. It is a fake phony and fraud "religion" that far too many good people have fallen for hook line and sinker. There are some that wish to consume the pole the others are connected to. "For all people"? Hardly. A peaceful religion? Hardly, your internal squables prove that beyond any doubts to an open non-brainwashed humans mind.
Why are ther more than one branch of islam? Because it does not come from any God. A God would not pen an interpretive word now would it.
09. Jun, 2012
The religion is peaceful, although Muslims are permitted to retaliate in kind to violence peretrated against them, which we do. However the teachings are superior in peaceful and inclusive intent compared to the first two vbersions of the same religion, ie: Judiasm and Christianity. I have been a Christian and am a Muslim convert and I did not convert lightly, I do know what I'm talking about, whilst you do not. Judaism had nothing to do with Islam and they only hijacked Christianity around Canstantine's time they did not start Christianity. The "internal squabbles" do not happen in a vacuum they are caused by deliberate instigation of outside enemies. usually influenced by the etrenal enemy, Jews, The British and later the CIA have had to do with the sectarianism which is rife today and they are the ones doing the bombings of Mosques and many of the attrocities which lead to further enmity between mere people who fail their religion, their religion does not fail them. If Islam was not an essentially peaceful religion then given the antagonism against us which has gone on for hundreds of years and which is culminating in this ridiculous "War on Terror" which is a war on Islam in fact; then you would really see some trouble in the world. If those cursed Zionist scum get their way and eventually a real war between the ostensibly Christian West and Islam ensues, that will not be the fault of Islam which as the mainly peaceful 1.5 billion Muslims show. Brainwashing comes in many forms, little man, and none is so brainwashed as one who thinks himself free. I had the benefit of having tried some of what you merely think you understand and I made a rational choice which has proven to have enhanced my life enormously.
The fact there are more than one sect within Islam is regrettable but the Sunni/Shia divide is less than the Catholic'Protestant one if external influences would butt out and the rest are creations of those very Jews you mention, ie: apostacy and hence not Islam anyway. God's word is perfect, but over time men's ideas encroach. That is taught in Islam. Learn more before you spout off would be my suggestion, because merely having an opinion doesn;t make it worthy of being heard.
08. Jun, 2012
Actually I'm intrigued by your use of the perjorative "Bullshit" doesn't it occur to you when you eat the stuff in your religious festivals, (yes I meant dung eater literally) that it is bullshit you're eating? Or is it only dung from female cows you gobble on?
Haroon Wasti
08. Jun, 2012
How ?
Under what law ?
Who would do it and how ?
How will that decision to select 300 be fair and foolproof ?
From the seed of "BAD" a fruit of "GOOD" never grows.or does it ?
Why Hazoor (PBUH) did not allow the angels to strike two hills
together when he got attacked and injured by people in Taif ?
Why did he prefer Tubleegh and corrective techniques rather
than instant remedy ?
Just thinking aloud.
Raja Mujtaba
08. Jun, 2012
Revolutions have their own dynamics and laws. Please watch my TV Talk of 29th May, you would find most of the answers there.
Then as I said in the end, purpose is not to kill but make them realise that the people are fed up and resorting to suicides etc.
I fully endorse your point that from the seed of the bad good wont grow, for this very reason, bad needs to be eliminated.
If it was Hazrath Omar, how he would have reacted? Is also a question.
08. Jun, 2012

"I fully endorse your point that from the seed of the bad good wont grow, for this very reason, bad needs to be eliminated."
I agree partly. I use the bad fruit as a fertiliser. Secondly, sometimes a fruit falls away from the tree and ROTS!
A profound powerful message
"If it was Hazrath Omar, how he would have reacted? Is also a question."
Wisdom, logic, intellegence, planning WELL, ….. are some adjectives that come to mind.
last but not least – if the knowledge is in China than go to China! Obtain whatever you need from wherever it is.
08. Jun, 2012
Exactly, Revolutions tend to create "their own dynamics and laws" Revolutions don't ask permission from anyone, least of all laws invariably created by and at the service of those against whom revolutions must be waged.
I myself feel the purpose should be to kill. What is needed is a severe lesson in people power and one which will make any corrupt, self serving bastards in future think twice before selling out Pakistan. I've said before (weeks ago when I was in Pakistan at the time) that it is past time the Pakistani people should be marching on Islamabad and lynching the scum which has floated to the top of the barrel of corruption which is squatting in your parliament.
08. Jun, 2012
How is Pakistani Whore doing lick her nicely and avoid need for Cow's piss. Jews are coming….
