On Iran, the U.S. is Painting Itself into a Political and Moral Corner
Posted on 03. May, 2010 by Jeff in Letters to Editor
By Dr Rodrigue Tremblay
“This confrontation [between the forces of the Apocalypse and Israel] is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people’s enemies before a New Age begins”.
U.S. President George W. Bush (in a 2003 conversation with French President Jacques Chirac)
“Preventive war was an invention of [Adolf] Hitler. Frankly, I would not even listen to anyone seriously that came and talked about such a thing.”
– Dwight D. Eisenhower
“We don’t desire any nuclear proliferation in our region, and our policy is well known regardless of which country has such programs. For us it doesn’t matter whether it is Israel or Iran. I will call on the international community, which is so sensitive toward Iran, to pay attention to Israel, too.”
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s Prime Minister
“Nothing in this Treaty shall be interpreted as affecting the inalienable right of all the Parties to the Treaty to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination.”
The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
By now, most everybody knows that the (2003-) Bush-Cheney Iraq War was based on fiction [http://news.antiwar.com/2009/08/10/elbaradei-regrets-not-doing-more-to-stop-iraq-war/] and on deception [http://www.buzzflash.com/contributors/03/07/22_lies.html]. There was no such thing as “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq, the rationale for an illegal attack against that country. And Bush II and his accomplices knew that.

Obama Targeting Iran on false intelligence
But incredibly, just as the Bush-Cheney administration did in order to launch a war against Iraq in 2003 by (falsely) alleging that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, the Obama-Biden administration, in 2010, is arguing for unilateral sanctions against Iran and even beating the drums of war against Iran, alleging that its program to enrich uranium and operate nuclear power plants is posing an existential threat to Israel, to Europe and to the United States.
Besides being a blatant exaggeration, this is nevertheless most dangerous. Indeed, such an eventual military attack—which, by the way, would be illegal under international law—would also have dire economic consequences, because it would almost certainly result in the closing of the narrow Strait of Hormuz. Should we be reminded that it is through this strait that roughly 40 percent of all world traded oil transits out of the Persian Gulf to the Arabian Sea. Its closing would push the international oil price to unheard of levels.
Therefore, if the pro-Israel lobby and the pro-war neocon press [http://news.antiwar.com/2010/04/29/neocon-press-slams-obama-as-trying-to-soften-iran-sanctions/] were to succeed in 2010-11 in triggering a hot war against Iran, as they did in 2002-03 against Iraq, this could easily turn the current festering financial crisis into a full-fledged worldwide economic depression. Believe me, the last thing the world economy needs now is an oil-shock that would derail the present feeble economic recovery.
But the most disconcerting of all is no doubt the implicit threat recently made by President Barack Obama, on Tuesday, April 6, 2010, to launch a nuclear attack [http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=18620] against Iran and North Korea if these countries refuse to toe Washington’s line. That sort of loose language is most dangerous because it may serve to trivialize the military use of nuclear weapons, a disaster that the world must avoid. The round of pronouncements demonizing Iran and the incessant calls for sanctions [http://www.nationalinterest.org/Article.aspx?id=23134] against a sovereign country by other U.S. politicians is also most unproductive, even though that may make for good domestic politics.
This is of course in addition to the use of unmanned drones to drop bombs on civilians in Pakistan and other American death squad activities [http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article25346.htm] in Afghanistan that the Obama administration has intensified since gaining power. There seems to be a pattern here: No law or moral decency seem to be taken into consideration when such decisions, most likely illegal, [http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article25344.htm] are taken, no matter who is in power in Washington D.C.
It is true that Iran’s domestic politics is not without reproach. This is a country that is run by a mixture of democratic and theocratic rules. However, compared to fundamentalist Islamic Saudi Arabia, Iran is somewhat more democratic and less oppressive of women, even though it does not satisfy all the Western criteria to be a true democratic state. But we don’t declare war on a country because we don’t like its domestic politics. That’s not what the U.N. Charter [http://www.un.org/en/documents/charter/] or the Nuremberg Charter, [http://home.earthlink.net/~platter/nuremberg/charter.html] says.
Logic would have it that all the nuclear countries in that part of the world (Israel, Pakistan, India,) sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), [http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=124679§ionid=351020502] just as Iran has done, because an accidental, or worse, an intentional or provoked, use of nuclear weapons is the greatest threat to the region and to the world. In the long-run, however, the world needs a new and expanded nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT) to prevent nuclear war but, at the same time, to make sure that no country is denied access to nuclear energy that can enhance its economic development. Every country in the world has a right to enrich uranium and operate nuclear power plants.
Dr. Rodrigue Tremblay is an international economist, humanist and political figure who has written 30 book, the last

Dr Rodrigue Tremblay
one being “The Code for GLOBAL ETHICS, Ten Humanist Principles”, [ISBN: 978-1616141721], prefaced by Dr. Paul Kurtz and published this year by Prometheus Books in the United States. Dr. Tremblay is emeritus professor at the University of Montreal.
