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Balochistan In Historical Perspective
Posted on22. Feb, 2012 by Naveed Tajammal.

By Naveed Tajammal Now a days, the basic problem is that people are not aware of history, everyone goes by what the media feeds them and media is Zionist dominated. What the media is telling are what the Zionists want to achieve therefore they engineer the facts; in most cases the facts are removed or [...]
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Anglo-Saxon Law Is The Tool
Posted on05. Sep, 2010 by Naveed Tajammal.

By Naveed Tajammal:
When the European powers colonized in Asia and Africa, they not only destroyed their language, culture and social and religious values but they even replaced their laws and the source of jurisprudence.
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SECULARISM: Brain Child Of Freemasons – PART III
Posted on28. Aug, 2010 by Naveed Tajammal.

By Naveed Tajammal
Worshiping the Lucifer is a hidden act of all the Freemasons and Zionists. Alex Jones has done a good job in recording such places and exposed them to the maximum.
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Secularism: The Brainchild of Freemasons Part II
Posted on25. Aug, 2010 by Naveed Tajammal.

By Naveed Tajammal
The purpose of highlighting, Ottoman Turkey, as a case study, though very briefly and practically in general outlines, is to state that, just because, the Turk leadership, of that time had done a blunder, due to pressure of the super powers, we need not, even think about it, for reasons, as will be explained, as these have resulted in a chain reaction of events, a study of which however brief is a must.
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Secularism is Zionism
Posted on19. Aug, 2010 by Naveed Tajammal.

By Naveed Tajammal:
In the Turkish history, in the mid 19Th century when Freemasons were taking roots, our lands were being annexed by the British and, we were to face a despotic English Rule for another 100 years. Freemasons cultivated and launched Mustafa Kamal Pasha to secularise Turkey. A rule which ransacked and destroyed our society and has made and left us with many a breaches or divides in our nation. By leaving open the Pandora’s box filled with creations of the British Policies which unfortunately, we still, unwittingly adhere to.
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America is a Federation Pakistan is Not
Posted on14. Aug, 2010 by Naveed Tajammal.

By Naveed Tajammal
There is an increased pressure to accept Pakistan as a federation for which it is being linked and governed by Government of India Act 1935 of British India, an Act. This Act was tailor made for the British as per their own geopolitical requirements in relation, to an empire where the sun never set, or the rule of the Union Jack. We as a nation, have to see our past divorced from the past that the British created and thrust upon us by creating new geographic entities that never existed before. This was a result of the British Imperialist Forward Policies, spanning part of the 18th and the whole of 19th century, when the British had started their annexations in Indus Basin (now known as Pakistan) in pursuance of, their own interest, to check the emerging threats of various pivotal powers of the 19th and early 20th century.
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Posted on20. May, 2010 by Naveed Tajammal.

By Naveed Tajammal:
The Indians know of their past records, after all Calcutta, madras and Bombay is their part. And no wonder the Indian Finance Minister, Parnab Mukherjee’ had the nerve to say, after all they have done onto us, that, ”Economic relations between India and Pakistan, remain a must, to maintain peace and stability in south Asia” and he knew onto whom he could count on to ensure the same-our worthy Traders, who else !!