Tag Archives: Hillary Clinton
Secretary Clinton: Sleepless in Cairo With Zero Influence
Posted on17. Jul, 2012 by Dr Ashraf Ezzat.

“There was something huge brewing up, which Mrs. Clinton was not informed with, awaited her arrival” Dr. Ashraf Ezzat When president Obama visited Egypt in June 2009, and gave his famous and good for nothing speech for the Muslim world from the big reception hall at Cairo University, he and his team must have felt [...]
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Posted on16. Jul, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.
By Air Commodore (R) Khalid Iqbal During the Obama years, at least two persons out of his Afghanistan team accurately and correctly perceived the nature, gravity and complexity of the Afghanistan conflict and were eager to find a respectable way to get America out of the fiasco. These were Richard Holbrooke and General Stanley Mc [...]
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Clarity Through Fog Of War
Posted on26. Oct, 2011 by S M Hali.

By S M Hali:
Our fly on the wall reveals that the US has agreed to our view point but the US will have to abandon its three pre-conditions and turn them into end conditions. Its insistence that the Taliban should denounce Al-Qaeda; lay down arms and spurn violence and accept the US tailored Afghan constitution is unrealistic.
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Prepare For Armageddon
Posted on21. Oct, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

Most frightening of everything in this FSB report, however, is the reply Putin gave to Russia’s top generals yesterday when asked what preparations should be made and he answered…. “Prepare for Armageddon.” We will do it with or without you, US tells Pakistan By Raja G Mujtaba Armageddon (commonly known as the battle against the anti-Christ) [...]
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Libya: Materiel and personnel in place
Posted on02. Mar, 2011 by Editor.

By Julie Hyland:
In a further indication that the US and Britain are once again preparing to flout international law, the Financial Times said, “Erdogan’s comments suggest it could be difficult for a Western military operation to be conducted under NATO auspices. NATO tends to take decisions on military action by consensus. If it is unable to reach this consensus, the US and UK may be forced to mount a no-fly zone using an informal coalition of willing states.”
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Raymond Davis: Pak-US Inequation
Posted on25. Feb, 2011 by Khalid Iqbal.

By Air Commodore Khalid Iqbal:
Americans have yet once again shown poor understanding of Pakistan’s ground realities. Currently there is an impasse. Public pressure leaves little room for any compromise. The US State Department, having mishandled the issue now needs to act more sensibly and back off to let the tempers cool down. More threats would further worsen an already bad situation.
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The US: Proponent of Twofold Policies
Posted on25. Jul, 2010 by Editor.

THE POWERFUL NEVER TAKE LESSONS FROM HISTORY DEFYING THE HISTORY IS SELF DESTRUCTION By Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan The 4th round of the Pak-US Strategic Dialogue concluded in Islamabad on July 19, 2010, unleashed a series of unremitting infuriating statements by US civil and military officials. By and large, there existed a shared harmony in [...]
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Posted on04. Apr, 2010 by Jeff.

Friends in Afghanistan have known Hikmatyar all his life. Some don’t care for him much, although he was Prime Minister in 93 and 94. During the war against the Soviet Union, Hikmatyar was the primary CIA contact in Afghanistan, channeling nearly $1 billion dollars in aid to fighters there assisting the CIA’s top asset, a Saudi named Usama bin Laden. I had wanted to meet with Hikmatyar but was warned it would be a violation of law, even for a journalist, and I would be arrested, as so many others have been, not just for talking to him, but for knowing people who know him or even communicating with his “associates.” It was all called “material support of terrorism” and it was all a lie…Gordon Duff begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting