Archive by Author

Pakistan: What and where is the difference

Posted on01. Dec, 2011 by .


Mr. Khan? By Tanvir Ahmed Siddiqui Mr. Khan? reads that in 2008, Pakistan’s Newsline magazine gave Imran Khan the “Paris Hilton award for being the most undeserving media darling.” The ‘citation’ for Khan read: “He is the leader of a party that is the proud holder of one National Assembly seat (and) gets media [...]

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Fashion Critiques At Political Roundabout

Posted on03. Nov, 2011 by .

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By Tanvir Ahmed Siddiqui Freedom of expression is always and exclusively the freedom for the one who thinks that he / she thinks differently. No matter how far and how different one thinks  but I believe the saying that “no author and thinker is a man of genius or divinity neither to his publisher nor [...]

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Honor for Dishonor

Posted on26. Oct, 2011 by .

Khalil Gibran

By Tanvir Ahmed Siddiqui Khalil Gibran says: Satan is the Salvation of Humanity from Vice & Sin.  Satan creates temptation and temptation is a measurement a scale of God to adjudge the value of human soul and weigh the spirit. Satan must live, for if it dies and the people know It, their fear of hell [...]

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Pakistan: Scope of Revolution

Posted on23. Jun, 2011 by .


In Rearview Mirror and the Windshield: By Tanvir Ahmed Siddiqui There is quite a famous saying that tells us to “Look at life through windshield and not through rear view mirror’. But unfortunately when there is nothing much to view through the windshield you are left with nothing else but to keep on looking and [...]

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Drowning in Information, Starving for Knowledge

Posted on27. Apr, 2011 by .


By Tanvir A Siddiqui:
Information has multi-dimensions with endless number of twisted ifs and buts but knowledge as truth is always unique, precise, to the point, actual, factual and exact. Telling us all about . whos? & whys? wheres? and whats? To be more explicit about the concept, knowledge in my opinion is exact happening and progression of a particular event and its cause and effect directly on people living in that particular moment whereas Information is the historical or aftermath explanation of that event.

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