Tag Archives: Israel
Nightmares for Netanyahu
Posted on18. Sep, 2012 by Alan Hart.

What might Netanyahu do when his American mob tells him Romney won’t win? By Alan Hart Even before his latest reported gaffe the polls were indicating that Romney will fail in his Zionist-backed bid to deny President Obama a second term in the White House. After the Republican presidential candidate tried and failed to make [...]
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Lebanon: Bad Advice from a Friend
Posted on22. Jul, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.
Now’s Not the Time for Hezbollah to Cut-and-Run By Franklin Lamb Dahiyeh, South Beirut. This observer admits that politically speaking, things might appear a bit tough for Hezbollah these days but will spare the dear reader the tedium of a laundry list of what the Party has experienced over the past 20 months in terms [...]
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Nuclear Security: Challenges and Way Forward
Posted on18. Mar, 2012 by Khalid Iqbal.

Nevertheless, there are apprehensions by several nations including Pakistan, Iran and North Korea that the Summit may be used to protect the interests of selected nations while censuring the developing nations. Some leaders may attempt to deal with a broader spectrum of non-proliferation issues. By Air Commodore (R) Khalid Iqbal Nuclear security has always been [...]
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Netanyahu v Obama-What next?
Posted on16. Mar, 2012 by Alan Hart.

By Alan Hart The headline over an article in Ha-aretz by Bradley Burston on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s poker game with President Obama was If Obama wins in November, is Netanyahu in trouble? That’s a question I’ve had in my own mind for quite some time and it begs another. What, really, worries Netanyahu most [...]
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Posted on12. Mar, 2012 by Humayun Gauhar.

Opinion Maker: By Humayun Gauhar Anyone who imagines that Israel can attack Iran and not unleash another world war must be mad. Pray pause and think. I know that if the world weren’t half-full of madcaps we wouldn’t have had the first two world wars in the first place. Both were touted as ‘wars that [...]
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Mossad practicing its motto in bomb plots
Posted on16. Feb, 2012 by Wayne Madsen.

"By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War" By Wayne Madsen The motto of Mossad has long been based on practicing the art of deception to engage in covert and overt warfare. Mossad's motto "By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War" (Hebrew: be-tahb?l?t ta`aseh lekh? milkham?h) is being carried out in supposed Iranian-engineered bomb [...]
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Rick Santorum’s Plans For America
Posted on13. Feb, 2012 by Lawrence Davidson.

An Analysis By Lawrence Davidson Former Pennsylvania Senator, Rick Santorum, is a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination who is fast coming to the fore. He won the Republican primary in Iowa (albeit by only 34 votes) in early January and in February won the primaries in Colorado, Missouri and Minnesota. So, as the [...]
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Will Iran Be Attacked?
Posted on12. Feb, 2012 by Paul Craig Roberts.

44 US military bases surrounding Iran… By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Washington has made tremendous preparations for a military assault on Iran. There is speculation that Washington has called off its two longest running wars–Iraq and Afghanistan–in order to deploy forces against Iran. Two of Washington’s fleets have been assigned to the Persian Gulf along [...]
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The Case Of Uri Avnery II
Posted on04. Feb, 2012 by Jonathan Azaziah.

Hasbara, Supremacism And The Future Of Solidarity by Jonathan Azaziah Prelude: In the first part of this series, Uri Avnery was lambasted for his crimes against the Palestinian people and his "Shukran, Israel" hitpiece on Islamic Resistance was deconstructed with a barrage of unequivocal facts, burying the Zionist lies forever. This part, the series finale, [...]
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Israel and Murder Of Obama!
Posted on21. Jan, 2012 by Alan Hart.
Have Israel’s “inner circles” discussed assassinating President Obama? By Alan Hart One man who apparently thinks the answer is “Yes” is Andrew Adler, the owner and publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times. (By the time this article of mine is posted will he be the former owner and publisher?) In his weekly newspaper Adler listed [...]