Archive for 'Pak-US Relations'
Pakistan: Emerging Threats
Posted on07. Oct, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

Emerging threats to security of Pakistan To attain her objectives in Balochistan, the US has all the contigencies in place to launch and attack from the sea. In doing so, she is likely to be joined by other navies under the UN mandate or otherwise. This is evident from the movie 'The Last Resort' thats [...]
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Peace by Reconciliation!
Posted on05. Oct, 2012 by Dr Haider Mehdi.

NOTES FROM A SOCIAL SCIENTIST By Dr. Haider Mehdi Clive Stafford Smith, director of Reprieve, in a recent column “Drones Lead the West’s New Terror Campaign” opined the following: “CIA’s Predators are visiting upon innocent Pakistanis the same horror that Hitler’s ‘doodlebugs’ inflicted on London.” The fact is that American atrocities on Pakistani soil and against its [...]
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Down side of drone attacks
Posted on29. Sep, 2012 by S M Hali.

By S. M. Hali Pakistan has been presenting arguments demonstrating the fallout of drone attacks on its territory but its pleas have fallen on deaf ears; meanwhile the collateral damage continues with each attack. A new research and investigation report by leading US institutions rejects the US State Department’s view regarding the use of drones [...]
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The ubiquitous drone attacks
Posted on24. Aug, 2012 by S M Hali.

By S. M. Hali Drone attacks, which were only sporadic in the era of George W. Bush, gained momentum when President Obama took the reins of the Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces. The reign of terror launched by the ubiquitous drones has wreaked havoc on the people residing in the tribal belt of Pakistan. [...]
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Posted on19. Aug, 2012 by Khalid Iqbal.

By Air Commodore (R) Khalid Iqbal Bilateral relations between Pakistan and America have unique peculiarities. Before each major event competing narratives start floating: obscuring reality and reinforcing mystery. End of the event joint statements are rather sketchy leaving the impression of undeclared understandings and arrangements. It suits Americans to keep the things as informal as [...]
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DG ISI’s Washington yatra
Posted on15. Aug, 2012 by S M Hali.
By S. M. Hali Lieutenant General Zaheerul Islam’s visit to the US has evoked more interest and comments than the visit of any other official. This is a sad reality, coming in the backdrop of deteriorating relations between the erstwhile allies in the war on terror. Normally the meetings between heads of strategic organizations are [...]
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Pakistan: A Message with no ambiguities
Posted on14. Aug, 2012 by Dr Raja M Khan.
General Zaheer’s first visit to USA as DG ISI Gen Zaheer delivered US authorities “two loud and clear messages.” One; no American boots on Pakistani soil and two; drone attacks will be taken as violation of its sovereignty, hence must be stopped. Analysts feel that, these were the real and long-standing demands of people of [...]
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America’s first choice-Iran or Pakistan
Posted on13. Aug, 2012 by Asif H Raja.
By Brig Asif Haroon Raja America and its allies are persecuting and bleeding the Muslims for over a decade. Notwithstanding its imperialistic designs and penchant to harm Muslims interests, the Muslim states themselves are also responsible for the sorry state of affairs within the Muslim world. Notwithstanding all out support of the US and the [...]
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Pak-US MoU has caused disappointment
Posted on05. Aug, 2012 by Asif H Raja.
By Brig Asif Haroon Raja Before the attacks on Kabul on 13 September 2011 and murder of Burhanuddin Rabbani on 20 September by the Taliban, the US was counting on Pakistan for a breakthrough in talks with Haqqanis led by Sirajuddin. Some meetings between Sirajuddin and American officials had been arranged by ISI in [...]
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Abuse of diplomatic protocol
Posted on25. Jul, 2012 by S M Hali.
By S. M. Hali Diplomatic protocol is a very historic profession dating back to the Babylonians who initiated the first recorded exchange of envoys with other kingdoms. It evolved as a result of old traditions, when in the early days of civilization, hospitality was extended to an arriving guest. Diplomatic protocol in modern civilization is particularly [...]