He has a B.A. from Laval University (1961), a B.Sc. in Economics from the University of Montreal (1963), an M.A. in Economics from Stanford University (1965) and a Ph.D in Economics from Stanford University (1968). He is emeritus professor since 2002.
Among other organizations, Dr. Tremblay is a former president of the North American Economics and Finance Association.
Dr. Tremblay has also held public office in the Government of Quebec, from 1976 to 1979. His previous book “The New American Empire” was published in English, in French and in Turkish.
Since 2008, Dr Tremblay has been contributing his articles to Opinion Maker.
Fayyaz Shah
03. May, 2010
Take away the Jewish and Indian Advisers and the World can come to an understanding with Iran in no time, but then millions of Iranians will suddenly be free.
Tariq J Qureshi (TQ)
04. May, 2010
Some how for U.S and Israel, nobody else matters…
Real mathematical numbers only exist in these two nations, rest is all statistics!
Look at how news are presented. “Today the total U.S casualties in Iraq war stand at 947. There is no mention of 94700 Iraqis the U.S killed. There is no mention of U.S being a occupation army, There is no mention of murdered Saddam Hussain by hanging on muslim Eid day. U.S has killed more iraqis is lesser period, then total natural and unnatural deaths since Iraq’s birth.
The world think tanks know who are masters of false-flag operations to create wars, the reason is to keep the focus off them. So what if Iran has a nuclear program…lets assume for a moment they have a bomb. What will they do?
Here is the real statistics. USA is the only country that has used nuclear bomb in wars. Israel is the only country that have bombed other countries nuclear programs (Syria and iraq. Why does Israel need to be the only country to have a bomb in Middle-East? why is U.S not telling Israel to deposit their bombs in IAEA arsenal?
This is where U.S needs to play as a world leader and a honest broker. You cannot be a broker IF you are already biased. The world is already suspicious of the right intents.
Media, media, media…. the word out there is that the media news are news from the liars, there is no independent media. since 9/11 U.S media has become spokes-person of U.S Government, like the ‘Information Ministries” of banana republics. Where are those independent news, independent reporting………….
Toxick 1
02. Oct, 2010
I thought saddam hussein was hanged by the Iraqis?
pharmacy technician
23. May, 2010
Great information! I?ve been looking for something like this for a while now. Thanks!
On Iran, the U.S. is Painting Itself into a Political and Moral … course university
05. Jul, 2010
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15. Sep, 2010
Jews did 911 and all world wars. Obongo is Jew Blood, a Manchurian Candidate hoisted into power by Jews to destroy the USA.
Toxick 1
15. Sep, 2010
The islamic mindset isn’t responsible enough to have nukes. All it would take is one allah babbling nutjob to decide he wanted his 79 virgins now.
25. Sep, 2010
Muslims aren’t like that.we don’t inflict ourselves n blame some faction.My religion has nothing to do with western agression
25. Sep, 2010
And the junk food mindset is not responsible enough to have the latest and greatest military hardware. Get lost you troll.
Sir Oscar Whiskey
31. Jan, 2011
Whats the Western Mindset capable of?
After all it was the Western Mind that gave us Nazism, Fascism, Communism and Zionism.
It is the Western Mindset that believes in keeping Hosni Mubarak in power.
Israel kills women and children while holding Gay Pride Parades to show the West how tolerant it is. And the Mindset such as your believes it.
25. Sep, 2010
hey toxick, if it needs a nuke to get your brain started into thinking, i would use it if it means i can save the millions of muslims so far murdered by your type of people presently and 10,s of millions in the future!
muslims should not stand for this nonsense of injustice and devilish behaviour from these dajjals cohorts, we respect truth and justice as ordained by the creator. kuffar justice and morals is plain to see with 100,s of millions dead so far by these civilized monkeys from the western world affecting the planet and they zionist jewish masters in the last 100 years alone!!
is this the legacy we are going to leave our children??
slaves of these ignorant misguided devilishly inclined perverts running the world?
we are 1/5th of the human race and we have no voice at all in any political setting, like impotent men we are being led to our destruction by our false leaders, whose armys,navys and airforce cannot battle at all with kuffar forces but are good only for oppression at home!!
what has happened to us???
Mau Mau
02. Oct, 2010
Whole game by anglo-saxons is how to rob the world!
the real terrorist are anglo-saxons who make up largest and most violent illegal immigrantes in the world and have committed unbelivable genocides of native population of what is NOW CALLEd usa/canada/australia/new zealand etc
what do you expect for such people
THEY HAVE GOTAWAY FOR SO LONG,how many people ever mention that english people are largest and most violent illegal immigrates in this world!
Anthony Clifton
02. Oct, 2010
See APFN – Emet Group. The terrorists are ECONOMIC TERRORISTS. Read Secrets of the Federel Reserve by Eustace Mullins. See 911missinglinks.com, and finally know the Truth concerning the proselytes to Talmudic Judaism called the Ashkenazim – Khazar so-called ‘”Jews”, 90% of whom could make exodus for Khazaria and avoid complete anhililation. HURRY!
