Archive by Author
Putin Is Demonized While Democracy Fails In Amerika
Posted on30. Aug, 2012 by Paul Craig Roberts.
As Putin has said, “we know what Comrade Wolf is up to.” But what about the human rights organizations? What are they up to? Have they been incorporated into Washington’s propaganda machine, like the Western media, or are they latching on to Pussy Riot as a visibility and fundraising issue for themselves? By: Paul Craig [...]
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Is Washington Deaf As Well as Criminal?
Posted on21. Aug, 2012 by Paul Craig Roberts.
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts The morons who rule the American sheeple are not only dumb and blind, they are deaf as well. The ears of the american “superpower” only work when the Israeli prime minister, the crazed Netanyahu, speaks. Then Washington hears everything and rushes to comply. Israel is a tiny insignificant [...]
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War On All Fronts
Posted on20. Jul, 2012 by Paul Craig Roberts.
Washington's three-front war: Syria, Lebanon, Iran in the Middle East, China in the Far East, Russia in Europe… By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts The Russian government has finally caught on that its political opposition is being financed by the US taxpayer-funded National Endowment for Democracy and other CIA/State Department fronts in an attempt to subvert the [...]
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The Global War on Terrorism
Posted on22. May, 2012 by Paul Craig Roberts.
Are Americans Catching On, Waking Up, Unplugging? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts In response to the question in the title I can report that most of my readers are. Almost everyone got the point of the last column. They see the absurdity of the government’s claim that the identity of the tough, macho Navy [...]
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The Case of the Missing Terrorists
Posted on17. May, 2012 by Paul Craig Roberts.
By Paul Robert Craig If there were any real terrorists, Jose Rodriguez would be dead. Who is Jose Rodriguez? He is the criminal who ran the CIA torture program. Most of his victims were not terrorists or even insurgents. Most were hapless individuals kidnapped by warlords and sold to the Americans as “terrorists” [...]
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Will Iran Be Attacked?
Posted on12. Feb, 2012 by Paul Craig Roberts.

44 US military bases surrounding Iran… By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Washington has made tremendous preparations for a military assault on Iran. There is speculation that Washington has called off its two longest running wars–Iraq and Afghanistan–in order to deploy forces against Iran. Two of Washington’s fleets have been assigned to the Persian Gulf along [...]
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Tyranny in the Forecast: The Outlook for the New Year
Posted on03. Jan, 2012 by Paul Craig Roberts.

Preventative war is like Jeremy Bentham’s concept of preventing crime by locking up those thought by the upper crust to be predisposed to criminal activity before they commit a crime. Punishment without crime is now the American Way. By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts In March 2010 when I resigned from my column with Creator’s Syndicate [...]
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Pakistan and “The Haqqani Network”
Posted on27. Sep, 2011 by Paul Craig Roberts.

The Latest Orchestrated Threat to America and The End of History By Paul Craig Roberts Have you ever before heard of the Haqqanis? I didn’t think so. Like Al Qaeda, about which no one had ever heard prior to 9/11, the “Haqqani Network” has popped up in time [...]
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The Mystery Shrouds Osama’s death
Posted on04. Aug, 2011 by Paul Craig Roberts.

Creating Evidence Where There Is None By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts The New Yorker has published a story planted on Nicholas Schmidle by unidentified sources who claim to be familiar with the alleged operation that murdered Osama bin Laden. There is no useful information in the story. Its purpose seems simply to explain away or cover [...]
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Is the US Driving the World Towards World War III
Posted on24. May, 2011 by Paul Craig Roberts.

By Paul Craig Roberts:
If reports are correct, the US government has gone into the business of managing the public’s perceptions of news and events. Apparently, the Pentagon has implemented Perception Management Psychological Operations. There are also reports that the State Department and other government agencies use Facebook and Twitter to stir up problems for the Syrian, Iranian, Russian, Chinese, and Venezuela governmentsin efforts to unseat governments not controlled by Washington…..