Tag Archives: Israel Nasr
GAZA: He Broke The Siege
Posted on03. Sep, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Marivel Guzman
Life in Gaza is less than pleasurable, the youth have no other entertainment but few left with enjoyments that are not robbed yet by Israel. The beach is meters safe only, before it becomes a target practice for the Israel Occupying Forces that shoot live ammunition to the beach goers and fishermen as well.
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Iran Sanctions:
Posted on30. Jun, 2010 by Jeff.

The Reason why Russia supported Iran Sanctions nCa Report by Tariq Saeedi Ashgabat, 29 Jun—Gazprom, the largest natural gas company in the world and the mainstay of the Russian economy, is in deep crisis. By Gazprom’s own estimates, it will not be able to reach the pre-crisis level until 2013. It is a conditional assessment: [...]
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A sitting with Mashallah Shakri: The Ambassador of Iran
Posted on27. Jun, 2010 by Jeff.

By Raja G Mujtaba On Monday, I was given the time to be at the embassy at 4 PM. I had asked the time to interview the Ambassador of Iran, H.E. Mashallah Shakri therefore I went prepared with my team of cameramen and photographers to cover the event. There was some confusion to the purpose [...]
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Pakistan the Evil Doer and the Times Square Fizzler
Posted on10. May, 2010 by Jeff.

Were Muslim Evil Doers again at work in New York? By Jeff Gates Is that the lesson to be learned from a May 1st “car bomb” that fizzled while parked alongside the Marriott Hotel in Manhattan’s busy Times Square? Why now? The clues are there if only investigators will follow the facts. With reports of [...]
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‘Final Solution’ Frenzy: Rendezvous with Final Solution – Part III
Posted on09. May, 2010 by Jeff.

Continued from Part Two By Tariq Saeedi With Sergi Pyatakov in Moscow, Mark Davidson in Washington (nCa) — Several things happened since the publication of the second report in this series about a couple of week ago: Karzai finally broke down under tremendous American pressure; after a gap of six years terrorism resurfaced in Russia [...]
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The Revenge of the Oppressed
Posted on04. May, 2010 by Jeff.

By General Mirza Aslam Beg During the Second World War, Hitler carried out mass murder of Jews, known as Holocaust but the massacre of more than six million innocent Muslims during the last thirty years, by the Russians, Americans, Jews and the Indians, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Palestine and Kashmir has not been given a [...]
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On Iran, the U.S. is Painting Itself into a Political and Moral Corner
Posted on03. May, 2010 by Jeff.

By Dr Rodrigue Tremblay “This confrontation [between the forces of the Apocalypse and Israel] is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people’s enemies before a New Age begins”. U.S. President George W. Bush (in a 2003 conversation with French President Jacques Chirac) “Preventive war was an invention of [Adolf] [...]
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Posted on03. May, 2010 by Jeff.

ISRAELIS BLAME TALIBAN GROUP, ONE THEY HAVE BEEN WORKING WITH FOR YEARS By Gordon Duff Who would have believed it? Only days after a warning of an Israeli “false flag” bombing against the US “in the works” a massive car bomb is discovered in Time Square! Better yet, though no intelligence organization in the world [...]
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‘Final Solution’ Frenzy –From Afghanistan with Love – Part I
Posted on03. May, 2010 by Jeff.

Editor’s Note: This series by Tariq Saeedi who is based in Central Asia, would be carried by Opinion Maker in full. By Tariq Saeedi With Qasim Jan in Kandahar, Khalil Azad in Kabul, SM Kasi in Quetta, and GN Brohi in Nushki and Dalbandin (nCa) — Had Van Gogh been given a canvas the size [...]
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Forging a joint Fiqah (Jurisprudence)
Posted on25. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

Rebuilding Iran Pakistan symbiosis for a robust ECO By Moin Ansari Tehran has much to offer Pakistan, and Islamabad much to proffer to Tehran. The people of Iran and Pakistan are brotherly neighbours. The Iran Pakistan pipeline is a pipeline of peace that would reduce power shortages in Mirpur, Gilgit, Waziristan, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta, and [...]