Tag Archives: Raja G Mujtaba
Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline: A PTV Talk
Posted on26. Dec, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

Defence & Diplomacy A project delayed beyond comprehension By Raja G Mujtaba The Federal Minister’s statement that Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline must go through bears a testimony to what I have been saying over a period of time that Pakistan and Iran have become need of each other therefore we must opt and at the earliest [...]
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Farewell to Mashallah Shakri: The Iranian Ambassador
Posted on25. Nov, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

"We will cooperate with Pakistan in development of security and security of development." Mashallah Shakri By Raja G Mujtaba Mashallah Shakri spent five years in Pakistan where he developed lots of personal contacts and made numerous friends. Normally the diplomats keep a very selective group where they mix around but Mashallah was quite outgoing. He [...]
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Imran Khan: The New Option
Posted on03. Nov, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

Now many failed parties or those that are being threatened to be sidelined would be coming forward to form some alliance or some traditional turncoats would rush to get the party nominations; this Imran will have to see very carefully and not damage the spirit of PTI followers and supporters. Imran listen to your supporters [...]
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PRESS TV Banned in UK!
Posted on23. Oct, 2011 by Kourosh Ziabari.

Ofcom and state-sponsored censorship By Kourosh Ziabari Although the UK's state media regulator Ofcom has ruled that Press TV should be taken off the Sky platform for the compensation of what is claimed to be the violation of "Ofcom's Broadcasting Code," it's almost clear to everyone that the voice of truth and impartiality cannot be [...]
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Prepare For Armageddon
Posted on21. Oct, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

Most frightening of everything in this FSB report, however, is the reply Putin gave to Russia’s top generals yesterday when asked what preparations should be made and he answered…. “Prepare for Armageddon.” We will do it with or without you, US tells Pakistan By Raja G Mujtaba Armageddon (commonly known as the battle against the anti-Christ) [...]
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Wake up Pakistan
Posted on24. Sep, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba:
Pakistan needs to extricate itself very carefully and manage to stand on her own feet. However what Robert J. Herbold has concluded, is more applicable to Pakistan therefore I endorse the same for the people of Pakistan, ‘Wake up Pakistan!’
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Kazakhstan: An Important country of Central Asia
Posted on10. Sep, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba:
Pakistan’s media policy is nonexistent therefore it lacks purpose and direction. Every channel is working with its own agenda and objectives. At least PTV should be made more meaningful that should move out of Islamabad and party patronages, air programmes in regional languages, develop joint productions with ECO member countries for the promotion of culture, tourism, trade, commerce and education etc.
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Pak-US Relations: Need Reevaluation
Posted on17. Jun, 2011 by Asif H Raja.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja:
“America has always treated Pakistan like a spare wheel, use it when needed and then dump it till next need. This has been a checkered history of Pakistan-US relations. Although being old allies, their relations have never remained steady and lasting.
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India Accepts Pakistan Air Force is a Leading Force
Posted on23. Apr, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba:
According to official sources, PAF is in the process of acquiring J10 the latest machine from China. The exact number or its assembly or production in Pakistan has not yet been finalized. This aircraft would surpass most of the advance jet fighters and compete with any aircraft in its class.
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“Off The Net” Kashmir Freedom Movement
Posted on08. Sep, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba:
To conclude, I would like to appeal to the Indian sane mind that please read the writings on the walls that are visible even to blind and do grant the Kashmiris their legitimate rights for self determination. If for some reason this is not heeded to, the consequence can be disastrous not only for India but for the whole region and world peace.