Tag Archives: NATO
Camp Bastion in Afghanistan
Posted on26. Sep, 2012 by Editor.

I've been inside Camp Bastion – and it seemed like the safest place on earth By Sean Rayment, Defence Correspondent It was often said of Camp Bastion that the only correct decision that Britain ever made during its torrid history in Afghanistan was to build the base in the middle of nowhere, with isolation as its [...]
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Gadhafi versus NTC
Posted on14. Jan, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.

Will a pro-Gadhafi “Green Revolution” topple the NTC? By Franklin Lamb Tripoli This observer was stunned late last week when during a meeting in a Maghreb country with three high ranking former Libyan officials, among hundreds currently in hiding, and some organizing, in countries bordering Libya, one of them, in all earnest, asked me, “Do [...]
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Geopolitics of Confusion
Posted on29. Dec, 2011 by Nadir Mir.

US – NATO attack on Pakistan By Brig Nadir Mir US – NATO attacked a non NATO Ally Pakistan! The attack was unprovoked, wanton, cowardly and ruthless. It was open aggression and violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty. US – NATO aggression was condemned or Pakistan received support and sympathy from China, Russia, Iran, OIC (Saudi Arabia) [...]
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Libya: What lies ahead for the NTC
Posted on31. Aug, 2011 by Sobia Hanif.

By Sobia Hanif:
Gloating about their resplendent achievement in Libya, an anonymous British official stated in an interview with the ‘Economist’ that ‘NATO’s involvement in the Libyan uprising means that ‘now we own it”.
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Libya: The Bridgehead Into Africa
Posted on24. Aug, 2011 by Waqar Khan.

By Waqar Ahmed Kauravi:
A few years back Gaddafi had wooed the west by opening Libya to the international community, everything looked hunky dory, Sarkozi, Tony Blair, Berlusconi and even Obama administration embraced the Colonel with accolades of Champion of Africa and the great Berber from the desert.
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Qadaffi: After you Brother!
Posted on28. Jun, 2011 by Franklin Lamb.

By Franklin Lamb:
Key voter groups are rejecting Obama partly because of his war of choice in Libya which is seen as a bad strategic decision with NATO’s actions increasingly becoming a deadly farce with his justification increasingly ridiculed and the cost now more than 500 billion USD.
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Pakistan Forces Clash With NATO Forces
Posted on18. May, 2011 by Editor.

By Keith Jones:
Neither Washington nor Islamabad is seeking to break the reactionary partnership between US imperialism and the Pakistani military. However, as the US recklessly presses forward with its war to subjugate Afghanistan and establish a beachhead in oil-rich Central Asia, and to counter a rising China by courting India, events can easily spin out of control.
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US: Cat is out of the bag
Posted on17. May, 2011 by Asif H Raja.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja:
Pakistan has been charge sheeted on several counts. 102500 US-NATO troops based in Afghanistan are looking for an opportunity to step into FATA under the plea of hot pursuit operations or to dismantle alleged sanctuaries of militants. In order to disable or steal Pak nukes, a huge network of CIA undercover operatives and Blackwater elements are secretly operating in Pakistan.
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Libya: Jihadees are Coming!!
Posted on13. Apr, 2011 by Gen Aslam Beg.

By General Mirza Aslam Beg:
The ‘Unholy Alliance’ of the West, launched the ‘Crusade’ against Gaddafi in support of the rebels, but is having cold feet now, realising that, the Jehadees from the neighbouring countries are entering Libya, in support of Gaddafi.
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Mission Accomplished: Libya for Obama and Coalition
Posted on12. Apr, 2011 by Dr Ashraf Ezzat.

Dr Ashraf Ezzat>
Ousting Gaddafi is hard to fit as serving the American’s interest nor the European’s considering the long 40 years that passed by with Gaddafi as the head of the Libyan oil state with no one grumbling about it from the west. Especially after 2003 which witnessed the honeymoon with the new Gaddafi who had abandoned his support for terrorism as requested from him and dismantled his never really- existed program of weapons of mass destruction immediately following the moment he had wet his pants watching his long pal