Tag Archives: Libya
Lebanon: Imam Musa Sadr
Posted on18. Nov, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.

Does Lebanon Really Want to Solve the Imam Musa Sadr Mystery? by FRANKLIN LAMB Cairo. “It is not too late to re-energize the moribund Sadr-Yaacoub-Badr Eddine inquiry employing proven and widely available investigative techniques. It’s a question of whether there exists the political will on the Lebanese side." Some former Gadaffi officials, among the hundreds [...]
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Gadhafi versus NTC
Posted on14. Jan, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.

Will a pro-Gadhafi “Green Revolution” topple the NTC? By Franklin Lamb Tripoli This observer was stunned late last week when during a meeting in a Maghreb country with three high ranking former Libyan officials, among hundreds currently in hiding, and some organizing, in countries bordering Libya, one of them, in all earnest, asked me, “Do [...]
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Whither Kadaffi Tripoli and Libya
Posted on25. Aug, 2011 by Franklin Lamb.

By Franklin Lamb:
The large gold framed portrait of Colonel Muammar Kaddafi that adorned the wall behind the reception desk of my hotel since it opened many years ago has vanished. Also gone are the 72 green flags that flew on the white poles at the hotel entrance.
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Libya: The Bridgehead Into Africa
Posted on24. Aug, 2011 by Waqar Khan.

By Waqar Ahmed Kauravi:
A few years back Gaddafi had wooed the west by opening Libya to the international community, everything looked hunky dory, Sarkozi, Tony Blair, Berlusconi and even Obama administration embraced the Colonel with accolades of Champion of Africa and the great Berber from the desert.
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NATO’s War Against Libya’s Civilians
Posted on09. Jul, 2011 by Franklin Lamb.

By Dr Franklin Lamb:
Miscarriages in Libya are up dramatically according to the Prelate of the Catholic Church in Libya, Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli, one of the most popular religious leaders in this 99.5% Sunni Muslim country, who informed visitors that in one day at the Green Hospital in Tripoli, following NATO bombing runs in mid March, 2011, there were 50 miscarriages and forty deaths.
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Qadaffi: After you Brother!
Posted on28. Jun, 2011 by Franklin Lamb.

By Franklin Lamb:
Key voter groups are rejecting Obama partly because of his war of choice in Libya which is seen as a bad strategic decision with NATO’s actions increasingly becoming a deadly farce with his justification increasingly ridiculed and the cost now more than 500 billion USD.
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Libya: Jihadees are Coming!!
Posted on13. Apr, 2011 by Gen Aslam Beg.

By General Mirza Aslam Beg:
The ‘Unholy Alliance’ of the West, launched the ‘Crusade’ against Gaddafi in support of the rebels, but is having cold feet now, realising that, the Jehadees from the neighbouring countries are entering Libya, in support of Gaddafi.
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Mission Accomplished: Libya for Obama and Coalition
Posted on12. Apr, 2011 by Dr Ashraf Ezzat.

Dr Ashraf Ezzat>
Ousting Gaddafi is hard to fit as serving the American’s interest nor the European’s considering the long 40 years that passed by with Gaddafi as the head of the Libyan oil state with no one grumbling about it from the west. Especially after 2003 which witnessed the honeymoon with the new Gaddafi who had abandoned his support for terrorism as requested from him and dismantled his never really- existed program of weapons of mass destruction immediately following the moment he had wet his pants watching his long pal
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Libya: The Zionist Dragon and The Drums of War – Part 3
Posted on28. Mar, 2011 by Jonathan Azaziah.

By Jonathan Azaziah:
Israel attempted to run its Dragon Policy in Libya 5-6 years prior to its sanguinary beginnings in Pakistan through British intelligence. A Mossad-MI6 nexus was formed and an “Al-Qaeda” cell was paid handsomely to assassinate Qaddafi in his hometown of Sirte. Anas al-Liby was the leader of this cell. He would be used as a patsy for Mossad in its 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya.
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Libya: A CIA commander for the rebels
Posted on28. Mar, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Patrick Martin:
The US and European intervention in Libya is aimed not at bringing “democracy” and “freedom,” but at installing in power stooges of the CIA who will rule just as brutally as Gaddafi, while allowing the imperialist powers to loot the country’s oil resources and use Libya as a base of operations against the popular revolts sweeping the Middle East and North Africa.