Tag Archives: Iran
Muslims to Unite to Counter Western Propaganda
Posted on21. Sep, 2012 by Kourosh Ziabari.

Interview: Pakistani Journalist Urges Muslims to Unite to Counter Western Propaganda TEHRAN (FNA)- Pakistani journalist and former advisor to Kuwait Air Force Raja G. Mujtaba believes that the recent blasphemous movie against Islam has been produced to provoke the anger of Muslims around the world so that the Western propaganda machinery may have the excuse [...]
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Lebanon: Bad Advice from a Friend
Posted on22. Jul, 2012 by Franklin Lamb.
Now’s Not the Time for Hezbollah to Cut-and-Run By Franklin Lamb Dahiyeh, South Beirut. This observer admits that politically speaking, things might appear a bit tough for Hezbollah these days but will spare the dear reader the tedium of a laundry list of what the Party has experienced over the past 20 months in terms [...]
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Quantum Note: Where are the sane voices
Posted on06. Apr, 2012 by drmuzaffar.

It is also true that differences between the four Sunni schools of law are also irreconcilable; most Muslims have little understanding of the theological differences which separate these legal schools. But the violence amongst the four Sunni schools has never been anything close to what it is between the Sunnis and Shias. By Dr. Muzaffar [...]
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Nuclear Security: Challenges and Way Forward
Posted on18. Mar, 2012 by Khalid Iqbal.

Nevertheless, there are apprehensions by several nations including Pakistan, Iran and North Korea that the Summit may be used to protect the interests of selected nations while censuring the developing nations. Some leaders may attempt to deal with a broader spectrum of non-proliferation issues. By Air Commodore (R) Khalid Iqbal Nuclear security has always been [...]
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Pakistan is a Geo-Strategic State
Posted on15. Mar, 2012 by Hamid Waheed.

In spite of all odds, opportunities keep propping for Pakistan By Hamid Waheed After 9/11, the great game for economic gains has once again emerged in this part of the world and brought Pakistan into lime light. Many think tanks and scholars label Pakistan as a nation on collapse and a failed state. Pakistan ranked number [...]
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Posted on12. Mar, 2012 by Humayun Gauhar.

Opinion Maker: By Humayun Gauhar Anyone who imagines that Israel can attack Iran and not unleash another world war must be mad. Pray pause and think. I know that if the world weren’t half-full of madcaps we wouldn’t have had the first two world wars in the first place. Both were touted as ‘wars that [...]
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Why should America burn?
Posted on08. Mar, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

A question that every American must ask that why America should burn for israel. By Raja G Mujtaba On Wednesday, last week, Jeff Rense hosted the author to very interesting but very sensitive issues that were discussed in his program that only covered Iran but also other countries like Pakistan, Syria etc. in the region. [...]
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Mossad practicing its motto in bomb plots
Posted on16. Feb, 2012 by Wayne Madsen.

"By Way Of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War" By Wayne Madsen The motto of Mossad has long been based on practicing the art of deception to engage in covert and overt warfare. Mossad's motto "By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War" (Hebrew: be-tahb?l?t ta`aseh lekh? milkham?h) is being carried out in supposed Iranian-engineered bomb [...]
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Will Iran Be Attacked?
Posted on12. Feb, 2012 by Paul Craig Roberts.

44 US military bases surrounding Iran… By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Washington has made tremendous preparations for a military assault on Iran. There is speculation that Washington has called off its two longest running wars–Iraq and Afghanistan–in order to deploy forces against Iran. Two of Washington’s fleets have been assigned to the Persian Gulf along [...]
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Quantum Note: Union of Muslim States
Posted on03. Feb, 2012 by drmuzaffar.

Such a union is the manifest destiny of Muslims, even though they are hopelessly fragmented into fifty-seven states at the moment. It is a destiny that is waiting to be realized. It has powerful historical support, its future prospects are bright and its rationale is built upon solid logic and clearly delineated arguments. By Dr. [...]