Archive for 'Health and Medicine'
Eggs Are Good for You
Posted on12. Aug, 2012 by Editor.
Question: Are eggs considered part of a healthy diet, especially if one is concerned about cholesterol? Dr. Brownstein's Answer Probably no food has been more vilified than the egg. I have heard all the lines: “My doctor told me to avoid eggs.” “Eggs raise your cholesterol levels.” “Eggs cause heart disease.” But I can assure [...]
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Tuberculosis and DOTS
Posted on08. Jul, 2012 by Editor.
Is “Stopping TB in My Lifetime” is possible with Directly Observed Treatment Strategy (DOTS)? By Anis Rehman, MD Tuberculosis (TB) is a major healthcare concern across the globe. Worth Health Organization’s (WHO) data speaks for itself. In the year 2010, 8.8 million people acquired TB and 1.4 million died from it. It’s worth to note [...]
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Dealing with Intellectual Disorder
Posted on24. Feb, 2011 by Jawad Raza.

By Jawad Raza Khan:
It’s time to respond now; there is a dire need of developing special education parameters on realistic, scientific and implementable grounds. To evolve a continuous system the basic parameters on which the special education policy of Islamic Republic of Pakistan would be able to achieve practicable sustainability. Following will be the highlights:
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Iran Accountable for BP Oil Spill
Posted on03. Aug, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Mehreen Saeed British Petroleum has been inundated with diatribes by our government and media for a lack of responsible reaction during the three months while millions of barrels of oil gushed out of MC252 well site into the Gulf of Mexico. Since the biggest environmental catastrophe in the U.S. history enfolded, causing billions of [...]
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Posted on15. Jul, 2010 by Jeff.

THE COALITION OF CONSCIENCE CHARTER OF DEMANDS A meeting of different organizations was held under the Chairmanship of Admiral Fasih Bukhari, President Ex Servicemen Association and former Chief of Naval Staff, Pakistan Navy. It was represented by the intelligentsia, opinion makers and other influentials. We, the people of Pakistan, progeny of the Great Nara (Sarasvati), [...]
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Israel’s Hidden Fangs
Posted on22. Jun, 2010 by Jeff.

Operation Cage: a case study in Israeli false flag tactics By Wayne Madsen Top Turkish government and intelligence sources told WMR in Ankara and Istanbul that Turkish intelligence has obtained evidence that Israeli intelligence is squarely behind repeated Ergenekon “deep state” plots aimed at overthrowing the Turkish government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, including [...]
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Israel behind Ergenekon “deep state” network
Posted on13. Jun, 2010 by Jeff.

Wide array of Turkish officials believe so By Wayne Madsen ANKRA June 12 -14, 2010 (Special Dispatch) A wide array of Turkish government, NGO, and think tank officials have stated that the investigation of the Ergenekon “deep state” apparatus in Turkey, responsible for a series of attempted coups d’etat and both attempted and actual false [...]
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Massacre on the Gaza Aid flotilla
Posted on13. Jun, 2010 by Jeff.

Another crime against humanity Why is The USA Criminally Silent? By Dr. K. M. A. Malik Cultures of Resistance filmmaker Iara Lee, who was on board the Mavi Marmara, has just released previously unseen footage of the massacre that took place on the ship. This is a 15-minute clip of an hour long tape she [...]
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Turkey under attack from same cabal that pulled off 9/11
Posted on12. Jun, 2010 by Jeff.

By Wayne Madesn (Special Despatch) ANKARA June 11-13, 2010 NATO member Turkey is under attack from a nexus of neoconservative media propagandists, principally led by the Wall Street Journal and Saudi media ”commentators,” Israeli special operations units, and Ergenekon “deep state” fifth columnists embedded in the Turkish military and intelligence services. In fact, many Turkish officials are now [...]
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Posted on11. Jun, 2010 by Jeff.

LETTING THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY By Dr. Alan Sabrosky In a gesture that has received more than a little attention in the Western media, Israeli officials announced with some fanfare that they were easing the embargo of goods they allow into Palestine. Israel’s supporters have been using the opportunity to declare that this [...]