09. Jun, 2012
In Pakistan the cow's piss runs into the ground, whilst in your Indian abortion of a state it runs into the open gobs of your kind Babur. As for whores, I hate to break this to you, but whoredom is common also to your kind, it is virtually unseen in Pakistan. The government are the whores and they are owned by the same scum that India bows down to as a nation, whilst at least the Pakistani nation knows who its enemies are. Jews are already there, and here. The Jews are actually going soon, get with the program you twit. The begginning of the end of the Jew is near and along with them will go their nasty little lackeys. I suggest you extract that kosher dick from your backside lest you be mistaken for one of the vile ones yourself.
Salim Ansari
08. Jun, 2012
The whole foundation of Pakistan is based on fraud. Jinanh and others got the land from the majority of the Hindus under the pretext of forming an Islamic country and guess what they did? Instead of enforcing Sharia they started indulging in "writing a constitution".For Muslims every where The Quran and The Hadith is their Constitution. As per the Sharia if a Muslim is born among non-Muslim majority he is exempt from Jihad and has a duty to remain loyal to the non-Muslim majority and to defend the land. If India were to remain undivided close to half of the parliament would have been Muslim. Partition was the biggest setback for the Muslims and was against the Sharia. There is curse of Allah on this so-called Pakistan. All Pakistani elites carry dual passports so they can run away to a foreign country, unlike Indians who would rather go to jail in India then to run away. Pakistani elites sold the masses to the foreigners so the masses are at the mercy of foreign drones…All of you out there are full of shit and should be ashamed of yousrselves as Muslims who are divided along ethnic lines (Punjabi,Sindhi, Pathan, Mujahir,etc.)…I am proud to be an Indian as I should be…
08. Jun, 2012
Your claim regarding India is extremely flawed to say the least. India is as corrupt as any other state that claims lofty values
And now "Dr K A Paul" real name Anand Kilari, is out on bail (for how much or rather how little?) to "campaign" in elections he cannot win, and has no intention of winning, for an unknown political party that was set up purely so that he could enter India to try to get at his frozen assets.
Mathaba News Agency has hours of audio and video recordings secretly taken of "K A Paul" discussing his political connections and plans, and has attempted to contact various Indian police departments via their web sites and Emails. Not one reply came back.
All Anand Kilari has to do now, is slip out to Bangladesh, it costs only a single $20 bill to get entry even directly via the border post without any real documentation, and from there he can con his way back to Sudan where he has been hiding out, and probably sexually abusing young children yet again.
Journalists in Sudan, if you want a good story, we'll show you how to find this con man, do the research, and do not be afraid of his rubbing shoulders with foolish politicians including Omar Bashir, we'll give you voice!
one of our group member wrote to Indian courts regarding the bbc article – sex/pedophilia in Indian town in the hands of westerners but they ABUSE INDIAN UNDERAGE GIRLS.
where they do not even use Indian currency and the town name is non-Indian! (do your own search!)
the court said that they need court fees before EVEN answering the question. When asked if we paid fees would they take action?
Our group asked India what guarantees India request from the foreign ADOPTION planners (with suicide, pedophilia, drugs use – as recorded in Italy) and ARE Muslim children given to Italian Christians who change the religion of these children
09. Jun, 2012
India was targetted by the British when they endorsed the creation of Pakistan actually. It was a way to tie up India indefinately to limit its rise. That has clearly worked a treat. For the Muslims Pakistan was however a necessity due to the inhuman atrocities that Hindu and Sikh scum visited upon these people. Check the actual history Salim, it does not make Indian's look good at all. My wife's grandmother was an eyewitness to what went on and her stories are bloodcurdiling. Muslims do not engage in such atrocities for it is against our direct teachings in the Q'ran.
That said today Pakistan is in dire shape but it has the usual problem at fault, corrupt, incompetent and treasonous politicians as well as the ever ready Jew conspirators and destroyers waiting to slide thier kosher wedges between any fault lines they can find or invent. At least it is not a Zionist bicth like most Western nations and India.
08. Jun, 2012
Keep liking your Pakistani whore i win't even touch. I'm a Jew does it make you any safer?
09. Jun, 2012
Well Babur that does make sense. A Jew sure. You're obnoxious, a troll and hateful, so yes I can see that. So you're admitting you're a parasite, murderer, pedophile, theif and never to be trusted? Tell me Jew, do you think that sex with girls under 6 or 3 is correct? Have you decided which Rabbi is correct in that Talmud of yours?
At least if you're Jew then you are nearing extinction and what a happy day that will be. The next world war your parasitic kind start will certainly be the end for you lot and forget hiding behind those rocks you usually live under, since even they will refuse to shelter you from your well earned judgement. So are you in the pornography trade, the organ selling trade or are you just a do nothing settler parasite? For sure you are not a banker. I already mentioned that Pakistani whores are few and far between. Pakistani girls are good Muslims and as such as far from your Jewish sluts as any female can be. Remembering a Jewish woman can have sex with a donkey or even a demon and still be eligible to marry a Rabbi. All according to that Talmud of yours Babur.
