Tag Archives: james Cogan

Posted on15. May, 2010 by Jeff.

“WE CAN KILL ANYONE, ANYWHERE FOR ANY REASON…ARE YOU LISTENING PRESIDENT OBAMA” By Gordon Duff When Israel sent 27 Mossad agents to a 5 star hotel in Dubai to murder Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, a minor Hamas figure, it had nothing to do with Hamas or Dubai. It was a warning to President Obama and anyone else [...]
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You got it wrong Obama: Threat IS from India
Posted on14. May, 2010 by Jeff.

INDIA IS THE PROBLEM; NOT A SOLUTION By Moin Ansari It has been a tumultuous week in which the United States Administration officials have played good cop and bad cop–with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blowing hot and Barack Obama blowing cold over Pakistan. US President Barack Obama on Wednesday fell into the Democratic Party [...]
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‘Final Solution’ Frenzy: Rendezvous with Final Solution – Part III
Posted on09. May, 2010 by Jeff.

Continued from Part Two By Tariq Saeedi With Sergi Pyatakov in Moscow, Mark Davidson in Washington (nCa) — Several things happened since the publication of the second report in this series about a couple of week ago: Karzai finally broke down under tremendous American pressure; after a gap of six years terrorism resurfaced in Russia [...]
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On Iran, the U.S. is Painting Itself into a Political and Moral Corner
Posted on03. May, 2010 by Jeff.

By Dr Rodrigue Tremblay “This confrontation [between the forces of the Apocalypse and Israel] is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people’s enemies before a New Age begins”. U.S. President George W. Bush (in a 2003 conversation with French President Jacques Chirac) “Preventive war was an invention of [Adolf] [...]
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How Safe Are Indian Nukes?
Posted on23. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

By Sajjad Shaukat A 47-nation Nuclear Security Summit has ended recently with an international commitment by the leaders present in Washington that they would all secure their national fissile material within four years and would ensure their safety against access by terrorists. The leaders said that they “recognise the need for cooperation among states to [...]
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How the Israel Lobby Took Control of U.S. Foreign Policy
Posted on21. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

By Jeff Gates In the early 1960s, Senator William J. Fulbright fought to force the American Zionist Council to register as agents of a foreign government. The Council eluded registration by reorganizing as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. AIPAC has since become what Fulbright most feared: a foreign agent dominating American foreign policy while [...]
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America’s Indian Honeymoon; Where America is a Loser
Posted on19. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

By Brig Asif Haroon Raja Pakistan’s main interest in forging ties with US in 1950s was owing to its security concerns against India five times bigger in size and resources which to this date has not reconciled to Pakistan’s existence. Pakistan remained the most allied ally of USA since 1954 whereas India remained the camp [...]
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Nuclear Safety Summit: Pakistan Standing Tall
Posted on18. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

PAKISTAN GETS RECOGNITION AS A NUCLEAR POWER By Momin Iftikhar The recently concluded Nuclear Security Summit has had the world attention riveted at Washington where 47 nations, represented by top echelon of leadership, gathered to craft an agreement that would keep the nuclear technology safe from the reach of terrorists. This was the largest assembly [...]
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The Devil in Indo-US Afghan Policy
Posted on14. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

India, with America’s blessing, has “spies… diplomats…a base of operations to train guerrillas to attack Pakistan… and is arming and training terrorists at war against Pakistan”, wrote Gordon Duff in Opinion Maker recently. Indeed, Indian political-military activities in Afghanistan without the US approval and backing cannot take place or even be imagined as India’s sole political enterprise…..Dr Haider Mehdi
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Obama’s Forgotten Promise to the Muslim World
Posted on10. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

Hopefully, unlike his predecessor’s, President Obama’s legacy will not carry the word ‘shoe.’ Mehreen Saeed