02. Oct, 2010
The holohoax is the biggest lie of the 20th century! But if millions of jooz were burned, the world would be a far better place! Jooz are the maggots of the human race!
John Taylor
02. Oct, 2010
Some think that Mahmoud is on the globalist side to anger Americans and justify an invasion. Others think that Iran is allowing the bankers into Iran so a potential war has been averted. I believe that Israel perceives Iran as a threat and it controls US foreign policy; therefore a war is inevitable.
A war has to be nuclear since the bunkers can only be penetrated with nuclear weapons. The precident has already been set with widespread use of DU weapons. There is no morality here, this is about hegemony and an attempt to covet global resources by force. The American people are in no small part responsible because they refuse to educate themselves and take measures to get the criminals and thugs out of Washington. Israel has nukes and everyone knows it. The denials have worn thin. Israel has refused to sign an nuclear non proliferation treaty and refuses to allow weapons inspectors on it’s soil; nough said
Washington is seen by the entire middle east and most of the world as hypocritical by supporting Israel on every violation of human rights and on the nuclear issue.
This is all America needs during it’s current financial stress; another expensive military engagement and the potential for bio and other terrorism which could result from it.
The US is also actively violating Pakistan’s air space and prodding an unstable nuclear state. One has to ask what is going on here.
When the war in Iran occurs the entire world will see America and Israel as bullies. This maybe what the globalists want as they enter into the financial stages of establishing a World government; setting the stage for the war of Armageddon, followed by world government.
02. Oct, 2010
“… and nuclear weapons for none.” – Iranian President before the UN in proposing 2011 the year of world wide nuclear disarmament.
That line will surely make it into the next revision. Right?
02. Oct, 2010
Oh. almost forgot… what year was it that Israel signed onto the NTP?
02. Oct, 2010
When will you people realize, America doesn’t care one whit for peace, America 1) will do anything to remain the top dog, 2) will do anything to keep the world trading oil in dollars, 3) has an almost completely sold out (greed/corrupt) Congress whose members work for whoever pays the most, 4) has people at high levels who think the Iraq war was a resounding success because we don’t have to work with Saudi Arabia to have influence in the Middle East, and 5) has people at high levels who will use a false flag attack on American citizens to get public support for any action they want.
This is not the America you learned about in school when you were growing up.
This is not the America you had faith and pride in.
This is not the America envisioned by the founding fathers.
That America is gone.
The people running America are the worst : most corrupt, immoral and unethical people to run the country in its history.
02. Oct, 2010
I will agree with anonymous to an extent, for the most part the America envisioned by the founders is long gone, corrupted, and replaced by a pervasive evil over the last 100 years, and totally by design, but slowly so the sheeple don’t raise their heads while grazing. Many people are waking up, not enough, nor quickly enough. The enemy is wary and sly, and will lie cheat, steal and murder anyone. . I have heard the Capitol building referred to as the Whorehouse on the Potomac, I think it’s a most fitting description of DC as a whole. .
02. Oct, 2010
Who for the last hundred years or so has been the largest and most aggresive nation this word has ever known ?
Who is the biggest supplier of war material and misery ?
03. Oct, 2010
For 1000 years bolted in BOX but now FREE to again?
Before we get to answer, lets understand the backdrop.
Forget about last 100 years….
What world will witness now would create a wave for future.
When we talk of America or India, we witness only one phenomenon, they are being covertly controlled and governed by highly corrupt, immoral, internally-poor people that are just 10% of their population.
While America is believed to be in control of JEWS and INDIA is in control of Bhramin-hindus. These Bhramin-hindus called them-self “super-upper-class” people for centuries and kept ruling lower-hindus lives like ”lifestock”.
India-political-map as in present form never existed before 17th century on world map. UK/British Empire carved/gifted india to world, eversince india has been denying “right to self determination” to everyone and committing genocide/mass-killings for ethinc-minorities including Kashmir, Assam, Panjab, ArunPre, NagaLand and india keeps intoxicating itself as self-made or self-founded nation!
So called ‘political-map-india’ was boxed and enslaved for 1000 years by Mughals/Islam/UK/BritishEmpire from 1000.
Therefore ‘india’ is now out of the bolted BOX and free to “RAGE WARS thru DECEPTION”!
Steve Margineaux
09. Oct, 2010
This began in 1814 with the Battle of Waterloo, when the Rothschilds took over the finances of the British Empire, and then the entire western world. They created communism and capitalism to keep us monkeys chasing our tails in an increasingly confining cage. For their forces, they created Zionism, with Israel as the ideological capitol. Any country or people who follow a different path must either submit or be destroyed by war. It took two world wars to bring Germany to heel. The muslims won’t submit to the House of Rothschild, so they must be destroyed. Any independence of thought is a threat to zionism. In the end, we will all be destroyed.
09. Oct, 2010
Excellent article,but you made you point in one sentence:
“Every country in the world has a right to enrich uranium and operate nuclear power plants.” It’s just that simple.