Archive by Author
Prince Bandar’s Wake-Up Call
Posted on22. Jul, 2012 by Peter Chamberlin.

By Peter Chamberlin Prince BanderIt feels like something sinister has just occurred, but it may be a long time until we figure-out just what that was (SEE: Saudi Appointment Suggests Bigger Regional Ambitions ). When dealing with the Saudis, nothing is as it seems. Trying to understand the Saudi royal family is something like trying to decipher a hidden [...]
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Clinton Bares All
Posted on25. May, 2012 by Peter Chamberlin.

Hillary Finally Brings Bureau of Spy/Diplomatic Liaisons Out of the Closet By Peter Chamberlin Clinton finally brings the secret military/State Dept. covert operations out into the open (SEE: Clinton Goes Commando, Sells Diplomats as Shadow Warriors). This is the logical outcome of a process started long ago, during the Reagan Administration, when Congress put restrictions on the [...]
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Whirling Dervish and TAPI Politics
Posted on23. May, 2012 by Peter Chamberlin.

Is the Whirling Dervish of TAPI Politics Finally Spinning America’s Way? By Peter Chamberlin It had to eventually happen–Afghan politics have come full circle, and then some. It was only a matter of time before the TAPI pipe dream would once again be offered as a solution to the Afghan conflict. The Taliban are once [...]
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The Obscenity of Humanitarian Warfare
Posted on06. May, 2012 by Peter Chamberlin.

By: Peter Chamberlin America and NATO have done a very bad thing, a perplexing thing–they have blurred the lines between war and peace, by turning “humanitarian intervention” into a tool of aggression. It is now logical to view all American humanitarian aid, in all of its forms, as the first stage of aggression, America’s foot [...]
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Smashing Greater Central Asia – Part IV
Posted on31. Dec, 2011 by Peter Chamberlin.

Smashing Systematically By Peter Chamberlin The pipeline wars are real wars, in that two or more nations are ordering their civilian and military foot soldiers, on a daily basis, into life or death contests to the finish. For the United States, it is a contest which must be won, if we are to survive, according [...]
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Smashing Greater Central Asia- art III
Posted on12. Dec, 2011 by Peter Chamberlin.

Phantom Threats By Peter Chamberlin Representatives from all of the secret agencies of the Stans, except for Turkmenistan, have come together in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan to identify a common threat in Central Asia, emanating from a non-existent terrorist underground (SEE: Secret services say about the presence in Central Asia, domestic extremist underground). This consensus on a common [...]
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Pentagon sabotaging the White House
Posted on29. Nov, 2011 by Peter Chamberlin.

By Peter Chamberlin Nangarhar is the secured province that is being turned over to Afghan forces, where the border incident has erupted. The attack upon Pakistan was intended as a demonstration for the world to see the dangers of an early Afghan transition and withdrawal. What else could explain this Afghan unit gaining command over Nangarhar [...]
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Bring The Devil To The Knees!
Posted on19. Nov, 2011 by Peter Chamberlin.

Investing Your Future In A Poison Peace Process The leaders of both Pakistan and India must be prepared to turn away from the American bait and switch operation at play in Afghanistan, if they want to survive without suffering through violent repercussions for their partnerships with the devil. By Peter Chamberlin The Indian analyst [...]
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Smashing Greater Central AsiaPart 2
Posted on16. Oct, 2011 by Peter Chamberlin.

Risking the World By Peter Chamberlin In the grand scheme of things, as conceived inside Washington, D.C., the world is a three-dimensional chess board, much like the ones seen on Star Trek, or more accurately, like the modern game called “Risk.” For those unfamiliar with this popular cult board game, it is literally a game [...]
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There Can Be Only One Empire
Posted on26. Aug, 2011 by Peter Chamberlin.

Dis-info Site Debkafile Pushes Meme of “Imperial Split” By Peter Chamberlin The following report is likely to be true. The dis-info element in it is the report’s contention that there is a separation developing between the Saudis and the US. There is no distance between Saudi Imperial plans and US Imperial plans–THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE [...]