Archive for 'Iran'
The menacing plots of MKO for Iran
Posted on01. Jul, 2012 by Kourosh Ziabari.
By Kourosh Ziabari The ill-omened, inauspicious plots of the terrorist gang Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization against Iran seem to have no end. The recent letter signed by 44 U.S. Senators addressed to President Obama in which it was implied that time for diplomacy with Iran is over and other options to deal with Iran's nuclear program [...]
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Iran: Terrorists arrested; hopes renewed
Posted on22. Jun, 2012 by Kourosh Ziabari.
By Kourosh Ziabari The announcement by Iran's intelligence ministry that it has arrested 20 people associated with the terrorist operations in which two of the country's nuclear scientists were assassinated received the Western mainstream media's meaningful silence, but clearly demonstrated the influence and might of Iran's intelligence apparatus, giving a serious warning to the hell-bent [...]
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Those who benefit from failed Iran talks
Posted on13. Jun, 2012 by Kourosh Ziabari.
By Kourosh Ziabari With only a week remaining to the sensitive, determining talks between the top negotiators of six world powers and Iran over the latter's nuclear program, some wicked, corrupt forces from here and there are trying their best to deliver a lethal blow to Tehran and weaken the chances of a successful, productive [...]
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Iran: A nation that wants to live in peace
Posted on30. May, 2012 by Kourosh Ziabari.
Over the course past 100 years, Iran hasn't invaded nor attacked any country. In such a turbulent and chaotic region as the Middle East, Iran has constantly been at the center of peacekeeping and peacemaking efforts and has regularly contributed to any genuine and legitimate peace initiative which the other countries in the region or [...]
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Jihad in Iran!
Posted on03. Apr, 2012 by Imran Malik.

President Obama would like to derive maximum electoral benefit from the timing of his decision to either attack Iran or stay the course for a peacefully negotiated resolution of the imbroglio. The world awaits his moment of truth with abated breath! By Brig Imran Malik Israel’s existential fears and eternal insecurities had once taken a [...]
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Nowrouz: An Iranian gift for global peace
Posted on02. Apr, 2012 by Kourosh Ziabari.

Nowrouz is a set of festivities which mark the commencement of new solar year. Every year, on the exact moment when the sun crosses the celestial equator and the astronomical vernal equinox starts, Iranians gather together and celebrate Nowrouz, literally meaning the "New Day." By Kourosh Ziabari History books say that Iranians have been celebrating [...]
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America Gone Stupid Over Iran
Posted on10. Mar, 2012 by Lawrence Davidson.

Over and again the intelligence community has told the powers that be that Iran is not engaged in a nuclear weapons program. And over and again the men and women in Congress and the White House have insisted that these traditional sources of information are wrong and that the stories that are coming from other [...]
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Islamic Revolution in Iran
Posted on26. Jan, 2012 by Ghayur Ayub.

Emerging piety power paradigm. By Dr Ghayur Ayub The Islamic Revolution in Iran marks it's 33rd anniversary this year. Despite facing strong opposing forces that any such revolution faces in its evolutionary phases it not only survived but thrived. The question emerges as to what constituted the mosaic of the revolution which gave it [...]
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Posted on11. Dec, 2011 by Waqar Khan.
Let the doomsday phobic experts and dollar fed intellectuals within Pakistan keep finding one reason after the other to support this God Forsaken Long War, and let the public decide what is good for Pakistan and Iran. By Umar Waqar Tehran Times reported on 9 Dec of warning by Iranian MP Esmaeil Kowsari that if [...]
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Farewell to Mashallah Shakri: The Iranian Ambassador
Posted on25. Nov, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

"We will cooperate with Pakistan in development of security and security of development." Mashallah Shakri By Raja G Mujtaba Mashallah Shakri spent five years in Pakistan where he developed lots of personal contacts and made numerous friends. Normally the diplomats keep a very selective group where they mix around but Mashallah was quite outgoing. He [...]