Tag Archives: Obama
Posted on26. Sep, 2012 by Lawrence Davidson.
AN ANALYSIS BY LAWRENCE DAVIDSON I. The Israel Lobby and How it Operates I. The Israel Lobby and How it Operates Much is being made of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s involvement in the on-going American presidential campaign. His public stance has been characterized as an Israeli effort to “openly…topple [President] Obama.” The truth is [...]
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Nightmares for Netanyahu
Posted on18. Sep, 2012 by Alan Hart.

What might Netanyahu do when his American mob tells him Romney won’t win? By Alan Hart Even before his latest reported gaffe the polls were indicating that Romney will fail in his Zionist-backed bid to deny President Obama a second term in the White House. After the Republican presidential candidate tried and failed to make [...]
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Obama and Hillary
Posted on12. Apr, 2012 by Wayne Madsen.

Defamation suit dropped against Larry Sinclair, other defendants By Wayne Madsen In a law suit largely ignored by the corporate media that had political ramifications far beyond charges of defamation, Daniel Parisi, a website operator who claimed that Larry Sinclair, author of a book that alleges that President Obama had engaged twice in homosexual trysts, [...]
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Netanyahu v Obama-What next?
Posted on16. Mar, 2012 by Alan Hart.

By Alan Hart The headline over an article in Ha-aretz by Bradley Burston on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s poker game with President Obama was If Obama wins in November, is Netanyahu in trouble? That’s a question I’ve had in my own mind for quite some time and it begs another. What, really, worries Netanyahu most [...]
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Why should America burn?
Posted on08. Mar, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

A question that every American must ask that why America should burn for israel. By Raja G Mujtaba On Wednesday, last week, Jeff Rense hosted the author to very interesting but very sensitive issues that were discussed in his program that only covered Iran but also other countries like Pakistan, Syria etc. in the region. [...]
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When is a terrorist not a terrorist?
Posted on16. Jan, 2012 by Alan Hart.

War with Iran or not? By Alan Hart The longer and complete form of the first question in the headline is – When is a terrorist not a terrorist in the eyes of the Obama administration (not to mention all of its predecessors) and the governments of the Western world? Answer: When he or she [...]
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Smashing Greater Central Asia – Part IV
Posted on31. Dec, 2011 by Peter Chamberlin.

Smashing Systematically By Peter Chamberlin The pipeline wars are real wars, in that two or more nations are ordering their civilian and military foot soldiers, on a daily basis, into life or death contests to the finish. For the United States, it is a contest which must be won, if we are to survive, according [...]
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Prepare For Armageddon
Posted on21. Oct, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

Most frightening of everything in this FSB report, however, is the reply Putin gave to Russia’s top generals yesterday when asked what preparations should be made and he answered…. “Prepare for Armageddon.” We will do it with or without you, US tells Pakistan By Raja G Mujtaba Armageddon (commonly known as the battle against the anti-Christ) [...]
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US revisits war strategy
Posted on07. Jul, 2011 by S M Hali.

By S M Hali:
Drones have been in use with United States for over two decades but since 9/11, US drone fleet has grown from a few dozen to 7,000. But in Pakistan, the US made the first killer drone strike on June 18, 2004, since then there was a gradual rise in the number of drone attacks but the White House rapidly enhanced the number of drone strikes since the advent of President Obama.
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Qadaffi: After you Brother!
Posted on28. Jun, 2011 by Franklin Lamb.

By Franklin Lamb:
Key voter groups are rejecting Obama partly because of his war of choice in Libya which is seen as a bad strategic decision with NATO’s actions increasingly becoming a deadly farce with his justification increasingly ridiculed and the cost now more than 500 billion USD.