Archive by Author
Obama’s God complex
Posted on30. May, 2012 by Yvonne Ridley.
By Yvonne Ridley The fatal shooting of black teenager Trayvon Martin shocked a nation, inspired tens of thousands to march for justice and even prompted the US President to declare, "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon". It took nearly six weeks for George Zimmerman, the Florida man accused of killing the [...]
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British justice in dock over Abu Qatada
Posted on17. Feb, 2012 by Yvonne Ridley.

And when the British Government decides to make public its secret evidence against Abu Qatada I may consider doing the same to show exactly how foreign intelligence agencies planted evidence and hoodwinked us all. By Yvonne Ridley Istanbul I am overseas as the whole Abu Qatada hate fest unfolds back in London. And from my [...]
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Agenda on Hand: Attack On Iran
Posted on05. Dec, 2011 by Yvonne Ridley.

By Yvonne Ridley I felt quite uneasy when our man in Tehran, Dominick Chilcott, said the attack on the British Embassy was state-supported. What doesn't he understand about people power? Surely he should have learned a lesson from the Arab Spring that when angry people rebel it's impossible to stop them. To say the Iranian police [...]
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The UK: End secrecy laws
Posted on24. May, 2011 by Yvonne Ridley.

By Yvonne Ridley:
The driving force behind Makhlulif’s persecution is not a Government Minister or an elected member of parliament but for the last decade this individual has worked obsessively to keep him and his case shrouded in secrecy. This vicious streak of pure malice shown by someone in authority towards a man who came to these shores for help as an asylum seeker is probably the most unwholesome I’ve encountered in 35 years of journalism.
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Osama Raid: Porn in the USA
Posted on22. May, 2011 by Yvonne Ridley.

By Yvonne Ridley:
Reports show that as many as 3,250 reported rapes or other sexual assaults took place in the U.S. military, in 2009 alone. Military sources admit the unreported incidents could be as high as 16,000 because 80 percent of the victims may not have reported the incidents for fear of reprisal.
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Obamas Hollow Victory
Posted on09. May, 2011 by Yvonne Ridley.

By Yvonne Ridley:
Anyone who knows me and why work know I loathe the Zionist State and what it stands for, and that includes its intelligence agency Mossad but give credit where it’s due … there is good reason why Mossad shines above most agencies for its work and that is because its hallmarks, on the whole, are secrecy and discretion (we can revisit the blunders made by Mossad’s assassination squad in Dubai another time).
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Obama snatches defeat from jaws of victory
Posted on04. May, 2011 by Yvonne Ridley.

By Yvonne Ridley:
And just like George W Bush did on that horrific day way back in 2001, US President Barack Obama unashamedly wallowed in a flag-waving, nationalistic wave of emotion, crowing about national unity and everyone pulling together as he revealed the manhunt for the world’s most wanted man had finally been concluded.
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Libya: The price of freedom
Posted on29. Apr, 2011 by Yvonne Ridley.

By Yvonne Ridley From Benghazi Just a few weeks ago I stood on a public platform and vigorously slammed proposals for Western military intervention in Libya. The hasty scramble by the Americans, French and Brits lacked strategy and a clear goal. To me it appeared to be yet another oil-fuelled, reckless act by gung-ho leaders [...]
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Scorpion Prison: Egypt’s Darkest Corner
Posted on23. Apr, 2011 by Yvonne Ridley.

By Yvonne Ridely:
While all of the Muslim Brotherhood’s political prisoners have now been released from across Egypt the agony continues for the inmates of The Scorpion Prison that is so well hidden from the nearby Cairo-Alexandria desert highway and is about 20 kilometres south of the Egyptian capital.
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US: Florida pastor bigger threat……….
Posted on03. Apr, 2011 by Yvonne Ridley.

By Yvonne Ridley:
The actions of those who went on a killing rampage is beyond belief, but we have to remember that for every action there is a reaction. And it is quite possible that the anger unleashed in Afghanistan was already bubbling just beneath the surface, thanks to the dozen soldiers from the Stryker Brigade who killed Afghan civilians cutting off body parts as trophies, then covered up their crimes.