Archive by Author
Baluchistan and Pakistan Army
Posted on20. Oct, 2012 by Nadir Mir.

By Brigadier Nadir Mir The enemy in Baluchistan is neither the Baloch nor the Pakistan Army, but foreign hostile forces and their allies. The problem in Baluchistan is local sense of deprivation, alienation, grievances; cycle of violence, under development of a sparse demography spread over vast spaces and of course Geopolitics. Many Baloch claim to [...]
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American influence in the Middle East slipping
Posted on01. Oct, 2012 by Nadir Mir.

American influence in the Middle East slipping Jared DeLuna © Collage "The Voice of Russia America’s image and influence has taken more of a beating within the Middle East, thanks to the new film ‘Innocence of Muslims’. The movie, which appeared on YouTube has yet to be taken down. [...]
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Interview: Brig Nadir Mir
Posted on04. Sep, 2012 by Nadir Mir.

Interview with Pakistani Brigadier Nadir Mir (R) Soldier to Scholar By D.S. Hurrell Dallas College Q1: Your book ‘Gwadar on the Global Chessboard’ outlined the economic and strategic potential this port has for Pakistan. For those who have not read your book, could you elaborate on this strategic port? A1: A vision of the planet’s pivotal [...]
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The Global Anti Elite Revolution
Posted on30. May, 2012 by Nadir Mir.
By Brigadier Nadir Mir Revolution is in the air – Globally. At least the first wave of revolutionary fervour has struck the world. Commencing from unlikely Tunisia, spreading through dormant Egypt, toppling the Libyan strongman, the North African – Arabian Peninsula rejoiced in the Arab Spring. Yet the 'Occupy Wall Street' and western world change [...]
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On the Brink of Third World War
Posted on24. Mar, 2012 by Nadir Mir.

By Brig Nadir Mir 2012 onwards, the world is on the brink of Third World War. All sane and peace loving men would pray and strive that it is averted. For the horoscope of the times point towards a global catastrophe in the making. The guns of August 1914 – 1st World War paled in [...]
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Balochistan and International Conspiracies
Posted on03. Mar, 2012 by Nadir Mir.

By Brig Nadir Mir Recently, a resolution was passed in the US Congress to divide Pakistan and carve out an ‘independent Balochistan’. With this, an old neocon dream was revived. This time the so-called globalists and propagandists, masquerading as human right activists, are the cheerleaders. Against this backdrop, Colonel Ralph Peter’s map of the ‘New [...]
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Ron Paul : The American for Real Change!
Posted on23. Jan, 2012 by Nadir Mir.

No State Actor can hope to get away, after attacking America. The only Non State Actor Al-Qaeda (that too CIA creation) is on the sights of US military power since a decade for this attempt. With two oceans for safety on the flanks, soft neighbours in the North and South, the USA has no one [...]
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Peace in Afghanistan and the Good American
Posted on07. Jan, 2012 by Nadir Mir.

By Brig Nadir Mir Geopolitics of Peace is an Endeavour by Nadir Mir The world needs peace in Afghanistan (which of course starts with a US troop withdrawal). America’s Vice President Joe Biden recently stated – “The Taliban per se is not the enemy” .This is a step towards peace, which should be welcomed by [...]
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Geopolitics of Confusion
Posted on29. Dec, 2011 by Nadir Mir.

US – NATO attack on Pakistan By Brig Nadir Mir US – NATO attacked a non NATO Ally Pakistan! The attack was unprovoked, wanton, cowardly and ruthless. It was open aggression and violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty. US – NATO aggression was condemned or Pakistan received support and sympathy from China, Russia, Iran, OIC (Saudi Arabia) [...]
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How US can improve its image in Pakistan?
Posted on16. Dec, 2011 by Nadir Mir.
Geopolitics of Peace By Brig Nadir Mir Regardless of US, Pakistan remaining allies or not, they were never destined to be enemies. Yet anti Americanism grows in Pakistan and frustration with Pakistan increases in America. Even though 'disenchanted allies' for long, the last decade, post 9/11 has resulted in a growing animosity. This is a [...]