Tag Archives: China
China and Diaoyu Islands
Posted on21. Sep, 2012 by S M Hali.

China’s principled stand on Diaoyu Islands By S. M. Hali Japan’s annexation of the Diaoyu Island along with the affiliated Nan Xiaodao and Bei Xiaodao through its illegal purchase and subsequent nationalization of the islands is unlawful and contrary to historical facts. Recorded legal documents indicate Chinese possession since ancient times. The islands were discovered, [...]
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Pakistan is a Geo-Strategic State
Posted on15. Mar, 2012 by Hamid Waheed.

In spite of all odds, opportunities keep propping for Pakistan By Hamid Waheed After 9/11, the great game for economic gains has once again emerged in this part of the world and brought Pakistan into lime light. Many think tanks and scholars label Pakistan as a nation on collapse and a failed state. Pakistan ranked number [...]
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Endgame Afghanistan & Pakistan’s Rope
Posted on20. Jan, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

Defence and Diplomacy- By Raja G Mujtaba Before we discuss endgame in Afghanistan, we must know what the American objectives were, have those objectives been achieved and if not would America really walk out of Afghanistan. If we do not discuss American objectives, we really cannot understand the endgame. The US created conditions through 9/11 [...]
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Pakistan: Revisiting its Foreign Policy
Posted on06. Jan, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

Defence & Diplomacy By Raja G Mujtaba S M Hali held a well conducted debate on the foreign policy of Pakistan where Advocate Tariq Pirzada was more forthcoming. Professor Hamid expressed his views with some reservations. Foreign policy of any country is the true barometer or litmus test of its true sovereignty. To ensure a [...]
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Wake up Pakistan
Posted on24. Sep, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba:
Pakistan needs to extricate itself very carefully and manage to stand on her own feet. However what Robert J. Herbold has concluded, is more applicable to Pakistan therefore I endorse the same for the people of Pakistan, ‘Wake up Pakistan!’
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Economic Rational for Imperialism
Posted on29. Aug, 2011 by Dr Raja M Khan.

By Dr Raja Muhammad Khan:
At 4.8 per cent of GDP, US military spending in 2010 represents the largest economic burden outside the Middle East.” As per the latest figures provided by SIPRI, the top four military spenders of the world are United States with; $698 billion, China; $119 billion, Great Britain $59.6 billion, and France $59.3 billion.
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Chinese Aircraft Carrier-US Concerns
Posted on19. Aug, 2011 by S M Hali.

By S. M. Hali:
Analysts are claiming that they have not seen any catapult or arrester wire system on board from satellite photographs thus they are speculating that China will use its aircraft carrier only for helicopters. Without catapults or arrester wires, the carrier will not be able to operate any airborne early-warning aircraft needed to provide comprehensive radar coverage for fleets.
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China’s economic turning point
Posted on27. Feb, 2011 by Editor.

By Stephen S Roach:
: in shifting to a more consumption-led dynamic, China will reduce its surplus saving and have less left over to fund the ongoing saving deficits of countries like the US. The possibility of such an asymmetrical global rebalancing – with China taking the lead and the developed world dragging its feet – could be the key unintended consequence of China’s 12th Five-Year Plan.
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The Korean crisis
Posted on27. Nov, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Bill Van Auken:
Six decades after US and Chinese troops waged bitter hand-to-hand combat south of the Yalu River, tensions on the Korean peninsula are arguably at their highest since the end of the Korean War. They are being fed by and are in turn exacerbating great power conflicts between Washington and Beijing.
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Posted on13. Sep, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Air Cdre Khalid Iqbal:
People of Kashmir are struggling to keep the issue alive. Pakistan needs to undertake a supportive campaign to correct the international perception and facilitate un-knotting this legitimate freedom struggle from an unjust stigma of terrorism. Likewise, UN needs to wake up to the reality and implement its resolutions on plebiscite.