Archive for 'Book Reviews'
US: Generals’ Explorations
Posted on11. Nov, 2012 by Editor.

Tom Ricks' 'The Generals' Explores How Hard It Is To Get Rid Of Bad Military Leaders By Andrea Stone WASHINGTON — As the country chooses a president Tuesday, a timely new book by a veteran military writer makes the case that it is now easier to sack the commander in chief than it is to [...]
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Here Comes Trouble Again
Posted on19. Sep, 2012 by Michael Moore.

Friends, Today my publisher is releasing the paperback edition of my book, 'Here Comes Trouble.' This is my best book. Ever. How do I know that? The New York Times said so! Well, this ad in today's Timessaid so. You can get the paperback right now, real cheap, by clicking here. I get a buck-twenty from every [...]
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Book Review: Global Peace and Conflict Management
Posted on22. May, 2012 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.

Man and Humanity in Search of New Thinking by Mahboob A. Khawaja Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, May 2012 (ISBN 978-3-659-00093-5) The book offers brilliant new thinking and scholarly visions responding to complex and changing global crisis situations. Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja shares cross-cultural knowledge and international experiences to spearhead the interests and values of Man, [...]
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India: A State Sponsoring Terrorism
Posted on18. Apr, 2012 by Raja Mujtaba.

Catherine Scott-Clark declare India- A State Sponsoring Terrorism The journalists Adrian Levy and Catherine Scott-Clark an award-winning investigative journalist in their book comprising 500 pages put on sale from 1st May 2012 "The Meadow: Kashmir 1995 — Where the Terror Began" claim theWesterners were murdered by a group of Kashmiri militants who worked for the Indian [...]
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Book Review: Here Comes Trouble
Posted on23. Oct, 2011 by Michael Moore.

A Note from Michael Moore As my book, HERE COMES TROUBLE, wraps up its third god-awfully awesome week on the New York Times bestseller list, and tens of thousands of you have now read it or are reading it, I'd like to take this moment to first thank you for buying it, borrowing it, or [...]
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Arabia at Crossroads – Book Review
Posted on23. Sep, 2011 by Dr Mahboob A Khawaja.

Arab People Strive for Freedom, Peace and New Leadership, VDM Publishing, Germany, September 2011. ISBN 978-3-639-37261-8 By Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D. The book offers stunning new discoveries and forbidden insights interwoven in the social and political uprising against the authoritarian Arab rulers who live in palaces, not with people and are assessed as [...]
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More contortions on the neocons
Posted on07. Aug, 2011 by Stephen Sniegoski.

By Stephen J. Sniegoski:
“The central focus of this book is to demonstrate that the purported neoconservative preoccupation with moral ideals and especially ‘exporting democracy’ … was almost entirely abstract and rhetorical, if it was present at all. Where neocons did invoke idealistic rhetoric (and it is usually in the abstract rather than the practical), the caveats and conditions that they added to it all but ruled out military intervention in the service of democracy or any other moral ideals, although
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Book Review: Pakistan Manifest Destiny
Posted on09. Apr, 2011 by Ayesha Villalobos.

By Ayesha Villalobos Pakistan was shaped and created by visionaries who have the courage to challenge history and managed to shake it vigorously. The partition of 1947 had unified the people regardless of ethnicity, the ideology of a nation for Muslims created a sense of shared destiny, while observer around the world are incredulous about this [...]
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Avi Shlaim on the Neoconservative Middle East War Agenda
Posted on17. Jan, 2011 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Stephen J. Sniegoski;
“American proponents of the war on Iraq promised that action against Iraq would form part of a broader engagement with the problems of the Middle East,” Shlaim notes. “The road to Jerusalem, they argued, went through Baghdad. Cutting off Saddam Hussein’s support for Palestinian terrorism was, according to them, an essential first step in the quest for a settlement.”
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The Transparent Cabal
Posted on23. Sep, 2010 by Raja Mujtaba.

By Ed Warner History is full of examples of a determined minority prevailing over a more passive majority. A case in point is the neoconservative effort to bring the United States into war with Iraq largely for the protection of Israel. Despite the dubious reasons the neoconservatives advanced — Iraq has WMDs, ties to al-Qaeda [...]