Archive for 'Iraq'


Posted on02. Jan, 2012 by .

George Tenet; Cashes in on Iraq

The CIA was determined to control the agenda for the advantage of the United States, however. And so quietly through my back channel, we undertook a proactive, covert dialogue over exactly what concessions Iraq would offer the United States, in exchange for lifting the sanctions. As a long-time opponent of sanctions myself, I was eager [...]

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Revelations of systemic torture by British military

Posted on29. Oct, 2010 by .


By Paul Mitchell:
Straw was in the Labour government that joined the illegal US invasion of Iraq. If the same criteria were applied here that were applied at the Nuremberg Tribunal for Nazi war criminals, Straw and many of his colleagues, including former prime minister Tony Blair, would find themselves in the dock.

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Victory in Iraq?

Posted on27. Aug, 2010 by .


By Lawrence Davidson
Toward the end of his life the English poet John Dryden (1631-1700) observed that “even victors are by victories undone.” This is probably the case with America’s “victory” in Iraq. One might remember that when the U.S. lost the war in Vietnam, Southeast Asia did not implode. It may not play out that way in the Middle East. Our alleged triumph has served to destabilize not just Iraq but that entire region, and will have to pay the piper for many years to come.

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