Tag Archives: Dr Muzaffar Iqbal
Quantum Note: Union of Muslim States
Posted on03. Feb, 2012 by drmuzaffar.

Such a union is the manifest destiny of Muslims, even though they are hopelessly fragmented into fifty-seven states at the moment. It is a destiny that is waiting to be realized. It has powerful historical support, its future prospects are bright and its rationale is built upon solid logic and clearly delineated arguments. By Dr. [...]
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Quantum Note: The Bonn Farce
Posted on09. Dec, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

The Bonn Conference of 2001 was a clever reenactment of the Third Reich era. It bulldozed all existing structures, just as Hitler had done, and, instead, it set the ball rolling for a brand new Afghanistan, with a made-in-America Constitution, inaugurating an era in which billions of dollars would flow into a country that had [...]
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Quantum Note: The Interminable War
Posted on09. Sep, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
An interminable war, by definition, has no end. Thus, second-rate propellers will keep pushing it. An example of such a poor propeller is Stephen Harper, the Canadian Prime Minister, who recently said in an interview with Peter Mansbridge of the CBC that Islamicism is the biggest security threat facing Canada.
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Quantum Note: Beyond Bachcha Saqqa States
Posted on02. Sep, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
Ten years after the fatal eleventh of September, 2001, the Muslim world has finally and perhaps irrecoverably become hostage to a new wave of Western colonization. The greater the material resources of a country, the greater the danger of regime change through a variety of new mechanisms.
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Quantum Note: West’s New Middle East
Posted on26. Aug, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
The new Middle East may look like Turkey in the next decade. There are plenty of Arab Islamists similar to their Turkish counterparts: men with short beards in designer suits. They are able to sit at the table with the Western politicians and speak the same language, both figuratively and literally. They are ready to cut the pie in as many ways as needed.
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Quantum Note: Wither Pakistan?
Posted on12. Aug, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
Historically entrenched facts are not changed at the polling booths. For Pakistan, this means a dangerous reliance on the cesspool of its current political leadership—for there is no one else on the scene who can enter power politics.
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Quantum Note: Souring Arab Spring
Posted on05. Aug, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
The greatest achievement of the Arab Spring so far is the lifting of the veil of fear that had enfolded millions of human beings for decades. Even in this sour-smelling stage of the Arab Spring in Syrian, Yemen, and Libya, one can entertain a certain hope for its future because once people have realized that it is possible to shake off fear, they cannot be held in bondage anymore.
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Arab Spring in Syria
Posted on29. Jul, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
After all, Syria was neither Tunisia nor Egypt; it was a much more conservative system, Bashar al-Asad had a firm grip over the country through entrenched interests, and there was no sign of a widespread uprising in January when the first demonstrations started. Almost six months later, the resilience of Syrians has proven to be a far more daunting challenge for Bashar than he had expected.
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A Jasmine Revolution for Pakistan?
Posted on08. Apr, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
Those who started the Egyptian and Tunisian revolutions were just small youth groups; in Pakistan these can easily come into existence through existing mechanisms and hence, objective analysis indicates that time is just right for a Jasmine revolution in Pakistan. While it is true that there is no leader to lead this revolution, it is also true that both Egypt and Tunisia had no leadership for their revolutions.
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Anatomy of Neo-Colonialism
Posted on01. Apr, 2011 by drmuzaffar.

By Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:
The forty year period between 1960 and 2000 provides ample historical evidence to prove that the oil and minerals of the Muslim world were the most obvious material reason for various Western aggressions against them. The post-9/11 period, however, is a different era; now it is not just oil, gold, and minerals, but the entire make-up of the Muslim world that is the target; even the taste buds of the new generation should be changed to make the terrible and unhealthy McDonalds seem delicious food to them.