Denouncing Terrorist Schemes
Posted on 18. Jan, 2012 by S M Hali in Opinion

endless means!
By S. M. Hali
Terrorism is the systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion. It comprises those violent acts which are intended to create fear and are committed for a religious, political or, ideological goal; and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants. The perpetrator of these heinous acts is labeled as a “Terrorist”, who employs clever schemes and wicked propaganda to attract the innocent people to join their ranks/groups. Sometimes terrorists hide under the garb of freedom fighters while at other instances; those engaged in a genuine struggle for liberation are mislabeled as terrorists. Alex Perry, in his Op-Ed: ‘How much to tip the terrorist’ in “Time” magazine of September 26, 2005, clarified that, “There is the famous statement: 'One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.' But that is grossly misleading. It assesses the validity of the cause when terrorism is an act. One can have a perfectly beautiful cause and yet if one commits terrorist acts, it is terrorism regardless.”
Terrorism is classified in six different various types: Civil disorder, Political terrorism, Non-Political terrorism, Quasi-terrorism, Limited political terrorism and State terrorism.
It is beyond the scope of this article to get into the details of each type but terrorism in Pakistan is an aftermath of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. In the 1980s, it began primarily with supporting the Soviet-Afghan War, and helping launch the Afghan Mujahedeen. The conflict brought numerous fighters from all over the world to the region in the name of jihad. These mujahidin conducted guerrilla wars and insurgent activities inside Afghanistan, while the Soviets retaliated by launching terrorist attacks within Pakistan.
The invasion of Afghanistan by the US-led allies following 9/11 and Pakistan’s support for the war on terror catapulted Pakistan into a prime target of terrorist attacks, which now included the suicide bombers as a primary tool. Terrorist employ various means to recruit fresh blood and swell their numbers. Having succeeded to mentally envelop the simple and straightforward individuals into their treacherous folds, the terrorist motivates his ranks by projecting Pakistani security forces as their enemy who have allegedly joined hands with US forces, make flamboyant speeches using glittering phrases and impressive slogans, glorify slain Taliban/Al-Qaeda terrorists by showing their dead bodies with jihadi music/poems (in Pashto) played in the background, construct fake scenes of destroyed Pakistani tanks in Swat and forged photos of Pakistani security forces being eaten up by dogs, presenting Pakistan Army soldiers’ alleged involvement in torturing the prisoners and fictitious pictures of Pak Army soldiers relaxing in hilly areas with US soldiers. The aim is to depict Pak Army as the real enemy while boasting jingles and courageous catchwords are used with a firm resolve to defeat Pak Army. They also show videos of Taliban successes like downing of US Chinook Helicopter, improvised explosive devices (IED) operations and cutting throats of an alleged spy. Such psychological techniques are used to motivate the recruits to undertake terrorist training willingly. They also infuse a ray of hope in their ranks by boasting the fearlessness and heroic bravery of terrorist leaders.
A common technique employed to motivate the youth from tribal regions to become terrorists is to quote out of context extracts from verses of the Holy Quràn advocating martyrs to enter heaven. To make the deception complete, these misguided youth are informed that if they sacrifice their lives in the “cause”, they will enter paradise, where they will be greeted by seventy-two houris and they will also pave the way to have forty of their close relatives to enter paradise, when they die. To further endorse their false claims, the young recruit is handed over a formal and official looking certificate to “book his place in paradise”.
The cancer that has grown into a horrible disease needs to be treated urgently before it takes a higher toll than the 35,000 that have perished so far. There is a need to counter terrorists’ psychological campaign by uncovering their real designs and power motives. They themselves have gone astray and are being supported by foreign masters to accomplish their agenda. The propaganda video clips used by them are totally forged based on malicious intentions. They have no respect for religion and Islam and use brutal acts of violence to meet their objectives. Recent example of cold blooded murder of FC soldiers kidnapped for ransom and or for negotiating easy exchange with their top leaders already arrested by security forces is a clear cut example of their heinous practice, which needs to be checked.
a WordPress rating system
18. Jan, 2012
There is no universal definition of terrorism. Every imperialist power has called its victims who resist its occupation – "terrorists". On the other hand, the moral and international lwas allow the victims of foreign oppression to every mean to wage their resistance against the occupiers.
