Tag Archives: Libya
Libya: They Need Our Help
Posted on27. Mar, 2011 by Susan Marie.

By Susan Marie:
I understand how the people at Ben Guirdan Ras El Jedire felt, having just survived the 2011 revolution in Tunisia. As a result being free for the first time in 23 years, it is my duty as a human being to give to the refugees. What I witnessed was abject boredom. Already exhausted people waiting in long lines, talk of utter terror, pain, war, bombing, long journeys or no talk at all. Nothing positive to focus on but the last tent where one may board a bus home.
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Libya Invaded
Posted on21. Mar, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Patrick Martin:
What lies behind the war against Libya is not the common front of “civilization” against “barbarism,” as Obama administration spokesmen claim, but the struggle of rival imperialist powers to dominate one of the world’s major sources of oil and gain control of a key strategic location and base of operations against the mass movements erupting throughout North Africa and the Middle East.
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Will Qaddafi be physically eliminated?
Posted on04. Mar, 2011 by Saeed Qureshi.

By Saeed Qureshi:
But with a closed and unyielding mindset, he refuses to accept that he is no more a popular leader and that the Libyan people were fed up with him, and that it was time for him to leave and thus pave way for Libya to usher into a democratic era. Only thereafter, all unwanted restrictions could be lifted, the society could be opened and unchained and the people to choose their representatives through elections.
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Libya: Materiel and personnel in place
Posted on02. Mar, 2011 by Editor.

By Julie Hyland:
In a further indication that the US and Britain are once again preparing to flout international law, the Financial Times said, “Erdogan’s comments suggest it could be difficult for a Western military operation to be conducted under NATO auspices. NATO tends to take decisions on military action by consensus. If it is unable to reach this consensus, the US and UK may be forced to mount a no-fly zone using an informal coalition of willing states.”
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Imperialist hands off Libya!
Posted on01. Mar, 2011 by Editor.

By Patrick Martin:
In other words, Libya is to be turned into a semi-colony, ruled by the United States and its fellow predators from Western Europe, who will seize control of the oil reserves and transform the country’s territory into a strategic base of operations against the mass uprisings now sweeping the Middle East and North Africa.
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US and Europe: Destination Libya
Posted on26. Feb, 2011 by Editor.

By Patrick O’Connor:
Behind the various diplomatic manoeuvres, the major imperialist powers are accelerating their contingency plans for military intervention in Libya. The Obama administration continues to stress that “all options are on the table.” Speaking from Bahrain on Thursday, Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, said, “We are looking at all our capabilities and a range of contingencies, as we always do.”
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Rationales for Indo-Saudi Strategic Partnership
Posted on29. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

By Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan Indian Premier Dr. Manmohan Singh visited the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) from February 27 to March 1, 2010. The Riyadh Declaration–2010, signed as the upshot of this visit is considered as a historical document for the promotion of Indo-Saudi relationship. While tracing the Indo-Saudi history, overall, this was the [...]