Tag Archives: Lawrence DAvidson
Posted on26. Sep, 2012 by Lawrence Davidson.
AN ANALYSIS BY LAWRENCE DAVIDSON I. The Israel Lobby and How it Operates I. The Israel Lobby and How it Operates Much is being made of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s involvement in the on-going American presidential campaign. His public stance has been characterized as an Israeli effort to “openly…topple [President] Obama.” The truth is [...]
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Nationalism vs Capitalism: Guess Which One Wins?
Posted on15. Jul, 2012 by Lawrence Davidson.
An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson Part I – Two Ideologies There are two very powerful, and fully internalized ideologies in today’s America: one is nationalism and the other is capitalism. Nationalism Pope John Paul II once remarked that "pervading nationalism imposes its dominion on man today in many different forms and with an aggressiveness that spares [...]
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Posted on22. May, 2012 by Lawrence Davidson.
AN ANALYSIS By Lawrence Davidson Prisoner of the USA (Guantanamo Prison) Prisoner of Israel (Occupied Palestine) Better News There have been two news stories in the last couple of days that have raised spirits and hopes both in the Middle East and here in the U.S. It is very good to get positive news in a [...]
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US: On The Claim of Exceptionalism
Posted on02. Mar, 2012 by Lawrence Davidson.

An Analysis By Lawrence Davidson Part I – Ain’t We Great? Everyone wants to be exceptional, to be special, to be great at something. Parents spend a lot of time assuring their children that they are indeed exceptional, even though they often know that the their offspring will spend their working lives selling mattresses [...]
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Rick Santorum’s Plans For America
Posted on13. Feb, 2012 by Lawrence Davidson.

An Analysis By Lawrence Davidson Former Pennsylvania Senator, Rick Santorum, is a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination who is fast coming to the fore. He won the Republican primary in Iowa (albeit by only 34 votes) in early January and in February won the primaries in Colorado, Missouri and Minnesota. So, as the [...]
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Democracy in the Middle East: Why the Islamists Win
Posted on29. Jan, 2012 by Lawrence Davidson.

An Analysis By Lawrence Davidson Part I – Two Democratic Elections There have now been two democratic elections in the Middle East as a consequence of the Arab Spring. One was in Tunisia in October 2011, and the recent staggered elections of December 2011-January 2012 for a lower house of parliament in Egypt. In both [...]
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Iran and the Issue of Nuclear Weapons
Posted on11. Jun, 2011 by Lawrence Davidson.

By Prof Lawrence Davidson:
What happens when a well armed individual cannot tell the difference between reality and unreality? What happens when a well armed individual just knows, in his gut, that the other guy is plotting to destroy him? Chances are good that something horrible will happen. And, the American public ought to know that this is so, because collectively we have already lived out this tragedy in 2003.
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Fascism in the Gulf
Posted on13. May, 2011 by Lawrence Davidson.

By Prof Lawrence Davidson:
If you want to see how an ostensive religious regime can be corrupted into something close to fascism, just take a look at contemporary Bahrain. In February 2011 there were a series of non-violent demonstrations staged mostly by the small kingdom’s Shia majority (approximately 70% of the country’s Muslim citizens.) These were held to protest the discriminatory practices of the country’s Sunni monarchy. The protests were soon violently suppressed by the Bahraini army and police, with the help of troops from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
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US: Lobby Lobbification Lobbified
Posted on16. Apr, 2011 by Lawrence Davidson.

By Prof Lawrence Davidson:
Ignorance is not bliss. It is often the prelude to sudden destruction. It is not bliss to be ignorant of the corruption that is undermining your government . Lobbification is synonymous with just that –a dangerous form of political corruption. Our political system is riddled with it. It has been so for a long time and the situation is not improving. This condition has recently manifested itself in Wisconsin, Michigan, Maine, Ohio and a host of other states in the form of feverish acts of self-destruction.
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Judge Goldstone Alters His Verdict
Posted on04. Apr, 2011 by Lawrence Davidson.

By Prof Lawrence Davidson:
It will be recalled that after the September, 2009 issuance of the Goldstone Report suggesting that Israel might be guilty of war crimes, Judge Richard Goldstone was barred from attending grandson’s bar mitzvah. That is how much resentment was produced by the critical report that bares his name. Well, Richard Goldstone has just assured himself access to all future family celebrations.