Archive by Author
Yemen’s Ordeal: Barely turning heads
Posted on19. Oct, 2011 by Sobia Hanif.

By Sobia Hanif With a population of 24 million, Yemen is situated at the Southwestern edge of the Arabian Peninsula. The North which was formerly known as ‘Yemen Arab Republic’ and the South known as ‘People’s Democratic Republic Of Yemen’ were united in 1990 and since then have been ruled by one man; President Ali [...]
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Pakistan: Fighting Terrorism
Posted on12. Oct, 2011 by Sobia Hanif.

"Terrorism cannot be fought without addressing the root cause that is denial of justice, opportunities and reduction of gap between the rich and the poor. Slogans do not fill the empty stomachs or provide jobs etc." Raja Mujtaba By Sobia Hanif Almost a decade has gone by since our involvement in the US-led war on [...]
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Dismantling the Haqqani Network
Posted on27. Sep, 2011 by Sobia Hanif.

By Sobia Hanif The US top brass once again found itself making headlines by accusing Pakistan’s Intelligence agency of aiding, protecting and facilitating the Haqqani Network. The network, aptly branded as ‘ the most deadly US foe in Afghanistan’ has carried out a number of attacks on US troops and has served as a barrier [...]
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Kashmir: Trilateral Perspective
Posted on20. Sep, 2011 by Sobia Hanif.

Indian authorities believe that if Pakistan were to leave alone the resistance in Kashmir, the struggle for emancipation would die its own natural death. Such an argument falls short of logic on the ground that no freedom struggle could sustain itself solely on foreign sponsorship for so long. By Sobia Hanif While unchecked and unrestrained [...]
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Libya: What lies ahead for the NTC
Posted on31. Aug, 2011 by Sobia Hanif.

By Sobia Hanif:
Gloating about their resplendent achievement in Libya, an anonymous British official stated in an interview with the ‘Economist’ that ‘NATO’s involvement in the Libyan uprising means that ‘now we own it”.
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China’s Quest for Taiwan
Posted on22. Aug, 2011 by Sobia Hanif.

By Sobia Hanif Taiwan issue has been a long standing crucial point in the US-China relationship. China’s persistent claim that Taiwan is an integral part of the mainland has not only been challenged by the Taiwanese government repeatedly but also taunted by the rigorous flow of economic and military aid to Taiwan, under the Taiwan Relations [...]
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Presenting Pakistan’s Perspective
Posted on18. Aug, 2011 by Sobia Hanif.

By Sobia Hanif:
We will be judged in history on account of our successes and failures, not on the basis of the loud rhetoric of our leaders. We need to realize the necessity for a positive change within ourselves in order to ensure a prosperous future for the posterity of Pakistan.
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Continuing Relevance of Jammu and Kashmir
Posted on16. Aug, 2011 by Sobia Hanif.

By Sobia Hanif The Jammu and Kashmir dispute is an intricate issue, which lies at the heart of most of the conflicts between the nuclear rivals of South Asia. It would be over optimistic to hope for a permanent congenial environment for the people of the region without resolving the Jammu and Kashmir issue according [...]