Tag Archives: Raja Mujtaba
Germany: The Unity Day
Posted on09. Oct, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba Germans are a rare and a pure breed that has its own pride in her Aryan roots. It’s this pride that keeps her unique in many ways. Today, most of the Pakistanis are also Aryans as a result of Aryan migration from Germany in times immemorial. Perhaps, this maybe one of [...]
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Pakistan-US Relations: Aljazeera TV
Posted on01. Oct, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

The US Blame Game, the trust deficit has been created by the US that only the US can improve. It’s not that Pakistan needs the US, need is mutual but within the ambit of respect and dignity. If Pakistan withdraws her support to American efforts in Afghanistan, the US would crumble within a couple of [...]
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Mullah Omar In Kabul
Posted on17. Jul, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba:
What really matters is that when the US and even Hamid Karzai cry wolf and blame Pakistan for harbouring such persons stands exposed. Even the 2nd May incident is all shrouded in mysteries and secrecies on which pretext, Hillary Clinton came with a loud noise that Pakistan should produce Mullah Omar otherwise the US would take strong measures. Obama was not lacking behind either, he threatened Pakistan that if need be the US would attack and recover such people. Now the American duplicity stands exposed. With this story of Mullah Omar, now more doubts have been created about the truth of OBL.
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The War on Terror and It’s Motives
Posted on09. Jun, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba:
Terrorism was created to justify the actions of war. The phony jargons to defeat the enemy is a ploy to create more hatred and more stiff reactions that can be termed as an act of terrorism. Muslims are no extremists or fanatics when seen in context of the Jewish fanatics. Why are the Jews ignored and Muslims targeted must be seen in proper context. Though every Jew is not a Zionist but every Zionist is a Jew therefore it has a natural affiliation for its kin. Islam is the only potent force that’s seen as stumbling block in the way of Zionists expansion. This makes it necessary for the Zionists to eliminate this threat once for all.
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Raja Mujtaba Speaks to Fortress
Posted on17. Apr, 2011 by Editor.

By Tabish Qayum:
“Allah has blessed Pakistan with all that a country needs to remain at top, we have all the natural resources, blessed with four seasons round the year, a very professional military and on top of all very hard working patriotic citizens. Where we lack is the vision and a political will to realize our potential. If we can look beyond Pakistan as a political ideology based on the vision of Iqbal all our internal dissenting powers will be put to rest once for all.” Raja Mujtaba
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Off The Net: End the American Raj
Posted on05. Feb, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba:
As a result, public protests are gaining momentum, people are furious and they are in no mood to show any leniency to the killers. Having lost their total faith in the political leadership their only hope is in the judiciary and the army. Now let’s that Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudry and General Ashfaq Kayani live up to the hopes of the national aspirations.
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Off The Net: Pakistan’s Media Damaging Pakistan
Posted on22. Jan, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba:
The politicians must remember we owe Pakistan to Allama Iqbal, M. A. Jinnah, Nawab Salim Ullah of Dhaka and their colleagues who fought and struggled for Pakistan. Eighty percent of Pakistan take Bhutto to be a breaker and not a maker of Pakistan and so is Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan; who never wanted Pakistan but today he is being projected as an important pillar of the country.
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Off The Net: Wikileaks and Indian Occupied Kashmir
Posted on17. Dec, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba:
WikieLeaks has confirmed that the US and others in the West had the knowledge of Indian State Terrorism still all the trekkers had to ignore the Indian atrocities, torture, rape, killings and illegal detentions, they indulged in some severe Pakistan bashing and filled their coffers. The result was military hardware orders worth billions of dollars.
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The US; bluffer and the Bully
Posted on14. Oct, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja:
Pakistan’s destiny is tied with Taliban ruled Afghanistan. As such, expecting Islamabad to completely get detached from Taliban will be unrealistic and foolhardy, particularly so when the US has befriended anti-Pakistan Northern Alliance and is helping India to become a key player in Afghanistan.
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Afghan War: Charging of Australian soldiers
Posted on14. Oct, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By James Cogan:
An unprecedented controversy has erupted in Australia over the charging of three special forces’ commandos on September 29 for the killing of five children in Afghanistan in early 2009. Just weeks after an election, in which the conflict barely rated a mention, blanket justifications for the Afghan war, and civilian deaths at the hands of Australian troops, have been thrust to the centre of political life.