Tag Archives: Hina Rabbani Khar


Posted on16. Jul, 2012 by .


By Air Commodore (R) Khalid Iqbal During the Obama years, at least two persons out of his Afghanistan team accurately and correctly perceived the nature, gravity and complexity of the Afghanistan conflict and were eager to find a respectable way to get America out of the fiasco. These were Richard Holbrooke and General Stanley Mc [...]

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Seeing is Believing

Posted on27. Sep, 2011 by .

haqqani regan copy(2)

In the wake of the prevailing security situation and tension in relations with the US (after statements issued by Mullen, Panetta  and Gen Mettis) General Kiyani and the top military and political  leadership unanimously rejected the allegations leveled against Pakistani security institutions by the US. By Hamid Waheed In the wake of the prevailing security situation and [...]

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Pakistan: Blackmailed Elite

Posted on31. Jul, 2011 by .

Asif Zardari and Daphne Israeli GF

Dr Shahid Qureshi:
Asif Zardari and his corrupt regime are undermining Pakistan’s national interests in a very sophisticated way. Appointment of corrupt, incompetent and compromised people on the top position is on top of his agenda. He has learnt to bypass the state system of governance that is how Hussain Haqani was able to issue visas to black water mercenaries from Washington and his close relative from UAE,

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DC-New York-Hollywood Axis of Evil Culture

DC-New York-Hollywood Axis of Evil Culture

Posted on15. Jul, 2010 by .


By Tommy Tucci What happened to the 'American Experience' National Public Radio Perpetuates? The 'Faces Of America,' an NPR promoted program.  The individual immigrant spirit, the forever blue sky of freedom, accomplishment, Democracy that all people can peruse,  the awe inspiring freedom of speech guaranteed by our magnificent US Constitution, Articles Bill of Rights.  America [...]

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