In a country occupied by a foreign nation – every citizen of the occupier nation is a combatant and legal target of resistance.
18. Jan, 2012
strange but ALL the countries who suffer "TERRORISM" is a product of US/UK interference
Prior to these there was no TERRORISM; SECTS; DISEASES; Natural disasters …..
come the satanic force and hell follows
People lived with each other and even married between them.
say it as it is
TERRORISM is US+UK+WEST+their illegal state israhell
19. Jan, 2012
Your comment is so flawed it hardly warrants a response… However, here are some basic points just to make you think.
The use of terrorism as a power of coersion long pre-dates the US. Vlad the impaler used to (as his name suggests) impale his victims and leave them out on display to discourage any other possible enemies. The Sicarii (dagger-men) carried out campaigns of assassinations against Romans as a campaign of terror. The order of Hashashins is another early practitioner.
But to blame disease, sectarian violence and natural disasters on the West/UK/US interference? Black Plague, Crusades, Pompeii. All pre-dating US or the modern concept of 'the West'.
25. Jan, 2012
Strange that you claim no comment than come up with one.
We are living it in present times why bother going "pre-dates the US"
To prove WHAT? AS regards US: was born exterminating one group of people the native Americans and lives wiping out others
so what pre-dates?
Mystery disease kills 100 in Uganda
obomba who loves slaughtering Africans sent the US goons to Uganda, britshits/italy all have been "rushing" to Uganda
Basic point, nay, keep 'em
Read Rageh Omar brilliant reports on Africom and US slaughter of babies/children and the role of American Frazier.
26. Jan, 2012
Marc the ISSUE is US/UK/WEST the usual ploy of idiots to bring in topics IRRELEVANT doesn't work, get used to it.
From the brilliant works of Mr Lendman
Independent Libyan Fact-Finding Mission
“Tunis Focus” reports that US forces are in Brega, Ras Lanouf, Sirte, and Tripoli's Mitiga International Airport. Moreover, US and NATO helicopters, warplanes, and drones now patrol Libyan airspace. They're surveilling and attacking suspicious targets.
Ahead lies occupation, neo-colonization, pillaging, exploitation, violence and repression. It persists wherever America shows up. So does overwhelming suffering and human misery. Libyans experienced it for months. Much more lies ahead.
Mehboob Alam
18. Jan, 2012
Pakistanis have a dog-like devotion to Iran (probably because of their anti-USA stance) which is rewarded by stinging slaps off and on from our Iranian brothers. Iranian border gaurds regularly raid Pakistani border villages to abduct women. In 2011 alone, about 800 Pakistani women were abducted from border villages by Iranian border gaurds and disappeared inside Iran. PIA is still not allowed to overfly Iranian territory. All this does not reach the mainstream Pakistani media.
18. Jan, 2012
"Terrorist employ various means to recruit fresh blood and swell their numbers. Having succeeded to mentally envelop the simple and straightforward individuals into their treacherous folds,……….of terrorist leaders."
This is straight out of rita katz/al-cia-duh manual.
You forgot the most important "hook" MONEY
Qatar the naTo banker sold themselves to satan on the say so of the cursed house of saud. the saudi thugs are taking a hidden role because they are scared shit if the Muslims will start challenging the rights of these kosher nostra gangs to be the custodian of the most holy sites for Muslims. THE saudis KNOW THAT THE MOST HATED GROUP WITH gcc goons+ latest addition Pakistani gov+ the haliburton chaiwallah+ erdogan, the last for his support of the nato goons in Libya & Syria
look how the fece (frenchies) paid Turkey – Armenian genocide tab
the bloody fece has amnesia regarding Algeria and other fece atrocities
Allah will take care of you traitors
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Denouncing Terrorist Schemes
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Denouncing Terrorist Schemes | Victors Post
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