Archive for 'War on Terrorism'


Posted on22. Apr, 2012 by .


"America must plan her exit at earliest possible before its too late, lest it finds itself burried in the graveyard of the empires." Raja Mujtaba Air Commodore (R) Khalid Iqbal                                                    Recent violence in Kabul has exposed various myths. Foremost is that the declaratory policy of winning of ‘Afghan hearts and minds’ is mere rhetoric, ground [...]

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Lisbon Summit: An Endorsement of U.S Role in Afghanistan

Posted on22. Nov, 2010 by .


By Dr Raja Muhammad Khan:
. The NATO would now have the mandate to invade militarily, anywhere, even out of EU boundaries, once there would be security threats to any of its member. Indirectly, it was a message to Russia and China after agreeing on the missile shield for the Europe and U.S.

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The Afghan peace talks and the war on terror

Posted on25. Oct, 2010 by .


By Keith Jones:
The Afghan war has been a criminal enterprise from its beginning nine years ago this month. That the Obama administration has massively expanded the war is testament to its basic role, which has been to deepen the drive of the US ruling elite toward reaction all down the line—militarism, the assault on democratic rights at home, the looting of the state to preserve the wealth of the financial aristocracy, and the attack on the living standards and rights of working people.

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Are NATO–RAW Behind Karachi Blasts?

Posted on11. Oct, 2010 by .


By Zaheerul Hassan:
In short, twin blasts of October 8, 2010 would be taken as the continuity of Indian militancy supported by elements of Afghan intelligence agency, Mossad and CIA. International community should come out and condemned the global terrorism.

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The Unending Afghan Saga

Posted on24. Sep, 2010 by .


By Dr Muzaffar Iqbal:

In the never-ending, ever-renewed, sensation hungry American saga of the twenty-first century, now a new book about Obama’s presidency is supposed to rock America all the way from Washington DC to its outermost territory: Kabul.

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Helicopter crash 9 American Soldiers Killed

Posted on22. Sep, 2010 by .


By Bill Van Auken:

What these statements make clear is that the military has determined that the Afghanistan occupation must go on for years to come. Just as it rubber-stamped the generals’ demand for a 30,000-troop surge, the Obama administration is prepared to continue the US war indefinitely, with the inevitable result of thousands more US troops and tens of thousands of Afghan civilians killed and wounded.

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