Archive for 'Opinion'
Society’s Genome
Posted on09. Jun, 2012 by Humayun Gauhar.

By Humayun Gauhar Last week, my mood was foul. This week, I’m laughing. Why shouldn’t I? Exactly what I said would happen is happening, not because I am privy to the pedestrian ‘scripts’ written by silly superpowers themselves in terminal decline but because I can read the script written in the genes of human societies [...]
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Pakistan: Where Criminals become Leaders
Posted on09. Jun, 2012 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.
By Mahboob A. Khawaja, PhD Historically and presently, the infant US Empire and the former European empires have divided people against each other, blamed the resulting conflict on the people themselves, and thus justified their control over both the people, and the region they occupy…. This is the strategy at work to destabilize and break-up [...]
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Targeting Armed Forces
Posted on08. Jun, 2012 by S M Hali.
Allegations against Armed Forces regarding missing persons By S. M. Hali There is a Chanakyan maxim that: “tell a lie so often it appears to be the truth”. The same appears to be the case with the missing persons in Pakistan. So many different agencies are involved in the imbroglio that it is getting difficult [...]
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Roll Call of Subversives
Posted on08. Jun, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

Half Truths are like half bricks; you can throw them farther By Usman Khalid India is relying on the Zardari-Gilani administration to deliver ‘economic failure’ to make Pakistan a vassal state like Bangladesh. But that is the subject of something I wrote before. Please click on the link for details. The focus of this piece is [...]
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Pakistan: Lava is Bubbling
Posted on07. Jun, 2012 by Asif H Raja.
Bubbling lava may burst "Look into the eyes of the people; one can see blood in them." Raja Mujtaba By Brig Asif Haroon Raja Ali Baba is convicted by Supreme Court on charges of contempt of court but the gang of thieves under him boisterously says he is not a convict and repose [...]
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Roll 300 Heads And Save Pakistan!
Posted on07. Jun, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

“The nations are born in the hearts of the poets; they prosper and die in the hands of the politicians.” Dr Allama Iqbal By Raja G Mujtaba Today looking at Pakistan, one is hurt to the bones. The spine begins to shiver and squeak but the pain and the hurt does not subside. Observing more [...]
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From Dreams to Drones
Posted on07. Jun, 2012 by Editor.
Who Is The Real Barack Obama? By Pankaj Mishra June 05, 2012 "The Guardian" – – Barack Obama, according to Foreign Policy magazine, "has become George W Bush on steroids". Armed with a "kill list", the Nobel peace laureate now hosts "Tuesday terror" meetings at the White House to discuss targets of drone attacks in Pakistan and at least [...]
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The Truth Movement
Posted on06. Jun, 2012 by Julia Mitchell.
Is It Just Another Psy Op to Confuse Us? By Julia Mitchell They saw us coming. As well they should have, as we have simply arrived at the destination they had set for us to arrive at. In terms of history humanity tends to categorize itself by what we refer to as “ages.” Historically speaking [...]
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Chief Justice at the crossroad
Posted on06. Jun, 2012 by Ghayur Ayub.
by Dr Ghayur Ayub Speaking in a new talk-show, 'Washington Beat', a well-known journalist spoke about a new scam equalling the mega scandals of recent months. The case refers to the son of the Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Pakistan. According to the investigative report, the son of CJP was persuaded to go into a [...]
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What Does It Tell You?
Posted on05. Jun, 2012 by Dr Haider Mehdi.

NOTES FROM A SOCIAL SCIENTIST By Dr. Haider Mehdi The happiness of the drop is to die in the river; When the pain exceeds bearable limits, the pain itself becomes the medicine. When the spring cloud clears after heavy rain, it seems to me as if it were Weeping so hard that, at the end [...]