09. Jun, 2012
Babur, your delusions are amusing. You say you would not touch a Pakistani woman as if you have the option. Do you even realise no Muslim woman would allow a non-Muslim, let a alone a stinking Jew to touch her? I'm glad to know what you are at least, it is good to know that the site has its obligatory cockroach infestation. Pity you're such a low grade one though, your posts are just drivel and good for taking out a bit opf aggression on. I do hope you enjoyed our little chat. Just remember to not eat the dog's dung. Another bit of sage advice from your Talmud explains how to cure pleurisy with it but sees a need to advise against eating the dog's dirt, so I guess that must be a common temptation for Jews too. We already know from statistics that pedophilia and bestiality is very common amongst you.
10. Jun, 2012
Tried 6 pakistani women didn't like mutilated legs. Its gross. Ungodly satanic way of life. 2 were fine but psychology damaged. I like women as a willing and free player in sex. But no fitni fitna mentality. What is your experience mastro?
Alami Musafir
09. Jun, 2012
Mujtaba Saab and fellow readers, the following may be of interest to you:
"The Hutuktu of Narabanchi related the following to me, when I visited him in his monastery in the beginning of 1921:
"When the King of the World appeared before the Lamas, favored of God,
in this monastery thirty years ago he made a prophecy for the coming
half century. It was as follows:
"'More and more the people will forget their souls and care about their bodies. The greatest sin and corruption will reign on the earth. People will become as ferocious animals, thirsting for the blood and death of their brothers. The 'Crescent' will grow dim and its followers will descend into beggary and ceaseless war. Its conquerors will be stricken by the sun but will not progress upward and twice they will be visited
with the heaviest misfortune, which will end in insult before the eye of the other peoples. The crowns of kings, great and small, will fall . . .one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. . . . There will be
a terrible battle among all the peoples. The seas will become red . . .the earth and the bottom of the seas will be strewn with bones . . .kingdoms will be scattered . . . whole peoples will die . . . hunger, disease, crimes unknown to the law, never before seen in the world. The
enemies of God and of the Divine Spirit in man will come.
Those who take the hand of another shall also perish. The forgotten and pursued shall rise and hold the attention of the whole world. There will be fogs and storms. Bare mountains shall suddenly be covered with forests.
Earthquakes will come. . . . Millions will change the fetters of slavery and humiliation for hunger, disease and death. The ancient roads will be covered with crowds wandering from one place to another. The greatest
and most beautiful cities shall perish in fire . . . one, two, three.
. . . Father shall rise against son, brother against brother and mother against daughter. . . . Vice, crime and the destruction of body and soul shall follow. . . . Families shall be scattered. . . . Truth and love
shall disappear. . . .
From ten thousand men one shall remain; he shall
be nude and mad and without force and the knowledge to build him a house and find his food. . . . He will howl as the raging wolf, devour dead bodies, bite his own flesh and challenge God to fight. . . .
All the earth will be emptied. God will turn away from it and over it there will be only night and death. Then I shall send a people, now unknown, which shall tear out the weeds of madness and vice with a strong hand and will
lead those who still remain faithful to the spirit of man in the fight against Evil. They will found a new life on the earth purified by the death of nations.
In the fiftieth year only three great kingdoms will
appear, which will exist happily seventy-one years. Afterwards there will be eighteen years of war and destruction. Then the peoples of Agharti will come up from their subterranean caverns to the surface of
the earth.'"
-Beasts, Men and Gods, Ferdinand Ossendowski
Dr Mahboob Khawaja
09. Jun, 2012
There are plenty of rational points which you have raised to invite thoughtful responses.
However, in order to save the nation as is, CHANGE is needed. But where would the change come from?
I get the impression that the whole nation has been incapacitated to THINK intelligently. Otherwise, Zaradri- Generals would not have lost that long. Raymond Davis case clearly showed that the Generals run the house. The Generals who lack basic moral and intellectual capacity to think of the Islamic Pakistan and the people. There is no street-based political activism. I do think that ptential for change and political activism is there but it is rusted- worn -out, and needs a hi power JOLT to make a new start. That is where you and I come into the scene with new ideas and enthusiasm for change and reformation of the corrupt politics.
Another problem as i see it , stinking filth accumulated by the willful wickedness of the few. A cleanig operation is urgently needed. Again who is there to take the lead? No junior officers will dare to take the risk. We are stuck with bad apples all over the board. Pakistan is losing fast ( or may be it is already lost) what ordinary people gained with courage and commitment the national freedom to establish an Islamic Pakistan, out of the imposed tyranny of the British-Hindu raj. People were the power but it is all quiet on that frozen front.
Mussarat ahmedzeb
10. Jun, 2012
One down 299 to go
10. Jun, 2012
Two down 298 to go.
What a bunch of thugs – pakistan. Talk from both sides….