Tag Archives: General Zia
Pakistan: Altaf Hussain’s Deja’vu
Posted on28. Aug, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By General Mirza Aslam Beg
In 1997, under the leadership of Pakistan Peoples Party, we formed an alliance by the name of Pakistan Awami Ittehad, (PAI) with an eleven point agenda, to mobilise public opinion. On 14th August 1998, a very big rally was held at Nishtar Park, Karachi where Peoples Party really demonstrated its political power. The next day, when we assembled at Bilawal House, for the assessment Nawabzada Nasrullah and the PPP leadership declared “this man (Nawaz Sharif ) must go , and that is our one point agenda now ”.
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Indian Brutal Oppression And Kashmir Uprising
Posted on12. Jul, 2010 by Dr Raja M Khan.

INDIA IS MORE BRUTAL THAN ISRAEL By Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan There are strong reports that over the worsening security situation in Kashmir, arose due wide spread protests by Kashmiris against the growing Indian atrocities; Indian Government is seriously thinking to impose the Governor Rule in the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. In this regards, [...]
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Af-Pak: India Blind To New Realities
Posted on12. Jul, 2010 by Jeff.

New Dynamics Are In Place India cannot fathom the new ground realities By Moin Ansari As Tomas Kunh said a long time ago “The paradigm has shifted, and when the paradigm shifts, everything goes back to zero”. The world watched (pun intended) aghast as the Swiss watch making industry was decimated by an electronic watch [...]
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RAW: The Dangerous Wolf; Threat To World Peace!
Posted on28. Jun, 2010 by Jeff.

Brig Asif Haroon Raja It is now an established fact that no South Asian state has ever indulged in covert operations or cross border terrorism against its neighbors. The only culprit is India which resorts to this evil practice against all its neighbors, be it Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Maldives, Bhutan, China and Myanmar. [...]
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INDO-PAKISTAN: Reality behind Strategic Dialogue
Posted on12. Jun, 2010 by Jeff.

By Sajjad Shaukat Pak-US strategic dialogue was held on March 24 this year in Washington. During the strategic dialogue in 2008, both sides had discussed regional and international issues of common interest. The second round of the strategic dialogue between the US and Pakistan will be held in July 21. Washington and Islamabad have also [...]
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Peace in South Asia: Talking to Pakistan, A Must
Posted on24. May, 2010 by Jeff.

PAKISTAN IS A REALITY; INDIA MUST ACCEPT THE FACT By Moin Ansari Bharati politicians have come to the simple conclusion that there is no other option than to talk to Pakistan. The hoopla over Mumbai could have been resolved in a few private meetings, but the events were overtaken by media hype and the proclivity [...]
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The Strategic Vision of Indian Navy
Posted on23. May, 2010 by Jeff.

By Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan Indian Maritime Doctrine was formally announced in April-2004. However, the year-2006 ‘Navy Day’ is considered to be as the day, once Indian Navy actually started, “transforming itself from a ‘brown water’ coastal defense force to a formidable ‘blue water’ fleet.” Blue water navy has indeed two connotations: the technical and [...]
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11th Commandment: Thou Shall Not Question
Posted on15. May, 2010 by Jeff.

The Zionists and Israel have always used America against her allies. India is the new partner in the gang. By Raja G Mujtaba Hillary is a seasoned and matured politician; not only that, having been the First Lady, she had the exposure to national politics from the highest office of America for good eight years. [...]
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You got it wrong Obama: Threat IS from India
Posted on14. May, 2010 by Jeff.

INDIA IS THE PROBLEM; NOT A SOLUTION By Moin Ansari It has been a tumultuous week in which the United States Administration officials have played good cop and bad cop–with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blowing hot and Barack Obama blowing cold over Pakistan. US President Barack Obama on Wednesday fell into the Democratic Party [...]
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Revisiting the Efficacy of SAARC
Posted on11. May, 2010 by Jeff.

By Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan The 16th Summit of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was held in Thimpu, the picturesque capital of Bhutan on 28-29 April 2010. The summit was attended by all heads of the member states and representatives from the observer countries. It was concluded with a joint declaration issued [...]