Archive for 'India'
Strife torn Indian states
Posted on12. Oct, 2012 by S M Hali.
By S. M. Hali The Indian state of Assam has been the venue of ethnic clashes since decades but in 2012, these clashes have spiraled high because of Indian government’s callousness and mismanagement. In July 2012, bloody clashes took place between the ethnic Bodos and migrants of Bangladeshi origin. The first incident was reported to have taken [...]
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HR abuse in Indian-Occupied Kashmir
Posted on07. Sep, 2012 by S M Hali.

By S. M. Hali Prima facie, the title would appear to be one of the numerous reports regarding the sad plight of Kashmiri Muslims engaged in their struggle for their right of self determination promised by the UN Resolutions on Kashmir. Alas, it was shocking to read an article at Wikipedia, titled: ‘Human rights abuses [...]
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Indian AWACS
Posted on26. Aug, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

Moves with Israel, Brazil, Possibly Locally Defence Industry Daily In recent years India has been shifting toward aircraft that would give it the ability to patrol and act at extended ranges. In January 2004, India and Israel signed a $1.1 billion contract for 3 Phalcon airborne warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft, as part of a $1.5 [...]
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INDIA Becoming Rwanda!
Posted on17. Aug, 2012 by Adeela Naureen.
IS INDIA BECOMING RAWANDA AT GRAND SCALE? Former Member of Parliament Simranjit Singh Mann reports that more than a million Sikhs have been murdered by the Indian regime since 1982. The Indian government has murdered more than 300,000 Christians since 1948, almost 100,000 Muslims in Kashmir since 1988, 2,000 to 5,000 Muslims in Gujarat, and tens [...]
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Could India become another Pakistan
Posted on15. Aug, 2012 by Tarik Jan.
Indian leaders neither had the vision nor the political will to integrate and consolidate the Union to make it a cohesive 'whole' based on rule of law, progress and prosperity for all. The result is the emergence of thousands of isolated compartments based on regionalism. Religion, caste, tribal and non-tribal, dumb inner line permit systems [...]
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Posted on12. Aug, 2012 by Adeela Naureen.

One commentator in the daily The Hindu remarking, “Fundamental question is how aliens can terrorize Indians in India? Assam is on the way to become another Kashmir, a much more sinister one at that because of the twin evil of vote bank politics and negligent attitude towards the North East in general”. By Adeela Naureen The [...]
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Sikhs Demand Khalistan
Posted on01. May, 2012 by Editor.

Sikhs Demand Independence and Release of Political Prisoners The Sikh Community in the UK celebrated the 26th Anniversary of the Khalistan Declaration with wide support from MPs of all parties and British Muslims who recognise that the “Sikhs are a Nation” Birmingham, 30 April 2012: Following the recent massive peaceful protests demanding freedom by their brethren in Punjab, including a total [...]
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Posted on30. Apr, 2012 by Khalid Iqbal.

By Air Commodore (R) Khalid Iqbal Pakistan was quick to respond. It test fired its Shaheen 1A missile within a week of India’s launch of Agni V. This indeed was a befitting response and demonstration of national resolve. Pakistan does not seek to enter into an arms race, not it wants to match a weapon-for-weapon [...]
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Posted on05. Apr, 2012 by Chitranjan Sawant.

By Brigadier Chitranjan Sawant,VSM The Editor of a national daily published from the national capital started a storm in the tea cup by publishing a make-believe story that the Army had moved troops to areas around Dellhi when the spat between the Army Chief and the Raksha Mantri was snowballing. The story caused a furore [...]
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Posted on02. Mar, 2012 by Frank Huzur.

Akhilesh is Hercules of Indian Socialism. By Frank Huzur in Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh-India) Wrapping up the mega-marathon series of whistle-stop campaigning from wheel to walk, cycle to chopper, young Indian socialist Akhilesh Yadav has not only rejuvenated smirking Socialist Party of India (Samajwadi Party) in the course of cantering 9000 kms in the dustbowl of [...]