Tag Archives: Franklin Lamb

Lebanon: Bad Advice from a Friend

Posted on22. Jul, 2012 by .


Now’s Not the Time for Hezbollah to Cut-and-Run By Franklin Lamb Dahiyeh, South Beirut. This observer admits that politically speaking, things might appear a bit tough for Hezbollah these days but will spare the dear reader the tedium of a laundry list of what the Party has experienced over the past 20 months in terms [...]

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Lebanon’s Maid of Darkness

Posted on23. Jan, 2012 by .


……..facing US hates crimes investigation From Lebanon with Hate By Franklin Lamb Increasingly a marionette of the US Zionist lobby, Ms. Brigitte Gabriel has enjoyed a few lucrative and unobstructed years of increasingly hysterical Muslim and Arab bashing. Recently however, she has attracted the attention of the FBI investigating her organization, “Act for America!” () [...]

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Gadhafi versus NTC

Posted on14. Jan, 2012 by .

Gaddafi loyalists fighting NTC

Will a pro-Gadhafi “Green Revolution” topple the NTC? By Franklin Lamb Tripoli This observer was stunned late last week when during a meeting in a Maghreb country with three high ranking former Libyan officials, among hundreds currently in hiding, and some organizing, in countries bordering Libya, one of them, in all earnest,  asked me,   “Do [...]

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Whither Kadaffi Tripoli and Libya

Posted on25. Aug, 2011 by .

damages to ships at Tripoli Port

By Franklin Lamb:
The large gold framed portrait of Colonel Muammar Kaddafi that adorned the wall behind the reception desk of my hotel since it opened many years ago has vanished. Also gone are the 72 green flags that flew on the white poles at the hotel entrance.

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NATO’s War Against Libya’s Civilians

Posted on09. Jul, 2011 by .

NATO-War Crime Libya Rape

By Dr Franklin Lamb:
Miscarriages in Libya are up dramatically according to the Prelate of the Catholic Church in Libya, Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli, one of the most popular religious leaders in this 99.5% Sunni Muslim country, who informed visitors that in one day at the Green Hospital in Tripoli, following NATO bombing runs in mid March, 2011, there were 50 miscarriages and forty deaths.

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Qadaffi: After you Brother!

Posted on28. Jun, 2011 by .

ScreenHunter_05 Jun. 28 21.13

By Franklin Lamb:
Key voter groups are rejecting Obama partly because of his war of choice in Libya which is seen as a bad strategic decision with NATO’s actions increasingly becoming a deadly farce with his justification increasingly ridiculed and the cost now more than 500 billion USD.

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Palestine: Majesty and massacre at Maroun al Ras

Posted on17. May, 2011 by .


By Dr Franklin Lamb:
Maroun al Ras is a beautiful hillside Lebanese village on the border with Palestine. 63 years ago today its villagers lifted their lights to welcome ethnically cleansed Palestinians, who were part of the approximately 129,000 from 531 Zionist pillaged and destroyed villages who sought temporary refuge in Lebanon. A similar number of Palestinian expellees entered Syria a few miles to the West and another half million were forced into Jordan and Gaza.

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Bahrain: Obama Doctrine

Posted on16. Apr, 2011 by .


By Dr Franklin Lamb:
What Khalidi remains critical of… is what he sees as the Obama administration’s claimed “American values imperative” being made a mockery of whenever American “interests” are brought up to justify cherry picking which brutal despots get the ‘moderate’ or ‘reformer’ label while others are no-fly zoned and targeted for elimination for being “genocidal.”

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Has The Lebanon Tribunal Drama Become Farce?

Posted on05. Mar, 2011 by .


By Dr Franklin Lamb:
It is clear proceedings get a bit wild in the Zahle Courthouse. They also appear to be getting out of control at the Special Tribunal of Lebanon, suggesting that dialogue and a political solution from within Lebanon may be the best solution for all those directly concerned with Justice and not political hegemony in Lebanon.

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Lebanon: In Re Barak, “Bullahs”

Posted on26. Feb, 2011 by .


By Dr Franklin Lamb:
Despite a series of publicly announced “disassociations” periodically issued from the media offices at the Pentagon and State Department, plus a couple of image polishing name changes including currently, Xe Services LLC ( Xe being short for Xena, the mythical goddess of war) the hydra headed Blackwater (BW), founded in 1997 by Erik Prince and Al Clark is still quite active.

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