Archive by Author
Here Comes Trouble Again
Posted on19. Sep, 2012 by Michael Moore.

Friends, Today my publisher is releasing the paperback edition of my book, 'Here Comes Trouble.' This is my best book. Ever. How do I know that? The New York Times said so! Well, this ad in today's Timessaid so. You can get the paperback right now, real cheap, by clicking here. I get a buck-twenty from every [...]
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“President Romney”
Posted on07. Sep, 2012 by Michael Moore.
How to Prevent Those Two Words From Ever Being Spoken … a letter from Michael Moore In two months we Americans will go to the polls once again to decide who the president will be for the next four years. We will not be allowed to vote on those who wield the true power in [...]
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It’s The Gun
Posted on26. Jul, 2012 by Michael Moore.

But We All Know, It's Not Really the Guns… a note from Michael Moore Friends, Since Cain went nuts and whacked Abel, there have always been those humans who, for one reason or another, go temporarily or permanently insane and commit unspeakable acts of violence. There was the Roman Emperor Tiberius, who during the first century A.D. [...]
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More Than a Victory
Posted on29. Jun, 2012 by Michael Moore.
The Decision Today Was a Mandate for Us to Act .. .an end zone dance from Michael Moore Dear Friends, Even though it's been a few hours now, I'm guessing you're still pinching yourself to make sure you're not dreaming. But yes, it happened. At 10:07 this morning, the conservative Chief Justice of the U.S. [...]
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A 75th Anniversary for the American Dream
Posted on23. Feb, 2012 by Michael Moore.

A 25-Year Anniversary for Me …a letter from Michael Moore Friends, On this day 25 years ago, in 1987, I became a filmmaker. It was around ten in the morning and the first-ever roll of Kodak 16mm film for my first-ever movie was loaded into my friend's camera to shoot the very first scene of [...]
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US Elections: Get Money Out Of Elections
Posted on28. Dec, 2011 by Michael Moore.

In 2012, I'm Only Backing Candidates Who Pledge to Get Money OUT of Politics — Like Dan Kildee from Flint …a letter from Michael Moore. Dear Friends, I have many things I'm planning to do in the New Year — walk three miles a day, use an eco-friendly laundry detergent, write fewer anonymous letters to [...]
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A Movement that was triggered in Tunisia
Posted on19. Dec, 2011 by Michael Moore.

A Man in Tunisia, a Movement on Wall Street, and the Soldier Who Ignited the Fuse … a letter from Michael Moore Dear Friends, It's Saturday night and I didn't want the day to end before I sent out this note to you. One year ago today (December 17th), Mohamed Bouazizi, a man who had [...]
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Where Does Occupy Wall Street Go From Here?
Posted on23. Nov, 2011 by Michael Moore.

…a proposal from Michael Moore Dear Friends, This past weekend I participated in a four-hour meeting of Occupy Wall Street activists whose job it is to come up with the vision and goals of the movement. It was attended by 40+ people and the discussion was both inspiring and invigorating. Here is what we ended [...]
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A letter from Michael Moore
Posted on06. Nov, 2011 by Michael Moore.

Life Among the 1% … Dear Friends, Twenty-two years ago this coming Tuesday, I stood with a group of factory workers, students and the unemployed in the middle of the downtown of my birthplace, Flint, Michigan, to announce that the Hollywood studio, Warner Bros., had purchased the world rights to distribute my first movie, 'Roger [...]
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Book Review: Here Comes Trouble
Posted on23. Oct, 2011 by Michael Moore.

A Note from Michael Moore As my book, HERE COMES TROUBLE, wraps up its third god-awfully awesome week on the New York Times bestseller list, and tens of thousands of you have now read it or are reading it, I'd like to take this moment to first thank you for buying it, borrowing it, or [...]