Archive by Author

Norman Finkelstein and Neocon Denial

Posted on08. Oct, 2012 by .


By Stephen J. Sniegoski          While a number of mainstream media pundits have acknowledged that the neocons played a major role in bringing about the war on Iraq (though usually without mentioning their connection to Israel or their predominantly Jewish ethnicity), there are stringent critics of Israel and US policy in the [...]

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Gingerly Pussyfooting Around the Third Rail

Posted on22. Sep, 2012 by .


Friends, While the mainstream rants continuously about the danger of  Iran’s nuclear program, it rarely mentions the implications, or even the fact,  about Israel’s nuclear weapons arsenal.  The Washington Post recently devoted a brief article to this issue, but dealt with it in a very gentle and defensive manner. The following is my article on [...]

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Saudi Arabia: The Neocons’ Once and Future Target

Posted on29. Aug, 2012 by .


By Stephen J. Sniegoski       The American removal of Saddam had seemingly led to Iranian and Shiite ascendancy in the Middle East, with the Shiite demographic majority being able to dominate Iraq’s national government, though an autonomous Kurdish region was created, and the Sunnis threatened a civil war. A new pro-Iran Shiite crescent [...]

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The Yinon Thesis Vindicated

Posted on12. Aug, 2012 by .


Neocons, Israel, and the Fragmentation of Syria By Stephen J. Sniegoski It is widely realized now that the fall of President Bashar Assad’s regime would leave Syria riven by bitter ethnic, religious, and ideological conflict that could splinter the country into smaller enclaves. Already there has been a demographic shift in this direction, as both [...]

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Straussians and Neoconservatives: The Intimate Relationship

Posted on29. Jul, 2012 by .


By Stephen Sniegoski For some time there has been a spirited debate on the connection between neoconservatism and political scientist Leo Strauss (1899-1973) and his disciples. Leading neoconservatives have studied under Straussians: Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense in George W. Bush’s first administration and “architect of the Iraq War”;  Abram Shulsky, the Director of [...]

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Would Romney Pursue a Neocon War Agenda?

Posted on18. Jul, 2012 by .


by Stephen J. Sniegoski Mitt Romney, who in the past was considered a moderate Republican, has surrounded himself with neoconservative foreign policy advisors.   Romney’s chameleon approach to politics is to simply say, and sometimes do, whatever would appeal to his current audience. To win the governorship of Massachusetts, Romney had to be something of a [...]

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Washington Is Worth a War

Posted on29. Jun, 2012 by .


Obama, Iran, and the Israel Lobby By Stephen J. Sniegoski When, in 1593, Henry of Navarre converted from Protestantism to Catholicism in order to become king of a united France, he is reputed to have said:  "Paris is worth a mass."  For President Obama, as Robert Wright points out in his article, "Obama's Drift Toward War With Iran" [...]

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Has US Support for Israel Reached a Tipping Point?

Posted on02. Jun, 2012 by .


By Stephen J. Sniegoski Philip Giraldi, the executive director of the Council for the National Interest and an astute critic of America’s Israelocentric policy in the Middle East, recently made the case that United States support for Israel, and the concomitant Israeli power which depends on that support, has reached its tipping point  and is [...]

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Israeli Lobby Once Again

Posted on13. Feb, 2012 by .

Israeli Lobby

Israel Lobby Pushes for US Action Against the Syrian Government  James Morris Dares to Mention the Taboo History By Stephen J. Sniegoski In the Russia Today's recent Crosstalk program on Syria, guest  James Morris was brave enough to incisively point out the taboo fact that the Israel lobby has been in the forefront  in pushing [...]

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More contortions on the neocons

Posted on07. Aug, 2011 by .

Neoconservatism and the New American Century

By Stephen J. Sniegoski:
“The central focus of this book is to demonstrate that the purported neoconservative preoccupation with moral ideals and especially ‘exporting democracy’ … was almost entirely abstract and rhetorical, if it was present at all. Where neocons did invoke idealistic rhetoric (and it is usually in the abstract rather than the practical), the caveats and conditions that they added to it all but ruled out military intervention in the service of democracy or any other moral ideals, although

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