Tag Archives: Taliban
Afghanistan: Fluctuating Situations
Posted on19. Jul, 2012 by Asif H Raja.
Overview of fluctuating situation in Afghanistan By Brig Asif Haroon Raja Haqqani Network (HN) under Sirajuddin Haqqani based in North Waziristan (NW) was declared the most dangerous outfit when it hit military targets in Kabul several times with impunity on September 13, 2011. Murder of Burhanuddin Rabbani on September 20, 2011 blocked the peace [...]
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NATO Supplies Fuel For Terrorism?
Posted on16. Jul, 2012 by Asif H Raja.
Opening of supply lines will intensify terrorism in Pakistan By Brig Asif Haroon Raja Once the might of US military-NATO got bogged down in the swamp of Afghanistan, rather than making corrections at its end, Pentagon and CIA made Pakistan a scapegoat and blamed it for all their faults. Finding no explanation to offer [...]
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Afghan prospects not necessarily gloomy
Posted on15. Jul, 2012 by Editor.
By Bhadrakumar The two interviews that the United States ambassador to Kabul Ryan Crocker gave last week as he completes his tour by end-July — with Wall Street Journal and Associated Press – are bound to give a rosy picture of the Afghan situation and the prospects ahead. He is actually reflecting on his own tenure, which he would [...]
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Denouncing Terrorist Schemes
Posted on18. Jan, 2012 by S M Hali.

By S. M. Hali Terrorism is the systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion. It comprises those violent acts which are intended to create fear and are committed for a religious, political or, ideological goal; and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants. The perpetrator of these heinous acts is labeled as [...]
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Pakistan: 2011-12 critical years
Posted on23. Sep, 2011 by Asif H Raja.

U.S. intelligence has evidence that Israel has re-sold some of its stolen plutonium material to India in return for that nation providing Israel with missile systems and related technology. By Brig Asif Haroon Raja In its bid to emasculate nuclear Pakistan, US-Israeli-Indian nexus embarked upon a comprehensive not so covert war backed by coercive diplomacy [...]
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Target ISI
Posted on05. Aug, 2011 by S M Hali.

By S M Hali:
However, as the going in Afghanistan got tougher, the whispering started becoming louder, with newspaper reports, Op-Eds suggesting the same becoming more frequent. Complications in operations, rising war casualties and frayed nerves gave rise to RAND Corporation reports and Pentagon analyses that “rogue elements” in ISI were leaking information of impending attacks to the Taliban, allowing them to take evasive action.
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US: Cat is out of the bag
Posted on17. May, 2011 by Asif H Raja.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja:
Pakistan has been charge sheeted on several counts. 102500 US-NATO troops based in Afghanistan are looking for an opportunity to step into FATA under the plea of hot pursuit operations or to dismantle alleged sanctuaries of militants. In order to disable or steal Pak nukes, a huge network of CIA undercover operatives and Blackwater elements are secretly operating in Pakistan.
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The Dynamics of US Talks with Taliban
Posted on23. Feb, 2011 by Dr Raja M Khan.

By Dr Raja M Khan:
Talks and negotiations with the Taliban are the only option with US, if the super power really desires an honourable exit from this country. Pakistan has long been sincerely emphasizing the US to get into the negotiation with the Taliban and war lords, controlling over 70 percent territory of Afghanistan. This is the only way-out, for a durable peace and stability in Afghanistan.
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Why not talk to the Taliban?
Posted on16. Jan, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Dr Haider Mehdi:
Let us examine the entire issue of the so-called “war on terror” in a dispassionate manner: The fact is that our enemy is not the Taliban, but our contemporary allies, who have a history of indiscriminate use of power, lethal brutality and moral-political policy contradictions that have been exposed time and again.
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Posted on24. Jul, 2010 by Brig Samson Sharaf.

A QUESTION OF CONSCIENCE; WHO WILL ANSWER? By Brig Simon S Sharraf Though ordinary citizens may look at war as an end to politics and diplomacy, statesmen of realism paradigm know that it is ‘a continuation of the policy in concert with other means’ (Clausewitz). According to Julian Lider, the transition point to state sanctioned [...]