Archive for 'Interviews'
Muslim to Unite-A Radio Talk on Building Bridges
Posted on06. Oct, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

The talk was hosted by Jerry Davis and Ceylan Ozbudak. A detailed discussion took place on the present situation as to how the Muslims and Islam is being targeted. Its a recording on MP3 pasted below this brief introduction. Please click on the link below for audio recording.
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American influence in the Middle East slipping
Posted on01. Oct, 2012 by Nadir Mir.

American influence in the Middle East slipping Jared DeLuna © Collage "The Voice of Russia America’s image and influence has taken more of a beating within the Middle East, thanks to the new film ‘Innocence of Muslims’. The movie, which appeared on YouTube has yet to be taken down. [...]
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Muslims to Unite to Counter Western Propaganda
Posted on21. Sep, 2012 by Kourosh Ziabari.

Interview: Pakistani Journalist Urges Muslims to Unite to Counter Western Propaganda TEHRAN (FNA)- Pakistani journalist and former advisor to Kuwait Air Force Raja G. Mujtaba believes that the recent blasphemous movie against Islam has been produced to provoke the anger of Muslims around the world so that the Western propaganda machinery may have the excuse [...]
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UN structure must change
Posted on17. Sep, 2012 by Dr Shahid Qureshi.

Interview with Dr Shahid Qureshi, writer and journalist, from London By PRESS TV "Change is necessary in the current environment since the number of member states has increased, and the power balance is also shifting from the West to the East.” Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has underlined the [...]
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Interview: Brig Nadir Mir
Posted on04. Sep, 2012 by Nadir Mir.

Interview with Pakistani Brigadier Nadir Mir (R) Soldier to Scholar By D.S. Hurrell Dallas College Q1: Your book ‘Gwadar on the Global Chessboard’ outlined the economic and strategic potential this port has for Pakistan. For those who have not read your book, could you elaborate on this strategic port? A1: A vision of the planet’s pivotal [...]
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Jimmy Carter: The US has lost moral leadership
Posted on27. Jun, 2012 by Editor.

Jimmy Carter slams U.S. policy on drones, targeted assassinations By James Meikle, The Guardian June 25, 2012 Jimmy Carter Former US president Jimmy Carter has declared that drone strikes and targeted assassinations abroad have seen the country violating human rights in a way that “abets our enemies and alienates our friends”. In a stinging [...]
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Himalayan Voice: Pakistan-India Relations and the Region
Posted on25. Jun, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Raja G Mujtaba Himalayan Voice has its origins in Nepal but based in Boston, USA. This was a talk conducted by its anchor, Mr. Rana. The 40 minutes talk covered a wide array of issues that concern SAARC in general and Pakistan-India in particular. (The Video is embedded at the end of the paper). [...]
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Flashback: A pillar of strength
Posted on27. May, 2012 by Editor.

Note: Mussarat Ahmedzeb is the widow of a dear friend of mine Capt Ahmezeb who was my course mate in Pakistan Military Academy. It’s indeed an honour for me to republish what was published in Dawn about her role and conduct in Swat during all these years of insurgency and terrorism. Raja Mujtaba By Sumaira [...]
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A Talk with Nawabzada Malik Amad
Posted on14. May, 2012 by Editor.
Candid conversation with Pakistani minister of state for foreign affairs By Tariq Saeedi His embossed visiting card says Nawabzada Malik Amad Khan but when we sat down for a conversation Saturday in Ashgabat, it was only Amad who spoke – candid, warm and very well informed. Amad, as minister of state for foreign affairs, is [...]
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Barack Obama is a one-term president: Yvonne Ridley
Posted on16. Mar, 2012 by Kourosh Ziabari.

By Kourosh Ziabari You would certainly know Yvonne Ridley or at least heard of her name if you have been a regular follower of Press TV, especially in Britain, albeit before the state-run media regulator Ofcom took the news network off the Sky platform, depriving millions of Britons of the opportunity to watch a TV [...]