Archive by Author
Class Acts: A Power Game
Posted on19. Oct, 2012 by Len Hart.

An eclectic embrace of music, art, literature with special emphasis on the creme de la creme of pop, jazz, rock, country, concert, folk, and film scores. 1984 – Full Movie by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy Margaret Atwood called George W. Bush, the greatest threat to world peace to date! What Atwood didn't mention was that Bushco [...]
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On Liberty: More Relevant Than Ever
Posted on12. Oct, 2012 by Len Hart.

by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy In his classic essay "On Liberty", John Stuart Mill deals with the issue of "civil liberties" –not the metaphysical issue of "free will". While most attacks on civil liberties have historically occurred from the right within the context of a tyrannical or an aristocratic rule, Mill deals with threats against [...]
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America Falling!
Posted on30. Aug, 2012 by Len Hart.

How Steinbeck 'Predicted' a Decline and Fall of America by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy There are MANY differences between the GOP and Democrats! Enough to write books about! Why, then, has the meme taken hold that there are no differences between the parties? That's found in 'Right Wing Campaigning 101', better known as a [...]
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Fatal Holes that Sink Bush’s 911 Lie
Posted on01. Mar, 2012 by Len Hart.

Our only consolation is that the FATAL holes in the theory are so large that not even BIG BRO can plug them up. The people themselves could help the cause of TRUTH by honing some elementary skills to include the refusal to SWALLOW utter junk that By Len Hart History is being re-written as we [...]
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The Ominous Implications of Corporate-Personhood for ‘Libertarians’
Posted on18. Feb, 2012 by Len Hart.

By Len Hart I do not and cannot support the Libertarian party. Primarily –if the libertarian position re: taxation had been the rule, FDR could NEVER have spent the U.S. out of the GREAT DEPRESSION. Think of how fortunate we were to have had a great President in office! Think of how disastrous our fate [...]
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It Takes Courage to Leave the GOP Cult
Posted on06. Feb, 2012 by Len Hart.

By Len Hart The GOP is not a political party. It is a crime syndicate, to be sure, but also evinces characterisitcs of a kooky cult. I say that based upon my experience as a young man who got an education from 'inside the GOP'. I consulted them but stopped for reasons of conscience. I [...]
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Fox News Lies Exposed
Posted on02. Feb, 2012 by Len Hart.

By Len Hart The morons and idiots on FOX are hyperventilating! They accuse Democrats of reading and (GASP) practicing the strategies and tactics recommended by Saul Alinsky, a Chicago based neighborhood activist, liberal organizer, advocate of progressive issues. I've seen it all before! A seemingly breathless GOPPER risks hyperventilating while pointing an accusing finger at [...]
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AA Exposes Bush’s ‘Big Lie’: Flight 11 DID NOT FLY on 911!
Posted on31. Jan, 2012 by Len Hart.

Conan Doyle, the brilliant creator of the character Sherlock Holmes, said: "When you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains however implausible must be the truth!" You can, therefore, eliminate Bush's official conspiracy theory of 911! It is not only impossible, it's absurd and insulting to intelligent people! By Len Hart American Airlines itself is the [...]
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US Elections May be in Violation of the 14th Amendment
Posted on30. Jan, 2012 by Len Hart.

By Len Hart The ideal of 'one man, one vote' has NEVER been achieved. If your VOTE does not carry the same weight as does the vote of someone else, then YOUR rights under the 14th have been violated! For example, it is possible that a Presidential candidate could get a greater number of popular [...]
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Deceptive, Dubious and Dishonest Origins of Corporate Personhood
Posted on26. Jan, 2012 by Len Hart.

By Len Hart The origins of 'corporate personhood' are dubious, suspicious! 'Corporate personhood' derived from an informal note from a CLERK: "The defendant Corporations are persons within the intent of the clause in section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which forbids a State to deny to any person [...]