Global Peace and Humanity
Posted on 18. Oct, 2012 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.

By Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD Are the 21st century knowledge-based philosophers and practitioners incapable to rationalize human priorities for peace and harmony to safeguard the besieged mankind from the scourge of WW3? Was Immanuel Kant more proactive and intelligent more than 200 years earlier to think of the best of the mankind in “Perpetual Peace” [...]
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Billboard Wars
Posted on 18. Oct, 2012 by Lawrence Davidson.
An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson Pamela Geller and her billboard message PART I – The Savage vs. the Civilized Back on 1 August 2012 I posted a piece entitled History on a Billboard. It reported on the placement, in the northern suburbs of New York City, of informational billboards with maps of Palestine showing the steady [...]
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Posted on 17. Oct, 2012 by Brig Samson Sharaf.
By Brig Samson S Sharaf As our vitriolic media would have us believe, the targeted attempt on Malala Yousafzai is a watershed in Pakistan’s policy on the War on Terror and a fully fledged counter terrorism operation is inevitable. This extraordinary child was overplayed by the state propaganda to portray a soft, progressive and defiant [...]
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Pakistan: Remember October!
Posted on 17. Oct, 2012 by Hamid Waheed.

By Waheed Hamid The month of October is remembered with so many gloomy incidents which have made this part of the world suffer and humanity cry that we often forget 27th October the BLACK DAY for Kashmir. The tragedies of earth quake, floods and now attack on Malala of Swat has further increased the miseries [...]
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Pakistan: Tribute to Nur Khan
Posted on 17. Oct, 2012 by S M Hali.

By S. M. Hali Air Marshal Nur Khan, the Commander-in-Chief of Pakistan Air Force, who ably led his smaller but well knit force in successful air battles against a larger adversary in the 1965 Pak-India War, was paid homage by naming PAF Base Chaklala after him. Air Marshal Nur Khan’s predecessor and a national icon [...]
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What is the Truth of the Matter?
Posted on 16. Oct, 2012 by Dr Haider Mehdi.

NOTES FROM A SOCIAL SCIENTIST By Dr. Haider Mehdi Rationality and logic are the tools that assist the analysis of human behavior to comprehend why people act in certain ways and what their motives and intentions are. When logic and rationality are applied to a problematic situation under inquiry, the purpose is to arrive at [...]
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Clinton the ratler
Posted on 15. Oct, 2012 by Wayne Madsen.
Clinton's saber rattling protects her personal investments in India By Wayne Madsen Informed intelligence sources in Asia report that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's saber rattling against China is primarily meant to protect her sizable investments in India, especially in that nation's nuclear power industry. Clinton was a major investor in the Dabhol power plant [...]
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Putin’s Pakistan Visit
Posted on 15. Oct, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

Why it was called off at the last moment; some thoughts and some facts. By Raja G Mujtaba A detailed discussion was held on PTV by S M Hali in his weekly program ‘Defence and Diplomacy.’ The video clippings of the same are placed below. If Putin’s visit had taken place, this would have been [...]
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Hasil Khan Bizenjo Speaks His Heart
Posted on 15. Oct, 2012 by Asif H Raja.
Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo’s impressions on Balochistan By Brig Asif Haroon Raja Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo son of Ghaus Bux Bizenjo, an old politician and President National Party (NP) is currently a senator. He was invited by ‘Thinkers Forum Pakistan’ chaired by former Air Chief Marshal Kaleem Saadat on October 2012 to deliver a [...]
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Posted on 14. Oct, 2012 by Khalid Iqbal.
By Air Commodore (R) Khalid Iqbal Attempt on Malalah’s life, dumping of defaced dead bodies in Baluchistan and surfacing of body bags in Karachi are some of the facets of terrorism running high in Pakistan; intricately linked together by common financier, trainer and arms provider. Logistics trail leads to one source, though operatives have [...]